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The Birds API allows people to retrieve info about birds.




Returns all birds, filtered by the 'scientificName' and 'vernacularName' GET filters.


Parameter Type Required Description Values Default
scientificName GET Optional The scientific name to filter birds by. This filter is ANDed with the 'vernacularName' filter (if applied). Any text NULL
vernacularName GET Optional The vernacular name to filter birds by. This filter is ANDed with the 'scientificName' filter (if applied). Any text NULL


Type: application/json

A JSON object that complies with the JSON API standard (

Status Code Meaning
200 Successfully queried birds.
401 Invalid API key provided.
405 Invalid request HTTP method.

Example Success Response




Returns info about the Bird entity associated with the given ID.


Parameter Type Required Description Values Default
bird-id URL_SLUG Required The ID of the Bird entity to retrieve. Any positive integer NULL


Type: application/json

A JSON object that complies with the JSON API standard (

Status Code Meaning
200 Successfully queried specified bird.
401 Invalid API key provided.
404 No bird was found for the provided ID.
405 Invalid request HTTP method.

Example Success Response