Digital Object Type Rare birds documentation form
Content DM Link https://n2t.net/ark:/87292/w9pz51p5v
Type Text
Description Rare bird documentation form for one to two Greater Scaups at Big Creek State Park in Polk County, IA on May 17, 1988.
Related Genres Field notes
Sort Date 1988-05-17 - 1988-05-27
People / Organizations
Time 10:05 AM
Rights This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. However, for this Item, either (a) no rights-holder(s) have been identified or (b) one or more rights-holder(s) have been identified but none have been located. If you have any information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder(s) please notify the Iowa State University Library Digital Initiatives Program (digital@iastate.edu). (Rightsstatements.org InC-RUU 1.0). The original object is available at the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (archives@iastate.edu).
Data Access Rights http://vertnet.org/resources/norms.html
Data License http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
Collection Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Box 33
Folder 10
Contributing Institution Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Creator / Author Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Contributors Fix, Andrew S.
Topics Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Birds Greater Scaup
Locations Big Creek State Park
Verbatim Locality Big Creek State Park, Polk Co.
Location Remarks The documentation forms do not include georeferences
Habitat with other ducks near muddy area at north end of lake
Extent 1 page
Language(s) eng
Bibliographic Citation
Information Withheld
Individual Count 1
Occurrence Remarks The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Andrew Fix. | Elimination of similar species: Lesser Scaup eliminated above. The birds were bigger than nearby Blue-winged Teal, but smaller than a Mallard. Identified the bird as a Greater Scaup by the very large, almost spatulate bill, very wide bill nail, large size compared to a Mallard (the bird wasn't much smaller than the Mallard), rounded head (not peaked like a Lesser Scaup), and white wing stripe extending on to the primaries (seen when the bird preened). | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:05:00/10:22:00.
Occurrence Status present
Field Number
Event Remarks Viewing Conditions: Viewing conditions were excellent. The birds were very close providing excellent views. Estimated viewing distance was 40-50 yards at the most. I used a Buschnell 20-45x spotting scope.
Supporting Documentation
Date Digital 27 Nov 2017
File Type image/jpeg
Hardware / Software Epson - sheet feed