Digital Object Type Rare birds documentation form
Content DM Link https://n2t.net/ark:/87292/w9445hf6r
Type Text
Description Records Committee review of a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper at Coralville Reservoir in Johnson County, IA on October 14, 1990. Includes a record review document with votes, two articles in Iowa Bird Life, and five documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Related Genres Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Sort Date 1990-10-14 - 1993-07-17
People / Organizations
Time 9:20 AM
Rights This complex item has mixed rights protection. Portions in which Iowa State University is the copyright holder are made available for non-commercial use, including sharing and adapting the work. No permission is required for non-commercial use to these portions so long as attribution is provided. All other uses of these portions, including commercial, require permission from the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (archives@iastate.edu). (CC BY-NC 4.0 International). Portions in which Iowa State University is not the copyright holder are believed to be under copyright, but either (a) no rights-holder(s) have been identified or (b) one or more rights-holder(s) have been identified but none have been located. If you have any information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder(s) please notify the Iowa State University Library Digital Initiatives Program (digital@iastate.edu). (Rightsstatements.org InC-RUU 1.0). The original object is available at the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (archives@iastate.edu).
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Collection Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Box 10
Folder 4
Contributing Institution Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Creator / Author Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Contributors Thompson, Carol A. Johnson, Ann Pinkston, Randall, 1956- Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Fuller, James L
Topics Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Birds Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Locations Coralville Lake
Verbatim Locality w. of Greencastle corner, Coralville Res., Johnson Co., Iowa
Location Remarks The documentation forms do not include georeferences
Habitat wet marshy area with low vegetation and mud flats.
Extent 12 pages
Language(s) eng
Bibliographic Citation
Information Withheld
Individual Count 1
Occurrence Remarks The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Ann Johnson, Jim Fuller, Carol Thompson, and Randy Pinkston were submitted. Other observers include Jane Huntington, James Huntington, Jim Sandrock, John Cordell, John Daniel, Mary Noble, Ken Lowder, and Tim Schantz. | Elimination of similar species: The only other species worthy of consideration is Pectoral Sandpiper. The most distinctive feature is the plain, cinnamon-buff breast without bib line or streaking centrally. The soft breast color shaded off evenly to the lower belly and throat. Some pectorals had very week [sic] breast markings, but on close inspection all had streaks and a sharp bib line. The solid rusty cap differed from any pectorals; some pectorals appeared a bit rusty on the cap, but some streaking was seen on such individuals. The eye line appeared white, and it dropped and widened posteriorly. Some pectorals had light eye lines but they were off-white, less distinct, and straighter. The juvenile feathers of the upper parts were edged with rufous; this was especially prominent on the tertials. Some pectorals appeared to have rusty edging on the tertials, but this was dependent on lighting and at least one rufous appearing pectoral had the color more in the center of the feathers with grayer edging. The gray smudging on the undertail coverts I saw once and only had a glance at a nearby pectoral for comparison, so I am not very confident of this mark. | The original documentation form event lasted from 09:20:00/09:25:00, 09:55:00/10:00:00, and intermittently 16:15:00/17:00:00.
Occurrence Status present
Field Number 1990-29
Event Remarks Viewing Conditions: overcast in a.m., mostly sunny in p.m., most sightings were at an estimated 30 to 40 yards, used 20x scope with some views through Kowa with zoom.
Supporting Documentation National Geographic Society. National geographic field guide to the birds of North America. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society. | Kaufmann K. Kaufman field guide to advanced birding. Peterson Field Guide Series. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Date Digital 23 May 2017
File Type image/jpeg
Hardware / Software Epson - sheet feed