Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Anhinga at Little Sioux River, 1995
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of an Anhinga at the old channel of the Little Sioux River in Monona County, IA, northwest of Turin, on May 16, 1995. Includes a record review document with votes and two documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Kelly, Liesl
084N044W 08
closed channel of Little SIoux, surrounded by 10m wide area of trees; water with snags
The documentation form by Liesl Kelly is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Another documentation form by Laura M. Myers was submitted later. | Elimination of similar species: Other colored heron species were possible but the bird sighted had | The original documentation form event lasted from 14:30:00/14:35:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Anhinga at Oto, 1995
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for an Anhinga at Oto in Woodbury County, IA on May 21, 1995. Includes a record review document with votes and a documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Petersen, Peter C.
1/2 mi. S.E. Oto, IA - Woodbury,Co.
small pond along river floodplain
The documentation form by Peter C. Petersen is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Mary Lou Petersen and Jim Sinclair. | Elimination of similar species: Cormorant - smaller, shorter neck, hooked bill, shorter tail, plumage either brownish or black, no neck upper chest brown only pattern in any plumage. African Darter shows brown in wing in all plumages. | The original documentation form event lasted from 12:05:00/12:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for Anhinga at Lake Darling State Park, 1996
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for an Anhinga at Lake Darling State Park in Washington County, IA on September 17, 1996. Includes a record review document with votes, an article in the Iowa Bird Life, an article from the Loon, correspondence by mail and e-mail, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Lake Darling State Park
Lake Darling S.P., Washington Co.
soaring high over lake
The documentation form by Stephen J. Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Cormorants are the only birds likely to be confused with an Anhinga. I have seen thousands of Double-crested Cormorants and I have never seen one soar in this manner. Also, a Double-created Cormorant has a neck which is always longer than the tail (in flight) and looks conspicuously large-headed and thick-necked when seen overhead. Neotropic Cormorant is much smaller and, although it is longer-tailed than a Double-crested, the tail is still shorter than the neck in flight. | The original documentation form event lasted from 16:42:00/16:50:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for bird sighting of Magnificent Frigatebird at Clear Lake, 1988
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a Magnificent Frigatebird at Clear Lake in Gordo County, IA on September 25, 1988. Includes a record review document with votes, articles from American Birds and Iowa Bird Life, and nine documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Walter, Janice L.
Magnificent Frigatebird
Clear Lake
Crane Street on south shore of Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa
Residential area on wooded lakeshore
The documentation form by Jan L. Walter is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Steve Dinsmore, Jim Dinsmore, Peter Petersen, Beth Proescholdt, Mark Proescholdt, Jim Fuller, Thomas H. Kent, and Mike Thomas were submitted later. Other observers include Joel Hanes, Daryl Hansen, Patricia Hansen, Jim Walter, Mary Lou Petersen, Ann Barker, Francis Moore, Eugene Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, Bob Myers, Jim Sinclair, and Beth Brown. | Elimination of similar species: Size, wing length and shape, long forked tail, white breast on an otherwise all black bird are diagnostic of female Magnificent Frigatebird. | The original documentation form event lasted from 11:20:00/11:26:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Magnificent Frigatebird at Red Rock Reservoir, 1988
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc Wildlife conservation
Rare birds documentation form
Record Committee review of a Magnificent Frigatebird at Red Rock Reservoir in Marion County on October 2, 1988. Includes a record review document with votes, an article from Iowa Bird Life, an introductory letter from Ann Johnson, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
DeVore, Dawn L.
Magnificent Frigatebird
Lake Red Rock
Behind Visitor Center at Lake Red Rock, Marion Co., IA
Freshwater lake shore
The documentation form by Dawn L. DeVore is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: After getting the bird book, I took my knowledge of the birds in the area and my mental picture and went to work. I ruled out the turkey vulture because the bird was too streamlined like a tern. I looked at the terns, soon realizing that there were no almost completely black terns. Thus I turned to the gulls. I knew it had to be a water area type bird because of its body and bill shape. Remembering the bill I quickly ruled out the gulls. Thus I turned to the cormorants but the tail was wrong, the neck was too long and more so the cormorant was out of the picture. Thinking I recalled hearing about a sighting of a rare bird in Iowa, only the night before had I looked at an outline of its body shape. Bingo! That was it! The shapes matched but what was the name? I went through the bird section page by page. Then there it was - the Magnificent Frigatebird. This was it; almost all black, large yet streamlined, "forked" or V shaped "tail", and that unique bill. Then the fact that the bird I saw had no red and two side by side white breast areas confirmed that it was a female Magnificent Frigatebird. | The original documentation form event lasted from 12:45:00/12:50:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Magnificent Frigatebird at Red Rock Reservoir, 1988
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc Wildlife conservation
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a Magnificent Frigatebird at Red Rock Reservoir in Marion County, IA on October 3, 1988. Includes a record review document with votes, an article Iowa Bird Life, two pages from Iowa Birdlife by Gladys Black, internal correspondence on the sighting, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Youngblut, David
Magnificent Frigatebird
Lake Red Rock
Red Rock Reservoir
The documentation form by David Youngblut is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Gladys Black. | The original documentation form event lasted from 17:00:00/17:30:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Tricolored Heron at Cone Marsh, 1989
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc Wildlife conservation
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a Tricolored Heron at Cone Marsh, Louisa County, IA on April 29, 1989. Includes record review documents with votes, articles in Iowa Bird Life and the Loon, maps of Tri-Colored Heron sightings and breeding areas, correspondence about the sighting from Ross Silcock to Carl Bendorf, from to Dick Shaffer to Thomas H. Kent, from Bruce Peterjohn to Thomas H. Kent and committee votes, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Tricolored Heron
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Cone M., Louise Co., IA
The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Dick Shaffer. | Elimination of similar species: Size and white belly eliminate other herons. Apparently an immature or non-breeding plumaged adult. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:50:00/10:59:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Tricolored Heron at IPL Ponds, 1991
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a Tricolored Heron at the Iowa Power and Light settling ponds, in Council Bluffs, IA on May 4, 1991. Includes a record review document with votes, an Iowa Bird Life article, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Greer, Janet
Tricolored Heron
MidAmerican Energy Ponds
Iowa Power and Light settling ponds, Council Bluffs, IA
The documentation form by Janet Greer is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Marge Graf, Dutch Graf, and Mary Jo Harlow. | Elimination of similar species: Great Blue Heron: Eliminated by bill color, rusty feathers on the breast, white belly and leg color, and dark face and crown. Little Blue Heron: Eliminated by size, rusty wing coverts, and white chin. | The original documentation form event lasted from 11:30:00/12:40:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Reddish Egret at Colfax, 1993
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a Reddish Egret at Colfax in Jasper County, IA on September 5, 1993. Includes a record review document with votes, a photo, an article in Iowa Bird Life, and ten documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Cummins, Raymond L.
Reddish Egret
1 mi. west of Colfax IA. Jasper Co.
Flood water pool of the Skunk River
The documentation form by Ray Cummins is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Tim Schantz, Peter C. Petersen, Ann Johnson, Gerald White, Ross Silcock, Thomas H. Kent, Pam Allen, Jim Fuller, Randy Pinkston, and Chris Edwards were submitted later. Other observers include Chuck Fuller, Jim Scheib, Kelly McKay, Dan Dorrance, Jim Sinclair, Hank Zaletel, Reid Allen, Dick Tetrault, D. Thompson, D. and V. Hendrickson, Ella Moeller and Jean Moeller, Kenneth R. Nelson, Rita Goranson, Carolyn Fisher, and Jan Walter. | Elimination of similar species: Little Blue Heron adult would have darker body and neck with no brown tones. | The original documentation form event lasted from 17:00:00/18:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Black-crowned Night-Heron at Polk City, 1997
Administrative records Field notes Photographs
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for a Black-crowned Night-Heron at Polk City Wildlife Area in Polk County, IA on December 21, 1997. Includes a record review document with votes, a photo and two documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Johnson, Ann
Black-crowned Night Heron
Polk City Wildlife Area
Polk City Wildlife Area, Polk Co., IA
The documentation form by Ann Johnson is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Another documentation form by Stephen J. Dinsmore was submitted later. Other observers include Aaron Brees and Phil Walsh. | Elimination of similar species: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was eliminated by the boldness of the markings on both the upper and underparts of the body and by the leg extension in flight. | The documentation form event occurred at approximately 09:30:00
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Black-crowned Night-Heron at Cedar Lake, 1998
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for a Black-crowned Night-Heron at Cedar Lake in Linn County, IA on January 2, 1998. Includes one record review document with votes and a documentation form.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Black-crowned Night Heron
Cedar Lake
Cedar Lake, Cedar Rapis, Linn Co., IA
Large round backwater lake kept open by output from Quaker Oats Plant. The lake was half frozen two days ago, but two warm days made it ice free.
The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: The short legs and large rounded head with thick neck are the main features that distinguish immature Black-crowned from Yellow-crowned Night-Herons. The round white dots on the upper wing are supposed to be more prominent on the Black-crowned, but this is difficult for me to judge. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:05:00/13:30:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Otter Creek Marsh, 1981
Administrative records Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a species of Ibis (White-faced or Glossy) at Otter Creek Marsh in Tama County, IA on May 1, 1981. Includes a record review document with votes and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Proescholdt, Beth
Glossy Ibises
Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge
Otter Creek Marsh - South Central Tama County
Otter Creek Marsh - in the area where water had apparently been let out to form mud flats, interspersed with very shallow water
The documentation form by Beth Proescholdt is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Phyllis Harris, Garnita Seward, and Ramona Sommerlot. | Elimination of similar species: Curlew - but not correct shape for a curlew. White ibis - wrong color. | The original documentation form event lasted from 18:00:00/18:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Eldridge, 1981
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for a species of Ibis at Eldridge in Scott County, IA on September 2, 1981. Includes a record review document with votes, a summary of the review, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Blevins, Lewis D.
Glossy Ibis
1/2 mile north Eldridge, Scott County Iowa
wading bird area.
The documentation form by Lewis D. Blevins is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: The only other specie offering same characteristics would be the white-faced Glossy Ibis. This was eliminated by answer to question 6 [blue coloration at the base of the bill]. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:00:00/13:10:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Lake View, 1975
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for two species of Ibis at Lake view in Sac County, IA on May 9, 1975. Includes a record review document with votes, an Iowa Bird Life article, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Jones, Glenn E.
Glossy Ibises
Lake View
3 mi. S of west Ridge of Lake View, Sac. Co., Iowa
marshy - a grazed out pasture - wet at this time - usually grazed in June and July
The documentation form by Glenn E. Jones is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Ed Weiner and Mark Bohemayer. | Elimination of similar species: Little green heron. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:00:00/16:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Lake View, 1976
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of two Ibises at Lake View in Sac Co. on April 19, 1976 and May 9, 1975. Includes a record review document with votes, two Iowa Bird Life articles, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Jones, Glenn E.
Glossy Ibises
Lake View
3 mi. S of West ridge of Lake View, Sac. Co., Iowa
marshy - a grazed out pasture - wet at this time - usually grazed in June and July
The documentation form by Glenn E. Jones is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Mark Bohemayer and Ed Weiner. | Elimination of similar species: Little green heron. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:00:00/16:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Bays Branch, 1977
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of an Ibis species at Bays Branch in Guthrie County, IA on May 1, 1977. Includes a record review document with votes, an article from Iowa Bird Life, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Burns, R. E. (Rollin Eugene)
Glossy Ibises
Bays Branch State Wildlife Area
The middle road of Bays Branch (Guthrie County-Iowa)
Reeds, some water grasses, and water holes.
The documentation form by Gene Burns is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Another observer was Marilyn Burns. | Elimination of similar species: I had not seen any similar species in this area heretofore, so all were eliminated. | The original documentation form event lasted from 14:15:00/14:17:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Sweet Marsh, 1978
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of six birds (Ibis species) at Sweet Marsh in Bremer County, IA on April 29, 1978. Includes a record review document with votes, an article in Iowa Bird Life, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Schaufenbuel, Joseph P.
Glossy Ibises
Sweet Marsh
Sweet Marsh, which is located one mile East of Tripoli, Bremer Co., Iowa
The ibis settled down in a cattail marsh which covered several hundred acres. Apparently they prefered shallow water openings in the cattails. Sweet Marsh has a variety of habitats including open water, grassy marsh and cattail marsh.
The documentation form by Joe Schaufenbuel is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Larry Farmer. | Elimination of similar species: None of the herons or cranes has a curved beak, and none as far as I know exhibit the alternately flapping and gliding flight. | The original documentation form event lasted from 18:00:00/19:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Churdan, 1978
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of an Ibis (species unknown) at Churdan in Greene County, IA on April 21, 1978. Includes a record review document with votes, an Iowa Bird Life article, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Towan, Dan
Glossy Ibises
1 mile North, 2 1/4 miles past of Churdan, Iowa
creek pasture, non-timbered, no trees for 1/4 mile. Creek bayou (old bed), some vegetation [... illegible]
The documentation form by Dan Towan is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Great Blue Heron ; the Great Blue Heron is the only [... illegible] it's not even close. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:30:00/11:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Colo, 1978
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a bird (Ibis species) at Colo in Story County on September 24, 1978. Includes a record review document with votes, an Iowa Bird Life article, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Zaletel, Hank
Glossy Ibises
2 1/2 miles east of Colo on old highway 30 in a flooded field
flooded field, marsh grass and mud flat
The documentation form by Hank Zaletel is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Linda Zaletel, Jim Dinsmore and Woodward Brown. | The original documentation form event lasted from 18:00:00/18:30:00 and the second sighting on October 1 from 14:30:00/15:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Otter Creek Marsh, 1983
Administrative records Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of two birds (Ibis species) at Otter Creek Marsh in Tama County, IA on September 27, 1983. Includes a record review document with votes, a summary of the records review, a hand-written description of the birds, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Moore, Francis L.
Glossy Ibises
Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge
Otter Creek Marsh near Chelsea, Tama Co., N.E. side of marsh
Marshy, low water amoung cattails between two Northern dikes.
The documentation form by Francis L. Moore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Bob Myers and Ed Weiner. | Elimination of similar species: White ibis is not this dark even in immature plumage. All dark colored heron do not have long decurved bill like these birds. | The original documentation form event lasted from 12:15:00/13:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis species at Louisa National Wildlife Refuge, 1984
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of two birds (Ibis species) at Louisa National Wildlife Refuge in Louisa County, IA on June 11, 1984. Includes a record review document with votes and two documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Stanley, A. Wayne
Glossy Ibises
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge - Louisa Division
The starting point was on the northeast corner of Moist Soil Unit number one, Louisa National Wildlife Refuge, Louisa County, Iowa
The documentation form by Wayne Stanley and Leroy Hovell is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Another documentation form by Leroy Hovell was submitted later. Other observers include Chuck H. Bartenhagen, Philip R. Earnest, Sarah M. Cross, Ramona R. Haight, Ginger A. Malcom, Chris Weyrick, and Bill Knapp. | The original documentation form event occurred after 09:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ibis Species at Cone Marsh, 1990
Administrative records Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of a bird (Ibis species) at Cone Marsh in Louisa Co, IA on April 23, 1990. Includes a record review document with votes and three documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Petersen, Peter C.
Glossy Ibises
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area
N.E. Corner of Cone Marsh, Louisa Co., IA
Marsh & Mud Flat, shore areas
The documentation form by Peter C. Petersen is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Carl J. Bendorf and Jim Fuller were submitted later. Other observers include Ken Lowder, Ann Barker, John Daniels, Jim Sieh, Cal Knight, Bernie Knight, Brian Blevins, and Rick Hollis. | Elimination of similar species: White-faced Ibis, which was present for direct comparison, had a wide white facial border around a reddish-brown facial patch, eye seemed red but distance was a bit far to be positive, legs were uniformly reddish brown, bill darker and more reddish & bird seemed a bit smaller. | The original documentation form event lasted from 08:30:00/09:40:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of White Ibis at Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area, 1995.
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of an White Ibis at Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area in Johnson County, IA on September 5, 1995. Includes a record review document with votes, a photo, an article from North American Birds, an article from Iowa Bird Life, and five documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Edwards, Chris
White Ibis
Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area
Hawkeye Wildlife Area (Coralville Reservoir), Johnson Co.
Muddy shoreline.
The documentation form by Chris Edwards is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Jim Fuller, Thomas H. Kent, Stephen J. Dinsmore, and Peter C. Petersen were submitted later. Other observers include Tim Schantz, James Huntington, Jim Scheib, Cal Knight, and Bernie Knight. | Elimination of similar species: Glossy Ibis and White-faced Ibis have dark underparts and dark bills. | The original documentation form event lasted from 17:10:00/17:25:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Glossy Ibis at Riverton Area, 1995
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of two Glossy Ibis at Riverton Area in Fremont County, IA on May 18, 1995. Includes a record review document with votes, two photos, an article in Iowa Bird Life, and four documentation forms submitted to the committee.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
White Ibis
Riverton Wildlife Management Area
Riverton A., Fremont Co., IA
Controlled water area long Nishnabotna River and flooded fields.
The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent is the earliest and the one that forms the basis of this record. Other documentation forms by Jim Fuller, Babs Padelford, Loren Padelford, and Ross Silcock were submitted later. Other observers include Dick Tetrault, B.J. Rose, and Doug Rose. | Elimination of similar species: An immature White-faced Ibis could lack the red eye, red legs, and white facial feathering of an adult and be confused with a Glossy Ibis. An immature white-faced would lack the blue facial skin and would likely show some brownish feathers. The color differences were clear-cut and observed under identical viewing condition. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:30:00/13:40:00, 14:20:00/15:25:00, and, on May 19 from 08:40:00/08:45:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of White-faced Ibis at Lake Manawa, 1981
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review of fourteen White-faced Ibis at Lake Manawa in Pottawattamie County, IA on May 13, 1981. Includes a record review document with votes, an Iowa Bird Life article, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
White-faced Ibis
Lake Manawa
Lake Manawa, Pottawattamie Co., IA
large round lake - south west corner of L. Manawa near point with parking area
The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent is only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Ross Silcock. | Elimination of similar species: Glossy Ibis - all had red face patch and complete white outline of white-faced. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:25:00/13:45:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166