Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Rathbun Lake Fish Hatchery, 1984
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Rathbun Lake Fish Hatchery in Appanoose County, IA on December 15, 1984.
Heusinkveld, Bill
Long-tailed Duck
Rathbun Fish Hatchery
Settling pond below Rathbun Lake Fish Hatchery
On water
The documentation form by Bill Heusinkveld is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Ray Cummins, Mark Hoffman, Marjorie Heusinkveld, Bill Cummins, Jim Ellis, and Paul Egeland. | Elimination of similar species: No similar species. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:10:00/13:25:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir, 1985
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir in Polk County, IA on November 10, 1985.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Long-tailed Duck
Saylorville Lake
Saylorville Reservoir, Polk County
large man-made reservoir
The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: All other ducks eliminated by the small size, largely white head and body, dark wings and stubby bill. | The original documentation form event lasted from 15:00:00/15:50:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa, 1986
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa in Pottawattamie County, IA on March 15, 1986.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Long-tailed Duck
Lake Manawa
Lake, Manawa, Pottawatamie [sic] Co.
large lake
The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Loren Padelford, Babs Padelford, and Ross Silcock. | Elimination of similar species: no other small duck has white 'goggles' and so much white on the body. | The original documentation form event lasted from 13:00:00/14:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa, 1986
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa in Pottawattamie County, IA on March 15, 1986.
Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren
Long-tailed Duck
Lake Manawa
Lake Manawa, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
The documentation form by Loren J. Padelford and Barbara K. Padelford is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Ross Silcock, Steve Dinsmore, Tanya Bray, and Jerry Toll. | Elimination of similar species: none. | The original documentation form event lasted from 09:00:00/09:30:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir, 1986
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir in Polk County, IA on November 10, 1986.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Long-tailed Duck
Saylorville Lake
Saylorville Reservoir, Polk Co.
large lake
The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: No other duck shows this color pattern. | The original documentation form event lasted from 15:45:00/15:55:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir, 1986
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir in Polk County, IA on November 28, 1986.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Long-tailed Duck
Saylorville Lake
Saylorville Reservoir, Polk Co. (near Jester Park)
large lake
The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: No other duck shows so much white color and a stubby, dark bill. | The original documentation form event lasted from 15:50:00/16:05:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir, 1988
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Saylorville Reservoir in Polk County, IA on April 29, 1988.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Long-tailed Duck
Saylorville Lake
Saylorville Reservoir, Polk Co.
swimming with coots and Bonaparte's Gulls on large lake
The documentation form by Steve Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Eugene Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, and Bery Engebretsen. | Elimination of similar species: No other duck has the white 'goggle', stubby bill, and dark underwings that this bird showed. | The original documentation form event lasted from 17:13:00/19:05:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa, 1988
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Lake Manawa in Pottawattamie County, IA on October 24, 1988.
Grenon, Alan G.
Long-tailed Duck
Lake Manawa
west-central part of Lake Manawa, Pottawattamie County, Iowa
open water and the air over open water
The documentation form by Alan Grenon is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Babs Padelford, Loren Padelford, Ruth Green, Betty Grenon, and Bruce Wetteroth. | Elimination of similar species: This duck was similar in size or slightly larger than nearby Lesser Scaup; most of the bird was a brown slightly lighter than female Lesser Scaup, and without mottling patters. Among ducks that have considerable white on the face, few have white around the eye and extending back to the nape. This eliminates the scoters (also, the bill did not seem large or deep enough for most scoters), Harlequin Duck, Bufflehead, goldeneyes, Smew, scaup, and Northern Pintail (which might have a similar plumage, but with white lower on the neck and side of neck, patterning on the body, speculum, and more differences). Unmarked bill and wing eliminate aberrant Ring-necked Duck and scaup, respectively, and also other divers with contrasting wing markings (including Bufflehead, goldeneyes). The possibility of an aberrant Harlequin Duck exists, but that seems less likely than a young Long-tailed Duck at this location. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:15:00/11:15:00 and 17:00:00/18:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at MidAmerican Energy Ponds, 1989
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at MidAmerican Energy Ponds in Pottawattamie County, IA on October 29, 1989.
Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren
Long-tailed Duck
MidAmerican Energy Ponds
Iowa Power & Light North Settling Pond, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa
The documentation form by Babs and Loren Padelford is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Small duck, smaller than Redhead ducks and much smaller than Black Scoter, both present for direct comparison. | The original documentation form event lasted from 11:30:00/12:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Red Rock Reservoir, 1991
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Red Rock Reservoir in Marion County, IA on March 3, 1991.
Schmitz, Dick
Long-tailed Duck
Lake Red Rock
Near Southern shore of Red rock Res. 1/4 mile E. of Hwy 14 Bridge over the Reservoir.
Open water 50m from shore
The documentation form by Dick Schmitz is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Donna Schmitz. | Elimination of similar species: Very distinctive field marks - no need to eliminate among species. | The original documentation form event occurred around 14:30:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Carter Lake, 1991
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Carter Lake in Pottawattamie County, IA on March 3, 1991.
Bray, Tanya
Long-tailed Duck
Carter Lake
Carter Lake, Omaha, Douglas County and Pottawattamie County, Ia
The documentation form by Tanya E. Bray is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Alan Grenon, Jerry Toll, Babs Padelford, and Loren Padelford. | Elimination of similar species: Small size, whitish head, black and pink bill, dark body distinguishes this bird from all other diving ducks. | The original documentation form event lasted from 14:30:00/15:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Pleasant Creek Lake, 1992
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at Pleasant Creek Lake in Linn County, IA on May 3, 1992.
Pinkston, Randall, 1956-
Long-tailed Duck
Pleasant Creek State Park
west end of Pleasant Creek Lake, Linn Co., Iowa
open water in middle of lake
The documentation form by Randall Pinkston is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Unmistakable. | The original documentation form event occurred around five minutes.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Long-tailed Duck at Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge, 1995
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Long-tailed Duck at the Louisa Division of the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge in Louisa County, IA on April 26, 1995 sent in a letter from James Quinlivan to Peter C. Petersen to April 28, 1995.
Quinlivan, James
Long-tailed Duck
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge - Louisa Division
Louisa Division of the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge
The documentation form by Jim Quinlivan is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: It was definitely trimmer than the nearby scaup, and appeared slightly smaller. | The original documentation form event lasted from 09:00:00/09:10:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Hooded Merganser at Fraser Dam, 1999
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Hooded Merganser at Fraser Dam at Fraser in Boone County, IA on January 1, 1999.
Healy, Kevin Healy, Rosanne Niyo, Kayleen Gardner, Anna
Hooded Merganser
Des Moines River just below Fraser Dam
The documentation form by Kay Niyo, Rosanne Healy, Kevin Healy, and Anna Gardner is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Similar species could be Common Merganser, but the bird seen was much smaller with no white breast. Also, Bufflehead would have white on the breast and sides and white behind the eye and no crest. Redbreasted Merganser would be much larger than the bird seen and would have an orange bill and some white on breast. | The original documentation form event lasted from 09:30:00/09:50:00 and 13:30:00/13:40:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Hooded Merganser at Willow Slough, 1978
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Hooded Merganser at Willow Slough in Mills County, IA on June 4, 1978.
Wilson, Barbara L.
Hooded Merganser
Willow Slough State Game Management Area
Willow Slough, Anderson Twp., Mills Co., Iowa
Lake, out near the middle, where there where tops of drowned weeds sticking out of the water.
The documentation form by Barbara L. Wilson is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Only mergansers have thin bills (of the ducks, that is). Only Hooded Mergansers have yellow bills or unpatterned heads. Shape and bill color eliminate the grebes. Size eliminates the loons. I really can't think of anything else it could be.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Common Merganser at Sand Point in Coralville Reservoir in 1992
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Rare bird documentation form for a Common Merganser at Sand Point in Coralville Reservoir in Johnson County, IA on May 25 and 30, 1992.
Pinkston, Randall, 1956-
Common Merganser
Sand Point
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Red-breasted Merganser at Willow Slough, 1978
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Red-breasted Merganser at Willow Slough in Mills County, IA on June 4, 1978.
Wilson, Barbara L.
Red-breasted Merganser
Willow Slough State Game Management Area
Willow Slough, Anderson Township., Mills Co., Iowa.
open water on a lake, near shore
The documentation form by Barbara L. Wilson is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: This was no Common Merganser. This bird's throat color was light and so unsharp in its border that the color really started fading at the crown to get to the light of the throat.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Red-breasted Merganser at Coralville Reservoir, 1990
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Red-breasted Merganser at Coralville Reservoir in Johnson County, IA on October 1, 1990.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Red-breasted Merganser
Coralville Lake
Babcock Access, Coralville Res., Johnson Co., IA
Reservoir, shallow water
The documentation form by Thomas H. Kent is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: The bill and general shape identified the bird as a merganser. The bill was much too long and big for a hooded. The head size, shape, and crest; white throat and breast and wing bar; and size are that of red-breasted rather than Common Merganser. | The original documentation form event lasted from 17:30:00/18:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Details of sighting on Cedar Falls-Waterloo Christmas Bird count held December 20, 1998
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Rare bird sighting details for Red-breasted Merganser during the Cedar Falls-Waterloo Christmas Bird Count in Black Hawk County, IA on December 20, 1998.
Red-breasted Merganser
Cedar Falls Waterloo
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Red-breasted Merganser, 12-20-98, Kelly J. McKay
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes written by Kelly J. McKay detailing the sighting of a Red-breasted Merganser at Lock and Dam 14 in Scott County, IA on December 20, 1998.
McKay, Kelly
Red-breasted Merganser
Lock and Dam 14
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Ruddy Duck at Willow Slough, 1980
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Ruddy Duck at Willow Slough in Mills County, IA on April 12, 1980.
Wilson, Barbara L.
Ruddy Duck
Willow Slough State Game Management Area
Willow Slough, Mills County, Iowa
The documentation form by Barb Wilson is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: Resembles a ruddy in size, shape, color of sides, + color of belly. However, it lacked any light color on the cheeks. I don't know a duck that normally has this pattern. | The original documentation form event occurred around 17:07:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Osprey at Coralville Reservoir, 1978
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Osprey at Coralville Reservoir in Johnson County, IA on December 16, 1978.
Staudt, Thomas J.
Coralville Lake
Coralville Reservoir, Swan Lake
Frozen shallow lake within a mile of open water, perched in tree over frozen lake, marsh
The documentation form by Thomas J. Staudt is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Carol Newlon as well as Mr. and Mrs. Brown. | Elimination of similar species: it was too small for a bald eagle. The light banding on tail, white top of head and solid white underbelly eliminate the red-tailed hawk. no white rump seen in flight so not likely to be marsh hawk. Again, the wingshape, long pointed not rounded eliminates any Buteo. | The original documentation form event lasted from 08:15:00/08:45:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Osprey at Swan Lake, 1978
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Osprey at Swan Lake in Johnson County, IA on December 16, 1978.
Newlon, Carol S.
Swan Lake
Farm just west of Swan Lake, I.C. Christmas Count circle
Sitting close to swan lake which was frozen - open water in the reservoir ~ 1/2 mile away.
The documentation form by Carol S. Newlon is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Tom Staudt and R. Williams. | Elimination of similar species: A marsh hawk would have shown a white rump when it flew and would not have had a white head w/ dark eye marks. An immature red tail would have had a belly band and no white on top of the head. A light phase rough leg would have had a belly band, no white on top of the head and a single dark terminal band on the tail. In addition the wings were longer & narrower in proportion to body size then a buteos. | The original documentation form event lasted from 08:00:00/08:15:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Osprey at Ingham Lake, 1984
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for an Osprey at Ingham Lake in Emmet County, IA on March 25, 1984.
White, Harold W.
Ingham Lake
1 mile North of Ingham Lake, Emmet County
Open farmland north of Ingham Lake
The documentation form by Harold White is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Joan Greene and Brad Bergeson. | Elimination of similar species: Immature bald eagle would be larger without crock in wings, white wing lining would not be as large an area. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:30:00/10:45:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Osprey at Goose Pond at Louisa National Wildlife Refuge in 1986
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Rare bird documentation form for two Ospreys at Goose Pond at Louisa National Wildlife Refuge in Louisa County, IA on December 8, 1986 and one Osprey on December 15, 1986.
McCarty, Chet
Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge - Louisa Division
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166