Continent North America
Water Body Roberts Creek
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Marion County
Latitude 41.40098
Longitude -93.05831
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Birds reported to Birdline, but not reported to IBL Rare bird documentation for Western Sandpiper at Roberts Creek area in Red Rock Reservoir, 1987 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, fall 1995 Iowa Birdline update, April 2, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, July 13, 1992 Iowa RBA, October 14-October 21, 1996
Related Birds Little Blue Heron Thayer's Gull Northern Goshawk Prairie Warbler Sandhill Crane Western Sandpiper Eastern Towhee Mute Swan Pacific Loon White-winged Scoter Peregrine Falcon Black-bellied Plover Ruby-crowned Kinglet Hermit Thrush Northern Waterthrush Bonaparte's Gull Turkey Vulture Brewer's Blackbird Lapland Longspur Smith's Longspur Field Sparrow Evening Grosbeak Red-breasted Merganser Ross' Goose Common Loon Gray Partridge Sora Tree Swallow Golden-crowned Kinglet Green-winged Teal Great-tailed Grackle Swainson's Hawk Western Grebe Western Kingbird Snowy Egret Solitary Sandpiper Acadian Flycatcher Northern Parula Short-billed Dowitcher Buff-breasted Sandpiper Great Egret American Avocet Prairie Falcon Ring-billed Gull Horned Grebe Franklin's Gull Cattle Egret Red Phalarope Sabine's Gull American Pipit Surf Scoter Sanderling Northern Saw-whet Owl
Related People Fuller, James L Dinsmore, Stephen J. Ballard, Bart M Proescholdt, Mark McFadden, Phil Proescholdt, Beth Widner, Russ Iowa Ornithologists' Union Brown, Beth Clark, Jane Fuller, Charles R.
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