Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Kossuth County
Latitude 43.49496
Longitude -94.36553
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Black Rail at State Line Marsh, 1994 Field reports, June 1 through July 31, 1994, Pam and Reid Allen Summer field reports, 1994, Eugene and Eloise Armstrong Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jim Fuller, Summer 1994 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Rita Goranson, Summer 1994 Field notes contributed by Dennis Henrickson, fall 1996 Iowa Birdline update, August 29, 1994 Iowa Birdline update, July 18, 1994 Iowa Birdline update, July 11, 1994 Iowa RBA, August 27, 1996
Related Birds Black Rail Least Bittern Fulvous Whistling-Duck Western Kingbird Pileated Woodpecker Great-tailed Grackle King Rail Virginia Rail Common Loon Northern Mockingbird Northern Harrier Little Blue Heron Common Moorhen Cattle Egret Least Tern Prothonotary Warbler Kentucky Warbler Willow Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Clay-colored Sparrow Orchard Oriole Wood Thrush Sedge Wren Blue-winged Warbler Ovenbird American Avocet Horned Grebe Grasshopper Sparrow Short-eared Owl Surf Scoter Hooded Merganser Black-bellied Plover Willet Ruddy Turnstone Stilt Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope Olive-sided Flycatcher Water Pipit Brewer's Blackbird Gray-cheeked Thrush American White Pelican Western Grebe Pacific Loon Snowy Egret Black-crowned Night Heron Buff-breasted Sandpiper Black-headed Gull American Bittern Snow Goose Sandhill Crane Bald Eagle Bell's Vireo Summer Tanager Yellow-breasted Chat Rufous Hummingbird Golden-winged Warbler Red Knot Red Phalarope Canada Warbler Blue Grosbeak Red Crossbill
Related People Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, Eugene Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Allen, Pam Allen, Reid I. Kenne, Matthew C. Fuller, James L Goranson, Rita Henrickson, Dennis Iowa Ornithologists' Union Dinsmore, Stephen J. Winebrinner, Ruth L. Winebrinner, Edward Calvin
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