Digital Object Type Rare birds documentation form
Content DM Link https://n2t.net/ark:/87292/w9wm13w39
Type Text
Description Rare bird documentation form for two Tundra Swans at Princeton Marsh in Scott County, IA on December 19, 1991.
Related Genres Field notes
Sort Date 1991-12-19 - 1992-01-09
People / Organizations
Time 10:00 AM
Rights This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. However, for this Item, either (a) no rights-holder(s) have been identified or (b) one or more rights-holder(s) have been identified but none have been located. If you have any information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder(s) please notify the Iowa State University Library Digital Initiatives Program (digital@iastate.edu). (Rightsstatements.org InC-RUU 1.0). The original object is available at the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (archives@iastate.edu).
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Collection Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Box 33
Folder 1
Contributing Institution Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Creator / Author Barker, Ann M.
Contributors Moeller, Donald W. Heysinger, Diann Carpenter, Bernie
Topics Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Birds Tundra Swan
Locations Princeton State Wildlife Management Area
Verbatim Locality Princeton Marsh 3/4 mi N of pumping station on dike
Location Remarks The documentation forms do not include georeferences
Habitat Patch of open water surrounded by ice - river backwater
Extent 1 page
Language(s) eng
Bibliographic Citation
Information Withheld
Individual Count 2
Occurrence Remarks The documentation form by Ann M. Barker is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Don Moeller, Diann Huysinger, and Bernie Carpenter. | Elimination of similar species: Trumpeter Swan - immature had definite pink at base of bill, Trumpeter immature would show black at base. Both were seen straight on; white of forehead at base of bill appeared to come down between the eyes, unlike the Trumpeter, whose bill appears more straight across between the eyes. Black of bill did not include the eye as it would in Trumpeter. Mute Swan - birds in question had no knob at base of bill and necks were held straight rather than curved. Secondaries not raised. | The original documentation form event lasted from 10:00:00/10:15:00.
Occurrence Status present
Field Number
Event Remarks Viewing Conditions: Good light, 200 yds? (approx); KOWA TSN4 scope + 20-60x zoom eyepiece
Supporting Documentation Robbins CS, Bruun B, Zim HS. Birds of North America: a guide to field identification. New York: Golden Guides from St. Martin's Press.
Date Digital 20 Nov 2017
File Type image/jpeg
Hardware / Software Epson - sheet feed