Digital Object Type Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Content DM Link https://n2t.net/ark:/87292/w9xk84r41
Type Text
Description List of birds and locations contributed by James J. Dinsmore with observers Stephen J. Dinsmore, Erwin E. Klaas, Peter B. Melde and others. The field notes include a detailed description of the Hudsonian Godwit. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1996.
Related Genres Field notes
Sort Date 1996-08-01 - 1996-11-30
People / Organizations
Rights This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. However, for this Item, either (a) no rights-holder(s) have been identified or (b) one or more rights-holder(s) have been identified but none have been located. If you have any information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder(s) please notify the Iowa State University Library Digital Initiatives Program (digital@iastate.edu). (Rightsstatements.org InC-RUU 1.0). The original object is available at the Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives (archives@iastate.edu).
Collection Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Box 27
Folder 3
Contributing Institution Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Creator / Author Dinsmore, James J.
Contributors Dinsmore, Stephen J. Edwards, David C. Crim, Gaylan Crim, Lloyd Fairbairn, Steve E. Klaas, Erwin E Howell, Daryl Melde, Peter B. Craft, Karen (Karen E.)‏
Topics Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Migration Birdsongs Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Birds--Infancy
Birds Turkey Vulture Horned Grebe Least Flycatcher Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Henslow's Sparrow Cattle Egret Pinyon Jay Hudsonian Godwit Red-breasted Nuthatch Canada Goose Dark-eyed Junco Red Crossbill Northern Shrike
Locations Ames Goose Lake Harrier Marsh Indianola Luther Saylorville Lake DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Boone County
Extent 3 pages
Language(s) eng
Bibliographic Citation
Date Digital 20 Oct 2017
File Type image/jpeg
Hardware / Software Epson - sheet feed