Title Genres Topics Date (Start) Date (End)
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Pine Grosbeak at Saylorville Lake, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-12-22 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Cape May Warbler at Indianola in 1996 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs Bird feeders Birds--Food Birds--Identification Rare birds 1997-12-01 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Bridled Titmouse in Davenport in 1996 Administrative records Correspondence Field notes Bird feeders Birds--Identification Rare birds 1996-03-01 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Great Gray Owl south of Saint Lucas in 1996 Administrative records Correspondence Field notes Photographs Birds--Identification Photography of birds Rare birds 1996-03-10 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Black-necked Stilt north of Round Lake in 1991 Administrative records Correspondence Field notes Photographs Birds--Identification Photography of birds Rare birds 1991-05-25 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant at Swan Lake in 1996 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes Bird watching Birds--Identification Rare birds 1996-11-29 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for White-faced Ibis at Snake Creek Marsh in 1996 Administrative records Field notes Photographs Birds--Identification Photography of birds Rare birds 1996-05-06 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Pacific Loon at Saylorville Reservoir, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Tables (documents) Birds--Identification Ornithology--Technique Rare birds 1996-11-05 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Hoary Redpoll at Ames, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-28 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Hoary Redpoll at Kensett, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-19 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Hoary Redpoll at Iowa City, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-04 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Hoary Redpoll at Ames, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-03 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Hoary Redpoll at Norwalk, 1996 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-03 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brewer's Blackbird at Zirbel Slough, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-09-08 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Lazuli Bunting at Little Sioux Wildlife Area, 1996 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-06-01 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Lazuli Bunting at Shenandoah, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-05-16 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Black-headed Grosbeak at Des Moines, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-05-14 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Black-headed Grosbeak at Warren County Conservation Board Headquarters, 1996 Administrative records Correspondence Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-05-12 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Smith's Longspur at Five Ridges Prairie, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-09-06 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for White-crowned Sparrow at Cedar Rapids, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-06-23 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Le Conte's Sparrow at Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-02-25 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Lark Sparrow north of Newell, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-12-20 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Western Tanager at Spirit Lake, 1996 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-05-23 2000-11-22
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Palm Warbler southeast of Boone, 1996 Administrative records Field notes Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1996-12-09 2000-11-22
Record Committee review for rare bird sighting of Red-throated Loon at Pleasant Creek Lake, 1997 Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc 1997-04-13 2000-11-24