Gladys Black letter, field notes and map to Vernon M. Kleen regarding fall migration, 1975, Red Rock Lake and Refuge, December 10, 1975
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Migration Birds--Research Habitat (Ecology) Ornithology--Methodology Power-plants
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Gladys Black reported on fall migration, 1975, at the Red Rock Lake and Refuge, Pleasantville, Iowa. She noted it was an exceptional year for Evening Grosbeaks. She wrote a cover letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding the impact on bird populations of blizzards, flooding from dams, and a potential nuclear power plant that might be built near the Red Rock Reservoir, December 10, 1975. Included was a sheet about the Red Rock Game Management Area published by the Iowa Conservation Commission, with a map of the area annotated by Black to show the power plant location and which areas were favored by different species of birds. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1975.
Black, Gladys
Evening Grosbeak
Lake Red Rock Pleasantville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding Snowy Owl counts, March 5, 1977
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird sightings and an enclosed map showing a count of Snowy Owls contributed by Gladys Black in a letter to Vernon M. Kleen. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter 1976-1977.
Black, Gladys
Snowy Owl
Iowa Pleasantville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding bird sightings, January 10, 1977
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird declines Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird sightings were contributed by Gladys Black in a letter to Vernon M. Kleen. Her report on the Snowy Owls count includes a sighting map. The Red Rock Christmas count and the absence of Evening Grosbeaks are mentioned in the report. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter 1976-1977.
Black, Gladys
Bald Eagle Evening Grosbeak Snowy Owl Mallard
Lake Red Rock
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings, February 22, 1978
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Research
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Gladys Black to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings, February 22, 1978. This item includes an map of bird sightings for the state of Iowa. The letter contains several underlined notes and handwritten annotations. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of winter, 1977-1978.
Black, Gladys
Snow Bunting Pine Grosbeak White-winged Crossbill Evening Grosbeak Snowy Owl Bohemian Waxwing Red Crossbill Horned Lark
Lake Red Rock Pleasantville Waterloo Winterset Sheldon Knoxville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Annotated copy of Polk County check-list of the observations of members of the Des Moines Audubon Society, 1959
Checklists Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Migration Birds--Research
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Polk County check-list, field trips record, of the observations of members of the Des Moines Audubon Society compiled by Woodward H. Brown, November 1959. The document includes handwritten annotations by Woodward H. Brown and covers several topics: bird migration, bird field trip sightings, dates sighted and a birding map.
Brown, Woodward H. Des Moines Audubon Society
Polk County
Woodward Hart Brown Papers | MS 502
Polk County check-list of the observations of members of the Des Moines Audubon Society
Checklists Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Migration Birds--Research
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Polk County check-list, field trips record, of the observations of members of the Des Moines Audubon Society compiled by Woodward H. Brown, November 1973. The check-list covers several topics, including the following: statistical records 1959-1973, field observation report forms and birding maps.
Brown, Woodward H. Des Moines Audubon Society
Polk County
Woodward Hart Brown Papers | MS 502
Winter of 1974-75, Red Rock area and Pleasantville, Iowa field notes, and Snowy Owl reports
Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird kills Bird watching Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Winter of 1974-75, Red Rock area and Pleasantville, Iowa field notes were submitted by Gladys Black along with a cover letter to Vernon M. Kleen dated March 19, 1975, a newspaper article and a map. The article was one she wrote for the Des Moines Register called "Reports two Snowy Owls seen in central Iowa," and the map showed the number of Snowy Owl observations in Iowa counties, November 1974-March 1975. The letter summarized the findings on Snowy Owls from responses to the newspaper article, and the impact of a blizzard January 10-11 in northwest Iowa that killed many birds and livestock. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter 1974-1975.
Black, Gladys
Snowy Owl
Des Moines Iowa Lake Red Rock Pleasantville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes and map from Michael C. Newlon, Iowa City area, winter 1974-1975
Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Research Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ornithology--Methodology Fringillidae | Finches Water birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes and map from Michael C. Newlon covered bird sightings in the Iowa City area, winter 1974-1975. The map showed the locations of the Hawkeye Wildlife Area, the Coralville Reservoir and Dam, and Cone Marsh relative to Iowa City. Some sightings extended into March, and were also recorded on the Mississippi River between Davenport and the locks. These items were undated with years, but they were used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter 1974-1975.
Newlon, Michael C.
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area Coralville Lake Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area Iowa City Mississippi River, Iowa
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black letter to Vernon Kleen regarding Red Rock Refuge and the Evening Grosbeak invasion, February 1976
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter with accompanying maps from Gladys Black to Vernon Kleen, regarding Red Rock Refuge and the Evening Grosbeak Invasion, February 1976. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of Winter 1975/1976."
Black, Gladys
Evening Grosbeak Snowy Owl Canada Goose
Lake Red Rock Rathbun Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Iowa Snowy Owls, 1976-1977 contributed by Gladys Black
Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Iowa Snowy Owls report and sighting map contributed by Gladys Black. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter, 1976-1977.
Black, Gladys
Snowy Owl
Iowa Pleasantville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Winter Raptor survey, 1977
Field notes Maps (documents) Reports
Bird surveys Bird watching Birds of prey Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Winter Raptor Survey for 1977, written by Dean M. Roosa and Paul Bartelt for the State Preserves Board. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter, 1976-1977.
Roosa, Dean M. Bartelt, Paul Iowa Preserves Board
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Iowa map with Snowy Owl sightings, 1976-1977
Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Map of Iowa Snowy Owl sightings by county, 1976-1977. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of spring 1977.
Black, Gladys
Snowy Owl
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Winter raptor survey, 1978
Maps (documents) Reports
Bird watching Birds of prey Birds--Habitat Birds--Research Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Strigiformes | Owls
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Winter raptor survey, 1978, by Dean M. Roosa, Paul Bartlett, and Darwin Koenig, published in December 1978 by the Iowa Preserves Board and the Iowa Conservation Commission. This survey is a formal report of sightings, population, and other information related to Raptors in the state of Iowa. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of Winter 1976-1977.
Roosa, Dean M. Bartelt, Paul Koenig, Darwin
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Maps of Adair County and Ringgold County with Loggerhead Shrike nest locations observed by David DeGeus, summer 1987
Correspondence Field notes Maps (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Identification Birds--Nests Birds--Research
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Two maps, one of Adair County and one of Ringgold County, indicating the locations of Loggerhead Shrike nests and sightings contributed by David DeGeus. A brief note from DeGeus to James J. Dinsmore regarding other nest locations is also included. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1987.
DeGeus, David
Loggerhead Shrike
Adair County Ringgold County Adams County Union County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166