Observations and data on various birds, part 1 of 3, Woodward Hart Brown
Correspondence Field notes Photographic prints Research notes Articles
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Accipitridae | Hawks and Eagles Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons Charadriidae | Plovers Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A collection of bird sightings around Iowa compiled by Woodward Hart Brown, including notes, correspondence, articles, and photographs. This document is part one of three and begins with the tabbed section labeled Loons/Grebes and ends with the tabbed section labeled Rails/Plovers. This document is continued by: https://avian.lib.iastate.edu/documents/8624/view
Brown, Woodward H.
Woodward Hart Brown Papers | MS 502
Walter Rosene bird sighting records
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Vireonidae | Vireos Parulidae | Warblers Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A handwritten list of bird sighting records compiled by Walter Rosene, organized by species and annotated with sighting dates.
Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Blue Jay American Robin Downy Woodpecker
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Needed for Iowa
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Pelecaniformes | Pelicans, Cormorants, Darters, and Frigate-birds Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Cuculiformes | Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A handwritten list of birds. This is a list of birds that Philip DuMont has yet to sight in Iowa. Included with the handwritten list is a "Daily field checking list" checklist dated 1934 with the birds marked that were sighted by DuMont in that year.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Field reports Iowa, fall 1996, December 10, 1996
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Identification Birds--Research Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Pelecaniformes | Pelicans, Cormorants, Darters, and Frigate-birds Podicipediformes | Grebes Laridae | Gulls and Terns Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons Ornithology--Societies, etc Charadriidae | Plovers Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Strigiformes | Owls
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of bird sightings organized by species, December 10, 1996. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1996.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field reports, fall 1998, Loons through Ducks, December 11, 1998
Field notes Reports
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of bird sightings organized by species, December 11, 1998. The list includes sightings of Loons, Grebes, Herons, Geese, and Ducks. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1998.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Iowa field reports, fall 1995, December 9, 1995
Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Falconidae | Falcons Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Podicipediformes | Grebes Laridae | Gulls and Terns Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons Charadriidae | Plovers Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Vireonidae | Vireos Parulidae | Warblers Birds--Infancy Strigiformes | Owls Pelecanidae | Pelicans Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of documented bird sightings organized by species, December 9, 1995. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of fall 1995.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Late reports - Spring 1996, July 1, 1996
Field notes Reports
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Podicipediformes | Grebes Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Ornithology--Methodology Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of late bird reports organized by species, July 1, 1996. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of spring 1996.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Summer 2005 bird sightings list, August 15, 2005
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Thraupidae | Tanagers Turdidae | Thrushes Vireonidae | Vireos Parulidae | Warblers Troglodytidae | Wrens Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of summer bird sightings organized by species, August 15, 2005. The list also contains the location observed, the number of birds seen, date of sighting, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 2005.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Vermilion Flycatcher Brown Pelican Black-bellied Whistling-Duck King Rail
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Check list of the birds of Story County, Iowa, 1970
Bird watching Birding sites Birds--Habitat Birds--Identification Birds--Migration Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Laridae | Gulls and Terns Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Ornithology--Methodology Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Parulidae | Warblers Important bird areas Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A list of the most regularly observed bird species found in Story County as well as at Ledges State Park and in Greene County compiled by John Faaborg and Jim Rod, March 1970. Included is a list of the better birding locations found in Story, Boone, Greene, and Hamilton Counties including directions to the habitats as well as species commonly located at each destination. Also of note is a chart for the months of March, April, and May which shows the average arrival dates of common Iowa spring migrant birds.
Rod, J.P. Faaborg, John, 1949-
Dunbar Slough Finn Pond Wildlife Area Greene County Hamilton County Ledges State Park Story County Boone County Goose Lake McHose Park
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Birding areas of Story County, Iowa, revised 1972
Research notes
Bird watching Birding sites Birds--Habitat Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Parulidae | Warblers Important bird areas Strigiformes | Owls
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A revised list of the most productive birding areas found in Story County and a few other easily accessible destinations in Hamilton, Boone, and Greene Counties compiled by Jim Rod and John Faaborg, March 1972. The list includes directions to the habitats as well as species commonly located at each destination.
Rod, J.P. Faaborg, John, 1949-
Little Wall Lake Dunbar Slough Hendrickson Marsh Lake Ledges State Park Story County Anderson Goose Lake Goose Lake Hickory Grove County Park Robison-Whitaker Acres Brookside Park McFarland Lake Park Ada Hayden Heritage Park Bob Pyle Marsh Wildlife Management Area Ames High Prairie/Richard W. Pohl Memorial Preserve Sopers Mill Access Area Pammel Woods River Valley Park McHose Park Lee Park
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Check list of the birds of Story County, Iowa, revised 1972
Bird watching Birds--Identification Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Laridae | Gulls and Terns Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Ornithology--Methodology Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Parulidae | Warblers Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Emberizidae | Sparrows
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A revised list of the most regularly observed bird species found in Story County as well as at Ledges State Park and in Greene County compiled by John Faaborg and Jim Rod, March 1972.
Rod, J.P. Faaborg, John, 1949-
Greene County Ledges State Park Story County
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
1984 & 1985 results: Illinois heron colony surveys
Field notes Reports Surveys (documents)
Bird surveys Birds--Counting Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A survey by the Avian Ecology Program of Heron colonies in Illinois, including colonies that extend into Iowa and Missouri. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of Fall 1985.
Kleen, Vernon M. Avian Ecology Program
Little Blue Heron Snowy Egret Cattle Egret Black-crowned Night Heron Great Blue Heron Great Egret
Missouri Iowa Illinois
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Lantern slide and photograph of a young Night Heron hanging by the claws and beak
Lantern slides Photographs
Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Birds--Infancy
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A young Night Heron hanging suspended upside down by the claws and beak, June 26, 1928. Slide originally titled "Young Night-Heron Suspended by Claws and Beak." The lantern slide is hand-colored. Rosene provides details on photograph.
Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
1978 Fremont County Foray, June 2-7, annotated list of birds
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Breeding Birds--Nests Icteridae | Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, and allies Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Mimidae | Mockingbirds, Catbirds, Thrashers, and Tremblers Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Hirundinidae | Swallows Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Vireonidae | Vireos Parulidae | Warblers Troglodytidae | Wrens Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Emberizidae | Sparrows Calcariidae | Longspurs and snow bunting
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
An account of the 1978 Fremont County Foray, submitted by Ross W. Silcock. The foray involved several bird watchers active in the area on various dates between June 2 and June 7, 1978. The observation of breeding is discussed throughout the item. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of summer 1978.
Silcock, W. Ross
Fremont County Waubonsie State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Iowa field report data, fall 1997, December 9, 1997
Field notes Reports
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Laridae | Gulls and Terns Accipitridae | Hawks and Eagles Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Ornithology--Methodology Charadriidae | Plovers Scolopacidae | Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and allies Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Strigiformes | Owls
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
An annotated list of bird sightings organized by species, December 9, 1997. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of fall 1997.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Annotated bird sighting list for spring 1981 compiled by Marion Brewer
Field notes Surveys (documents)
Recurvirostridae | Avocets and Stilts Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Spring
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
An annotated list of birds sighted by Marion Brewer around western Iowa. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of spring 1981.
Brewer, Marion M.
Deweys Pasture State Game Management Area Larrabee Storm Lake Trumbull Lake Cherokee Rush Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
List 1, Loons-Cranes, summer 2002
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Annotated list of bird sightings organized by species, summer 2002. The list includes sightings of Loons, Grebes, Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Geese, Ducks, Hawks, Rails, Coots, and Cranes. The list also contains the number of birds seen, date of sighting, location, and observer of each species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 2002.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Audubon field notes contributed by Woodward H. Brown, August 16, 1966
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Accipitridae | Hawks and Eagles Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Ornithology--Methodology Parulidae | Warblers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Audubon field notes contributed by Woodward H. Brown include sightings of a Common Loon, Hooded Merganser, Red-headed Woodpecker and Wilson's Phalarope. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 1966.
Brown, Woodward H.
Red-headed Woodpecker Wilson's Phalarope Common Loon Hooded Merganser Red-eyed Vireo Great Blue Heron
Polk County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Audubon field notes, summer 1968
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Phalaropus | Phalaropes Parulidae | Warblers Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Audubon field notes for the summer of 1968 were written by Woodward H. Brown. Many items were underlined in red. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 1968.
Brown, Woodward H.
Wood Duck Red-eyed Vireo Veery Cerulean Warbler Northern Bobwhite
Iowa Ledges State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Barbara L. Wilson letter and field notes to Michael C. Newlon regarding fall 1984 bird sightings, November 29, 1984
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Behavior Birds--Counting Birds--Identification Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Weather Birds--Infancy
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Barbara L. Wilson letter and field notes to Michael C. Newlon were regarding fall 1984 bird sightings, November 29, 1984. These items were used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1984.
Wilson, Barbara L.
American Bittern Cattle Egret Yellow-bellied Flycatcher White-winged Scoter Golden Eagle Sandhill Crane Sharp-shinned Hawk
Folsom Lake Fremont County Mills County Willow Slough State Game Management Area Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field card of all birds, Philip DuMont, August 21, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Weather Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Cuculiformes | Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated August 21, 1932. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont, Kenneth Nelson, Arthur Palas and Anna Palas in Polk County annotated with number sighted and weather.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Polk County
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, August 25, 1933
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Gaviiformes | Loons Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated August 25, 1933. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont on a trip from Des Moines to Iowa City.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Des Moines Iowa City
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, May 16, 1954
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Weather Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 16, 1954. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont annotated with weather, locations visited, and number sighted.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Waterworks Park Walnut Woods State Park
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, May 2-11
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Cuculiformes | Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 2-11. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont on an outing from Des Moines to the Ledges May 2-3, and then on a trip from Des Moines to Omaha May 10-11, annotated with whether the bird was common, occasional or rare.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Des Moines Ledges State Park Omaha Camp Mitigwa
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, May 27-30
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 27-30. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont in Des Moines on May 27, in Des Moines and Ames on May 29, at Little Wall Lake, Jewell and Des Moines on May 30, annotated with number sighted.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Little Wall Lake Ames Des Moines Jewell
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153