Historical Notes
Record Source MS0166b008f003i048.jpg
Source local
Maintenance Status revised
Maintenance Agency Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Maintenance Event Fuller form of name -WT
Contributed Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Black-bellied Whistling-Duck at Tomahawk Marsh, 1998 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Francis L. Moore, spring 1988 Field reports, Thomas H. Kent, fall 1989 Field reports, Thomas H. Kent, spring 1991 Field notes contributed by Pam Allen and Reid I. Allen, spring 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Robert I. Cecil, spring 1992 Field notes contributed by Thomas H. Kent, June 2, 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Robert I. Cecil, fall 1993 Rare bird documentation form for Black Scoter at Montrose, 1991 Rare bird documentation form for Northern Goshawk at North Liberty, 1982 Northern Goshawk and Golden Eagle ighting details contributed by Bob Cecil, spring 1991 Details of identification for Northern Goshawk and Golden Eagle by Bob Cecil, spring 1991 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Falcon between Treynor and Carson, 1995 Rare bird documentation form for King Rail at Otter Creek Marsh, 1987 Rare bird documentation form for Hudsonian Godwit at Amana Lake, 1994 Rare bird documentation form for Western Sandpiper at Amana Lake, 1994 Rare bird documentation form for Franklin's Gull at Coralville Reservoir, 1990 Rare bird documentation form for Thayer's Gull at Red Rock Reservoir, 1993 Documentation of an extraordinary bird sighting, Thayer's Gull, November 13, 1993 Rare bird documentation form for Great Black-backed Gull at Bettendorf, 1992 A White Winged Dove P-0596
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