Continent |
North America |
Water Body |
Island Group |
Island |
Country |
United States |
Country Code |
US |
State Province |
Iowa |
County |
Ringgold County |
Municipality |
Latitude |
40.59611 |
Longitude |
-94.14329 |
Location According To |
Geonames |
Geodetic Datum |
WGS 84 |
Related Documents |
Field notes contributed by Robert W. Howe, summer 1984 Eloise Armstrong and Dennis Thompson letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding bird sightings Field notes contributed by Babs Padelford and Loren Padelford, summer 1986 Field notes contributed by Peter C. Petersen, spring 1988 Field notes contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, summer 1989 Field notes contributed by Thomas H. Kent, June 2, 1992 Field notes contributed by Mel Moe, summer 1997 Field notes and letter to Thomas H. Kent contributed by Pam Allen and Reid I. Allen, December 2, 1997 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Falcon at Ringgold Wildlife Area, 1988 Iowa Birdline update, April 13, 1992 Iowa RBA, May 4, 1998 |
Related Birds |
Upland Sandpiper Summer Tanager Loggerhead Shrike Blue-winged Warbler Ovenbird Little Blue Heron Henslow's Sparrow Barn Owl Orchard Oriole Cattle Egret Least Tern Lesser Yellowlegs Northern Mockingbird Red Crossbill Broad-winged Hawk Marbled Godwit Double-crested Cormorant American White Pelican Snowy Egret Forster's Tern Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Hooded Merganser Black-billed Cuckoo Great-tailed Grackle Burrowing Owl King Rail Prairie Falcon Curlew Sandpiper Canvasback Ring-necked Duck Ross' Goose Greater Scaup Surf Scoter Tree Swallow Prothonotary Warbler Greater White-fronted Goose Cape May Warbler Great Blue Heron American Golden Plover Brown Creeper Bald Eagle Cooper's Hawk Common Moorhen Western Grebe Herring Gull Common Loon Sora American Coot Short-billed Dowitcher Northern Harrier Great Egret Mississippi Kite American Kestrel Least Flycatcher Greater Prairie-Chicken Black-bellied Plover White-rumped Sandpiper Caspian Tern Snow Goose Short-eared Owl Indigo Bunting Eurasian Collared Dove White-winged Crossbill Common Redpoll Bohemian Waxwing Peregrine Falcon Piping Plover Willet Ruddy Turnstone Pectoral Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope Yellow-rumped Warbler House Wren Dark-eyed Junco Carolina Wren Red-breasted Merganser Dunlin Baird's Sandpiper Bonaparte's Gull Black-billed Magpie Black-necked Stilt Long-billed Dowitcher Black-crowned Night Heron Louisiana Waterthrush Sandhill Crane |
Related People |
Howe, Robert W. (Robert William), 1952- Koenig, Darwin Livingston, Jeffrey R. Livingston, Clark Groe, Jim Hayner, Melanie Schennum, Wayne Armstrong, Eloise Thompson, Dennis Dinsmore, James J. Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren Bray, Tanya Wilson, Barbara L. Wright, Rick Petersen, Peter C. Dinsmore, Stephen J. Barker, Ann M. Blevins, Brian L. Blevins, Lewis D. Brush, Tim Moeller, Donald W. Petersen, Mary Lou Zuurdeeg, Walter Sandvick, Gil Eby, Marty Fraley, Clint Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Silcock, W. Ross Cecil, Robert I. Moore, Francis L. Pinkston, Randall, 1956- Tetrault, Richard Fuller, James L Moe, Mel Allen, Pam Allen, Reid I. Armstrong, Eugene Walsh, Philip J. Iowa Ornithologists' Union |
Admin Notes |