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Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives |
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Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Laughing Gull at Sandpiper Recreation Area at Saylorville Reservoir, 1987 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Laughing Gull at Saylorville Reservoir, 1995 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Sabine's Gull at Terra Lake in Johnston, 1995 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Black-legged Kittiwake at Saylorville Reservoir Dam, 1984 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Bullock's Oriole at Johnston, 1992 Eloise Armstrong and Dennis Thompson letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding bird sightings Field notes contributed by Eugene Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, and Dennis Thompson, summer 1987 Field reports, March, April, May 1993, Dennis Thompson Field reports, 3/94 - 5/94, Dennis Thompson Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, spring 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Northern Goshawk at Red Rock Reservoir, 1984 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, fall 1996 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 1997 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, fall 1997 Field reports, spring 98, Dennis Thompson Field reports, Summer 98, Dennis Thompson 1999 spring report, Dennis Thompson 1999 spring report, Dennis Thompson Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 2000 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 2001 Rare bird documentation form for Laughing Gull at Saylorville Dam, 1999 Rare bird documentation form for Laughing Gull at Saylorville Lake, 1987 Rare bird documentation form for Pine Warbler at Greenwood Park in Des Moines, 1983 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 2003 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, fall 1995 |
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Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Barrow's Goldeneye at Forney Lake, 1984 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of a Thayer's Gull at Red Rock Reservoir Dam, 1985 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Lesser Black-backed Gull at Red Rock Reservoir Dam, 1984 Field notes contributed by Peter C. Petersen, winter 1982-1983 Field notes contributed by Mark D. Dixon, spring 1983 List of birds sighted compiled by Eugene Armstrong Field reports by Eugene Armstrong Field notes contributed by Mark Dixon, spring 1984 Field notes contributed by Eugene and Eloise Armstrong, November 28, 1984 Field reports form, contributed by Eugene Armstrong, spring 1985 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, summer 1985 Field notes contributed by Eugene Armstrong and Eloise Armstrong, fall 1987 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, fall 1987 Field reports, Pam and Reid Allen, August - November 1989 Field reports, Eugene and Eloise Armstrong, spring 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Eloise Armstrong and Eugene Armstrong, summer 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, November 25, 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Eloise Armstrong and Eugene Armstrong, spring 1992 Field notes contributed by Pam Allen and Reid I. Allen, fall 1993 Iowa field reports contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, spring 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Red-throated Loon at Saylorville Lake, 1999 Rare bird documentation form for Red-necked Grebe at Saylorville Reservoir, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Red-shouldered Hawk at Jefferson Township in Madison County, 1984 Field notes and Pam Allen letter Thomas H. Kent, December 6, 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Falcon east of Reinbeck, 1989 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie State Preserve, 1983 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Eugene Armstrong and Eloise Armstrong, summer 2000 Rare bird documentation form for Glaucous Gull at Roberts Creek Beach at Lake Red Rock, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for Pine Warbler at Booneville in 1987 Field Reports, Eugene and Eloise Armstrong, Winter 1990-91 |
Related Documents |
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds and letter to James J. Dinsmore contributed by Douglas C. Harr, July 31, 1992 |
Related Birds |
Barrow's Goldeneye Thayer's Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Killdeer Bald Eagle Red-shouldered Hawk Ring-billed Gull Double-crested Cormorant Eastern Bluebird Ring-necked Duck Brown Thrasher Wood Duck Redhead Glaucous Gull Northern Saw-whet Owl Pileated Woodpecker Wild Turkey Marbled Godwit Semipalmated Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Long-billed Dowitcher Lesser Yellowlegs Stilt Sandpiper Short-billed Dowitcher Rough-legged Hawk Short-eared Owl Barn Owl Northern Goshawk Sabine's Gull Red-throated Loon Red-necked Grebe American Avocet Lapland Longspur Canvasback Snowy Owl Western Grebe Black-legged Kittiwake American Black Duck Tundra Swan White-eyed Vireo Carolina Wren Savannah Sparrow Yellow-throated Warbler Pectoral Sandpiper Sage Thrasher White Ibis Common Eider Black Scoter Surf Scoter Golden Eagle Sanderling Pine Warbler Least Bittern Little Blue Heron Summer Tanager Yellow-breasted Chat Western Kingbird Chuck-will's-widow Black-crowned Night Heron Yellow-Crowned Night Heron American Wigeon Black-billed Cuckoo Acadian Flycatcher Veery Worm-eating Warbler Scarlet Tanager American Coot Northern Flicker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Le Conte's Sparrow Dickcissel House Finch Ruddy Turnstone Philadelphia Vireo Bonaparte's Gull Northern Shrike Groove-billed Ani Yellow-billed Cuckoo Common Moorhen Ruby-throated Hummingbird Franklin's Gull Evening Grosbeak Eastern Phoebe White-winged Scoter Osprey Sora Black-bellied Plover Bufflehead Greater White-fronted Goose Red Crossbill Burrowing Owl Northern Harrier White-winged Crossbill Pacific Loon Cattle Egret Merlin Peregrine Falcon Cape May Warbler Swainson's Hawk Turkey Vulture Horned Grebe Grasshopper Sparrow Golden-winged Warbler Common Loon Mississippi Kite Eared Grebe Willet Buff-breasted Sandpiper Brewer's Blackbird Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Common Ground-Dove Red Phalarope Northern Mockingbird Prairie Falcon Whimbrel Least Tern Great-tailed Grackle Sandhill Crane King Rail Ross's Gull Reddish Egret Greater Scaup Laughing Gull Great Egret Cooper's Hawk White-faced Ibis American White Pelican Snowy Egret Snowy Plover White-rumped Sandpiper Tree Swallow Tennessee Warbler Great Blue Heron Red-necked Phalarope Winter Wren Yellow Rail Upland Sandpiper Bewick's Wren Baird's Sandpiper Rusty Blackbird Townsend's Solitaire Varied Thrush Loggerhead Shrike Eurasian Tree Sparrow Long-eared Owl Pine Siskin Red-breasted Nuthatch American Goldfinch Bullock's Oriole Henslow's Sparrow Orchard Oriole American Kestrel Hooded Warbler Barn Swallow Common Pheasant Northern Bobwhite Cedar Waxwing Bell's Vireo Wood Thrush Lincoln's Sparrow Kentucky Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Song Sparrow American Woodcock Palm Warbler Semipalmated Plover Snow Goose Dunlin Purple Finch Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Northern Pintail Snow Bunting Ross' Goose Hooded Merganser Gray Catbird Black-throated Blue Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Spotted Towhee American Golden Plover Bobolink Eastern Kingbird Forster's Tern Caspian Tern Common Nighthawk Sedge Wren Prothonotary Warbler Long-tailed Duck Piping Plover Greater Prairie-Chicken Willow Flycatcher Alder Flycatcher Connecticut Warbler Red-headed Woodpecker Yellow-headed Blackbird Purple Martin Lesser Scaup Bank Swallow Pied-billed Grebe Ruddy Duck Tufted Titmouse Green Heron Eastern Towhee Common Redpoll Chipping Sparrow American Bittern Olive-sided Flycatcher |
Related People |
Related Places |
Forneys Lake Red Rock Dam Credit Island Davenport Le Claire Lock and Dam 14 Lock and Dam 15 Oakville Wildcat Den State Park Guttenberg Booneville Dallas County Des Moines Madison County Saylorville Lake Walnut Woods State Park Badger Creek State Recreation Area Ashworth Park Ankeny Spirit Lake Waubonsie State Park Yellow River State Forest Winterset New Albin Big Lake Wildlife Management Area Little Wall Lake Cedar Lake Dale Maffitt Reservoir Harpers Ferry Bay Branch Ledges State Park Mills County Polk County Woodward Big Creek State Park Grammer Grove County Wildlife Area Hendrickson Marsh Lake Liscomb DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Bays Branch State Wildlife Area Rathbun State Wildlife Area Iowa Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Riverton Wildlife Management Area Lakin Slough State Game Management Area Willow Slough State Game Management Area Shimek State Forest Wildlife Management Area - Croton Unit MidAmerican Energy Ponds Pine Lake State Park Pikes Peak State Park Red Oak Snake Creek State Game Management Area Waterworks Park Nebraska City Glendale Cemetery Allamakee County Big Wall Lake Wildlife Management Area Crystal Lake Marshalltown Mason City Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge Polk City Saylorville Dam Story County Riverton Jacob Krumm Nature Preserve Ackley Jester Park Lake Red Rock Lake View Lansing Lake Ahquabi Roberts Creek Park Sandpiper Recreation Area Cedar Lake Adel Badger Lake Rush Lake Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge Mount Ayr Moeckley Prairie Des Moines River Jasper County Marshall County Pleasant Creek State Park Rock Creek State Park Runnells Overlook Wolf Creek Recreation Area Bagley Colfax Dickinson County Percival Rathbun Lake Monroe County Ames Big Creek Lake Blue Lake Brenton Slough Dunbar Slough Harrier Marsh Lucas County Twelve Mile Lake Boone County Hickory Grove County Park Holst State Forest Ada Hayden Heritage Park Madrid Long Pond Polk City Wildlife Area Alvord Jefferson Township Fremont County Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area Lake Anita State Park Mason City Municipal Airport Reinbeck Doolittle Prairie State Preserve Stephens State Forest - Lucas Unit Green Island Wildlife Management Area Toolesboro Urbandale Van Meter Atlantic Burlington Spencer Lock Number 19 Monroe Terra Lake Johnston Ringgold State Wildlife Area Elkhart Springbrook State Park McCord Pond State Wildlife Management Area Brown's Woods Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge Red Feather Prairie Voas Nature Area Chichaqua Wildlife Habitat Park Paul Errington Wildlife Management Area Greenwood Park Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Cleghorn Wildlife Area Big Sioux River Wildlife Area Kettleson Hogsback Wildlife Management Area Lyon County Sioux County O'Brien County Spring Run Complex Wildlife Management Area |
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