Continent |
North America |
Water Body |
Island Group |
Island |
Country |
United States |
Country Code |
US |
State Province |
Iowa |
County |
Polk County |
Municipality |
Latitude |
41.75447 |
Longitude |
-93.5074 |
Location According To |
Geonames |
Geodetic Datum |
WGS 84 |
Related Documents |
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of White-faced Ibis at Errington Marsh, 1996 Field notes contributed by Jane Clark, spring 1996 Field notes and letter to Thomas H. Kent contributed by James J. Dinsmore, June 3, 1996 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, spring 1996 Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, spring 1996 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1996 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 1996 Field notes contributed by Philip J. Walsh, summer 1996 Bery Engebretsen letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, summer 1997 Spring report, Bery Engebretsen, May 31, 1998 Field reports June 1 through July 31, 1998, Pam and Reid Allen Annotated bird sighting list for summer 1998 compiled by Bery Engebretsen Field reports, March 1 through May 31, 1999, Pam and Reid Allen Spring 1999, Jim Dinsmore Spring record listing, Iowa, Bery Engebretsen, May 30, 1999 1999 spring report, Dennis Thompson Field report of bird sightings, spring 1999, Phil Walsh Field report spring 1999, Hank Zaletel Sighting record listing, Iowa, 6/1/1999-7/31/1999, Bery Engebretsen 1999 spring report, Dennis Thompson Field reports summer 1999, Hank Zaletel Sighting record listing, Iowa, 8/1/1999-11/28/1999, Bery Engebretsen Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 2000 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 2000 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 2000 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, August 5, 2001 Field notes contributed by Dennis Thompson, summer 2001 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 2002 Bery Engebretsen letter to Jim Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, August 1, 1995 Summer 1995 field report, Hank Zaletel Bery Engebretsen letter to Thomas Kent regarding bird sightings, May 31, 1995 Jane Clark letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, August 20, 1995 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 2004 Heard on the Birdline, March 15-June 15, 1998 Iowa RBA, June 15, 1998 Iowa RBA, May 17, 1999 Iowa RBA, May 31, 1999 Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 27, Numbers 4/5, December 1991/January 1992 Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 34, Number 5, May/June 1999 |
Related Birds |
White-faced Ibis Rusty Blackbird Bobolink Purple Martin Northern Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Orchard Oriole White-throated Sparrow Wilson's Phalarope Baltimore Oriole Purple Finch Peregrine Falcon Common Snipe Ovenbird Hooded Warbler Red-breasted Nuthatch Blackburnian Warbler Mourning Warbler Kentucky Warbler American Golden Plover American Avocet Little Blue Heron Eared Grebe Alder Flycatcher Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Carolina Wren Cinnamon Teal Cattle Egret Black-necked Stilt Great Gray Owl Lark Sparrow Common Loon Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Philadelphia Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Hermit Thrush Blackpoll Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Great Egret American Bittern Red-necked Grebe Brewer's Blackbird Yellow-headed Blackbird Western Grebe Black Scoter Red-necked Phalarope Glaucous Gull Yellow-rumped Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Northern Pintail Green-winged Teal Ruff Loggerhead Shrike Chimney Swift Hudsonian Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Caspian Tern Olive-sided Flycatcher Black-throated Green Warbler Canada Warbler Bonaparte's Gull Broad-winged Hawk Least Bittern Ring-billed Gull Pied-billed Grebe American Wigeon Hooded Merganser Snow Goose Gadwall Black Tern Willow Flycatcher Grasshopper Sparrow Ruby-throated Hummingbird Wood Thrush Dickcissel Spotted Sandpiper American Redstart Great Blue Heron King Rail Mississippi Kite Black-crowned Night Heron Wood Duck Redhead Pine Siskin Northern Shoveler Northern Harrier Double-crested Cormorant Summer Tanager American White Pelican Dunlin Ruddy Duck Sora Black-billed Cuckoo Acadian Flycatcher Veery Bell's Vireo Merlin Marsh Wren Northern Mockingbird Common Tern Western Kingbird Chestnut-sided Warbler Eastern Towhee Ring-necked Duck Franklin's Gull Marbled Godwit Clark's Grebe Common Moorhen Garganey Forster's Tern Tennessee Warbler Sandhill Crane Whooping Crane Cooper's Hawk Pacific Loon Snowy Egret Sharp-tailed Grouse Bay-breasted Warbler Worm-eating Warbler Lesser Scaup Laughing Gull Cedar Waxwing American Woodcock Black-bellied Plover Connecticut Warbler Cape May Warbler Horned Grebe White-rumped Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Louisiana Waterthrush Bald Eagle Red-breasted Merganser Blue-winged Teal Semipalmated Plover Scarlet Tanager Cliff Swallow Red-headed Woodpecker Common Nighthawk Northern Bobwhite Osprey Sedge Wren American Coot Red-throated Loon Greater White-fronted Goose Buff-breasted Sandpiper Swainson's Hawk Yellow-breasted Chat Henslow's Sparrow White-winged Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Barn Owl Yellow-throated Warbler Gray Partridge Blue-winged Warbler Blue Grosbeak Short-billed Dowitcher Warbling Vireo Indigo Bunting Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Green Heron American Kestrel Upland Sandpiper Pileated Woodpecker Bank Swallow Eastern Wood-Pewee Tufted Titmouse Pectoral Sandpiper Canada Goose Yellow Warbler Horned Lark Solitary Sandpiper Blue-headed Vireo Long-tailed Duck Virginia Rail Golden-winged Warbler Lincoln's Sparrow Yellow-throated Vireo Ferruginous Hawk Neotropic Cormorant Fish Crow Sprague's Pipit Bewick's Wren Lesser White-fronted Goose Black-billed Magpie Glossy Ibis Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Black-headed Gull Prairie Warbler Yellow Rail |
Related People |
Engebretsen, Bery Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Clark, Jane Schlarbaum, Pat Spieker, Susan J. Dinsmore, James J. Dinsmore, Stephen J. Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Brown, George Brown, Gordon Schuster, William Sinclair, Jim Klaas, Erwin E Kropf, Larry Bernstein, Neil Seabloom, Eric Pease, James L. Zaletel, Hank Probst, Jerry Gucciardo, Linda Meetz, Mike LaFlollette, Eliot Walsh, Philip J. Allen, Pam Allen, Reid I. Armstrong, Eugene Thompson, Dennis Bartelt, Paul Cordts, Steve Snyder, J. E. (John Evan), 1955- Bartelt, Ron Fankhauser, Brian Chafa, Doug Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L Huntington, James Proescholdt, Mark Reisz, Russell Kurtz, Carl Iowa. Department of Natural Resources Story County Conservation Edwards, David C. Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa) Niyo, Kayleen Iowa Audubon Council Shivvers, Rebecca A. Dragula, Sherry Healy, Kevin Jungbluth, Karl Doud, Mary F. Jungbluth, Carmen |
Admin Notes |