Historical Notes
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Maintenance Agency Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
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Authored Rare bird documentation form for White-winged Scoter at Little Wall Lake, 1983
Contributed Annotated bird sighting list for spring 1981 compiled by Gordon Brown Birds: verifying documentation of an extraordinary sight record submitted by Gordon Brown, May 23 1981 Annotated bird sighting list for spring 1981 compiled by Paul Martsching Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, spring 1983 Phone call notes for annotated bird sighting list, March 7, 1981 Neil Bernstein letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, summer 1993 Field notes and letter to Thomas H. Kent contributed by James J. Dinsmore, June 3, 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Ross' Goose at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, 1982 Field notes contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, spring 1997 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie in 1985 Iowa Ornithologists' Union, field report compiled data, White-winged Scoter, 1981-1983 Rare bird documentation form for Hooded Warbler at Brookside Park in Ames, 1981 Rare bird documentation form for Vesper Sparrow west of McFarland Park in Story County, 1990 Rare bird documentation form for Sharp-tailed Sparrow at Lost Lake in Boone County, 1981
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