Continent |
North America |
Water Body |
Island Group |
Island |
Country |
United States |
Country Code |
US |
State Province |
Iowa |
County |
Story County |
Municipality |
Latitude |
42.1486 |
Longitude |
-93.5891 |
Location According To |
Geonames |
Geodetic Datum |
WGS 84 |
Related Documents |
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Smith's Longspur at Doolittle Prairie, 1983 Letter from Hank and Linda Zaletel regarding bird sightings, October 29, 1979 Annotated bird sighting list for Fall 1980 submitted by Francis L. Moore Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Stephen J. Dinsmore, spring 1983 Field notes contributed by Joseph P. Schaufenbuel, spring 1983 Field notes contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, fall 1983 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, spring 1984 Field report for Iowa bird life contributed by Erik Munson, spring 1984 Field notes contributed by Paul Martsching for Story County, fall 1984 Field reports, Spring 1985 Field reports form, contributed by Stephen Dinsmore, spring 1985 Spring 1986 field reports, Jim Dinsmore Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1986 compiled by Steve Dinsmore Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1986 compiled by Paul Martsching Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1985 Field notes contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, spring 1988 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jim Sinclair, spring 1988 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1991 Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, summer 1992 Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, summer 1993 Summer 1994 field reports, Hank Zaletel Field notes contributed by Paul Martsching, July 26, 1997 Rare bird sighting for Merlin at Des Moines in 1988 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie State Preserve, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie in 1984 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie in 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1986 Rare bird documentation form for King Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for King Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for King Rail at Doolittle Prairie, 1985 William Norris email to Jim Dinsmore regarding summer bird reports, July 28, 1998 Annotated bird sighting list for summer 1999 compiled by James Dinsmore Field reports summer 1999, Karl Jungbluth Nick Osness email to Jim Dinsmore regarding Loggerhead Shrike nest, June 21, 1999 Field reports summer 1999, Hank Zaletel Summer 1995 field report, Hank Zaletel Iowa Birdline update, June 29, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, July 19, 1993 Iowa Birdline update, July 4, 1994 Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 24, Number 2, October 1989 Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 34, Number 2, November/December 1998 |
Related Birds |
Smith's Longspur Black-crowned Night Heron Semipalmated Plover Hermit Thrush Scarlet Tanager Snow Goose Short-billed Dowitcher Red-winged Blackbird Great Egret Yellow-headed Blackbird Eastern Towhee White-winged Crossbill Eastern Phoebe Curve-billed Thrasher Le Conte's Sparrow Red Crossbill Red-headed Woodpecker Semipalmated Sandpiper Double-crested Cormorant Blue Jay Lapland Longspur Canvasback Tree Swallow Greater White-fronted Goose American Golden Plover Ruffed Grouse Swainson's Hawk Least Bittern Cedar Waxwing Loggerhead Shrike Barn Owl Chimney Swift Cattle Egret Marsh Wren Dickcissel Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Greater Scaup Common Snipe Black-billed Cuckoo Philadelphia Vireo Sedge Wren Gray Catbird Connecticut Warbler Northern Shrike King Rail Pine Warbler Red-necked Grebe Cinnamon Teal Mute Swan Yellow Rail Snowy Egret Great-tailed Grackle Green-backed Heron Piping Plover Ruddy Turnstone Yellow-rumped Warbler Red-breasted Nuthatch Water Pipit Great Blue Heron Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Merlin Red Knot Palm Warbler Sanderling Northern Parula Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ruff Alder Flycatcher Peregrine Falcon Pine Siskin Chestnut-collared Longspur Northern Goshawk Golden Eagle American Bittern Purple Martin Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Black-throated Green Warbler Eastern Screech-Owl American White Pelican Virginia Rail Lesser Yellowlegs Clark's Grebe Western Sandpiper Long-billed Dowitcher Bay-breasted Warbler Tennessee Warbler Broad-winged Hawk Upland Sandpiper Willow Flycatcher Common Moorhen Yellow Warbler Red-shouldered Hawk Horned Grebe Carolina Wren Ross' Goose Least Tern Common Loon Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Black-bellied Plover Willet Chipping Sparrow Bufflehead Bonaparte's Gull Tundra Swan Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Cooper's Hawk Little Blue Heron White-eyed Vireo Brown Thrasher House Finch Redhead Acadian Flycatcher Ruby-crowned Kinglet Veery Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Least Flycatcher Bell's Vireo Clay-colored Sparrow Wood Thrush Forster's Tern Ruddy Duck Gadwall Western Kingbird Lark Sparrow Spotted Sandpiper Pileated Woodpecker Bank Swallow Pied-billed Grebe Ruby-throated Hummingbird Gray Partridge American Coot Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler Black Tern Grasshopper Sparrow Turkey Vulture Chestnut-sided Warbler Short-eared Owl Green Heron Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Blue Grosbeak Osprey Lesser Scaup Solitary Sandpiper American Avocet Marbled Godwit Orchard Oriole Baird's Sandpiper Yellow-breasted Chat Henslow's Sparrow Yellow-throated Warbler Ringed Turtle-Dove Northern Mockingbird Prairie Warbler Common Tern Brown Creeper White-throated Sparrow |
Related People |
Schaufenbuel, Joseph P. Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Zaletel, Hank Zaletel, Linda Moore, Francis L. Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Hays, Russell Myers, Robert K. Stone, Tom, Jr. Stone, Tom Dinsmore, Stephen J. Dinsmore, James J. Cook, Barnett C. Nolan, Michael Proescholdt, Beth Downs, Kraig Dinsmore, Mark W. Branhagen, Alan Dixon, Mark D. Mayfield, John E. Klaas, Erwin E Clark, Joe Brown, Mike Fleskes, Joseph P. Munson, Erik Munson, Bruce Roy, 1940- Martsching, Paul Holloway, Jack A. Koenig, Darwin Brown, Gordon Silcock, W. Ross Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, Eugene Barker, Ann M. Engebretsen, Bery Fix, Andrew S. Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren Proescholdt, Mark Reeves, Doug Sinclair, Jim Ballard, Bart M Niyo, Kayleen Lekwa, Steve Thompson, Dennis Brown, George Sommerlot, Ramona R. Norris, William R. Jungbluth, Karl Osness, Nick Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L Clark, Jane Schlarbaum, Pat Rosburg, Thomas Edwards, David C. Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa) Ames Audubon Society Bystrak, Paul G. Iowa Audubon Council Zeph, Paul T. Iowa Audubon Shivvers, Rebecca A. Dragula, Sherry Healy, Kevin Healy, Rosanne Bahrenfus, Jon Bahrenfus, Joyce Doud, Mary F. |
Admin Notes |