Common Name Lesser Scaup
Scientific Name Aythya affinis
Species ID # 2498257
Related People Dinsmore, James J. Bednarz, James C. (James Cary) Nigus, Thomas A. Ryan, Mark R. Schaufenbuel, Joseph P. Cummins, Raymond L. Carlson, Judith Jardine, Wallace E. Hopkins, Thaine Iowa Conservation Commission Newhouse, David A. Dinsmore, Stephen J. Ehresman, Bruce Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Bartelt, Paul Jones, Glenn E. Priebe, Carl Zaletel, Hank Petersen, Peter C. Hahn, Allan C. Graves, Don Petersen, Mary Lou Scott, Clark Zuurdeeg, Walter Harms, Ronald Blevins, Lewis D. Bray, Tanya Kovanda, James, Jr. Kovanda, Sandra Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren Bray, Don Kropf, Larry Schlemmer, Conrad F. DeWall, Rita Rigby, Joyce Newlon, Michael C. Braley, Jean B. Wilson, Barbara L. Laubach, René Mooney, Richard D., 1905-1997 Laubach, Christyna M Martsching, Paul Musgrove, Mary R. Van Dyk, John, 1936- Brand, Gordon James Armstrong, Eugene Hoskins, Nelson R. DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996 Bennett, Logan J. (Logan Johnson), 1907- Smith, Howard Max Silcock, W. Ross Saunders, Andrew Schantz, Tim DeLong, Donald S. Lesher, Fred Heusinkveld, Bill Staudt, Thomas J. Probst, Jerry Koenig, Darwin Wickham, Peter P. Jordan, Joseph W. Wiese, Herbert F. Kenne, Matthew C. Schmidt, Rod Harp, Ed Bendorf, Carl J. Carris, Keith Lowder, Ken Huser, Bill F. Farmer, Larry K. Engebretsen, Bery Fuller, James L Dankert, David L. Dankert, Jeffrey B. Bernstein, Neil Brown, George LaGrange, Ted Patterson, Matthew Griffin, Mike Schreiber, Julie Havlik, Mike Robinson, Randy Schoenewe, Lee A. Edwards, Chris Johnson, Ann Johnson, Thomas N. Reisz, Russell Dooley, Michael C. Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941 Thompson, Dennis Iowa Ornithologists' Union Walker, Bob Peterson, Earl Hendrickson, George O. Sturtz, Mary Bolduan, Brad Brown, Woodward H. Carter, Dennis L. Nelson, Curtis Sinclair, Jim Brown, Gordon Crim, Gaylan Crim, Lloyd Davis, Bobbie Myers, Robert K. United States. Army. Corp of Engineers Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa) van der Linden, Judy Meetz, Mike Edwards, David C.
Related Places Dan Green Slough Wildlife Management Area Deweys Pasture State Game Management Area Ingham Lake State Game Management Area Ledges State Park Marble Lake Ruthven Trumbull Lake West Okoboji Lake Mud Lake Hottes Lake Wildlife Management Area Cardinal Marsh State Wildlife Area Chickasaw County Volga Lake Sweet Marsh Saint Lucas Winneshiek County New Hampton Fayette County Howard County Des Moines River Laurens Rush Lake Bays Branch State Wildlife Area Pocahontas County Saylorville Dam Goose Lake Iowa River Upper Iowa River Turkey River Wildlife Area Bettendorf Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area Credit Island Le Claire Wildcat Den State Park Cayler Prairie State Preserve Lizard Lake Dolliver Memorial State Park Burlington Montpelier DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge MidAmerican Energy Ponds Dickinson County Emmet County Jemmerson Slough Wildlife Management Area Eagle Lake Council Bluffs Forneys Lake Lake Manawa Pottawattamie County Ames Coralville Lake Johnson County South Amana Pond Lake MacBride Sycamore Greenway Hoosier Creek Fremont County Mills County Willow Slough Dam Big Creek Lake Des Moines Polk County Saylorville Lake Scott County Hendrickson Marsh Lake Brookside Park Decorah West Union Glenwood Sioux Center Hospers Sioux County Rock Valley Larson Marsh Ada Hayden Heritage Park Slater Colo Bogs Wildlife Management Area Ottumwa Estherville Iowa Green Bay Township Grant Township Lake Anita State Park Lake Manawa State Park Malvern Willow Slough State Game Management Area Allamakee County New Albin White Pine Hollow State Park Pool Slough Wexford Creek Dubuque County Rathbun State Wildlife Area Iowa City Sioux City Muscatine Hidden Bridge Wildlife Area Lake Park Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge Waubonsie State Park Boone County Chichaqua Wildlife Habitat Park Diamond Lake Mahaska County Effigy Mounds National Monument Lock and Dam 9 Cedar Rapids Jamaica Lake Red Rock Appanoose County Lucas County Rathbun Lake Riverton Wildlife Management Area Cedar Lake Algona Kossuth County Ambrose A Call State Park Lu Verne West Bend Pleasant Creek State Park Central City Matsell Bridge Public Access Marengo Wakpicada County Park Swan Lake Kelley Westfield New Lake Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Marion County Sandpiper Recreation Area Iowa County Clive Red Rock Dam Mississippi River, Iowa Williams Prairie State Preserve Green Island Des Moines County Harrison County Hitchcock Nature Area Linn County Tama County Palo Alto County Grovers Lake West Hottes Lake Iowa Lakeside Laboratory Swan Lake Wildlife Management Area Clear Lake Clinton Diamond Lake Marshall County Polk City McBreen Marsh Gilmore City Spring Run Complex Wildlife Management Area Webster City Eagle Lake Melbourne Goose Lake Percival Zirbel Slough Shimek State Forest Wildlife Management Area - Croton Unit Green Island Wildlife Management Area Croton Moeckley Prairie Kettleson Hogsback Wildlife Management Area Big Creek State Park Johnston Ainsworth Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area Lake Macbride State Park Lee County Stone City Macbride Nature Recreation Area Norwalk Whitebreast Recreation Area Runnells Overlook Homestead Mystic Harrier Marsh Missouri Valley Stone State Park Nobles Lake State Wildlife Management Area Broken Kettle Grasslands Preserve Story County Anderson Goose Lake Du Marsh Area South Twin Lake Sunken Grove State Game Management Area Riverview Cemetery Leo Shimon Marsh Wildlife Management Area Smith Wildlife Area Hawarden Lyon County Oak Grove State Park Melvin Doon Winterfeld Boat and Fish Area Dallas County Wayne County Hickory Hill Park Pool 9 Paul Errington Wildlife Management Area Urbandale Brown's Woods Terra Lake Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge Wiese Slough State Game Management Area Sullivan Slough Redbird Farms Wildlife Area Cairo Woods Wildlife Area Stump Lake Forneys Lake State Wildlife Management Area West Oak Forest Dunbar Slough Red Feather Prairie Doolittle Prairie State Preserve McFarland Lake Park Little Wall Lake Boone North Dakota Iowa Lake Marsh State Game Management Area Goose Lake State Game Management Area Davenport Folsom Lake Ventura Marsh Wildlife Management Area Pickerel Lake Carlisle Glendale Cemetery Pool 19 Cherry Glen Recreation Area Clarion Keokuk Mohawk Park Cerro Gordo County Madison County Yellow River State Forest Pool 13 Cottonwood Recreation Area George Wyth Memorial State Park Marshalltown Perry Carroll Lock Number 19 Rock Falls North Liberty Delaware County Jester Park Lakin Slough State Game Management Area Bays Branch Lake
Related Documents Field report Field report, summer 1978 Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, winter 1979-1980 David A. Newhouse letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, May 27, 1980 Field notes contributed by Peter C. Petersen, spring 1980 Annotated bird sighting list for winter 1980-1981 compiled by Raymond L. Cummins Annotated bird sighting list for spring 1981 compiled by Pete Petersen Field notes contributed by Tanya Bray, summer 1981 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1981 Field notes contributed by Babs Padelford and Loren Padelford, summer 1981 Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, fall 1981 Field notes contributed by Tanya Bray, winter 1981-1982 Smith's Longspur Survey contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, April 4, 1982 Field notes contributed by Michael C. Newlon, spring 1982 Field report contributed by Jean B. Braley, summer 1982 Barbara L. Wilson letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird breeding report, August 1, 1982 Field notes contributed by René Laubach, winter 1982-1983 Field notes contributed by Paul Martsching, winter 1982-1983 Field notes contributed by Joseph P. Schaufenbuel, winter 1982-1983 Mary R. Musgrove letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding spring bird sightings, April 29, 1983 Summer 1983 report Winter 1980-81 report by John Van Dyk Field notes contributed by Paul Martsching, fall 1986 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Eugene Armstrong, December 27, 1986 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Nelson R. Hoskins, December 27, 1986 Additional breeding birds in Iowa Field notes and Barbara L. Wilson letter to James J. Dinsmore, July 28, 1985 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Fred Lesher, fall 1987 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Bill Heusinkveld, December 19, 1987 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Eugene Armstrong, December 26, 1987 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Thomas J. Staudt, December 19, 1987 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Jerry Probst, December 26, 1987 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Peter C. Petersen, December 26, 1987 Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, spring 1988 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1988 Darwin Koenig letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding bird sightings, August 1, 1988 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Peter P. Wickham, December 17, 1988 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Raymond L. Cummins, December 20, 1988 Form for reporting Iowa Christmas bird counts to Iowa Bird Life, Joseph W. Jordan, December 18, 1988 Field reports, Ray Cummins, fall 1990 Herbert F. Wiese letter to Stephen Dinsmore regarding bird sightings for IOU quarterly field reports of spring 1991, March 12, 1991 Herbert F. Wiese letter to Stephen Dinsmore regarding bird sightings for IOU quarterly field reports spring 1991, March 12, 1991 Field reports, Matthew Kenne, spring 1991 Peter Wickham letter to Carl Bendorf, June 2 1991 Field notes contributed by Stephen J. Dinsmore, summer 1991 Field notes contributed by Bill F. Huser, summer 1991 Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, fall 1991 Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, December 1, 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James L. Fuller, summer 1992 Field notes contributed by Babs Padelford and Loren Padelford, fall 1992 Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1993 compiled by David Dankert Neil Bernstein letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, summer 1993 Field notes contributed by David L. Dankert, summer 1993 Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1993 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James L. Fuller, summer 1993 Bery Engebretsen letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding fall bird sightings, December 6, 1993 Field reports, Iowa Bird Life, Lee Schoenewe, Spring 1994 Summer report for '94, Bery Engebretsen Iowa field report contributed by Chris Edwards, spring 1996 Field notes contributed by Ann Johnson, spring 1996 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, David L. Dankert, summer 1996 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Tom Johnson, summer 1996 Field notes contributed by Russell Reisz, summer 1996 Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, summer 1996 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Matthew Kenne, summer 1997 Field notes contributed by John Van Dyk, August 1, 1997 Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, fall 1998 Field reports contributed by Thomas H. Kent, December 9, 1998 Spring record listing, Iowa, Bery Engebretsen, May 30, 1999 Field report, Iowa, summer 1999, Mike Dooley Lantern slide and photograph of eggs in a Lesser Scaup nest Iowa summer bird report, 1999, Babs & Loren Padelford 1999 spring report, Dennis Thompson Field reports summer 1999, Hank Zaletel Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 20, 1941 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, March 30, 1941 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 6, 1941 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 19, 1940 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 30, 1939 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 9, 1939 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 11, 1937 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, April 4, 1937 Lantern slide and photograph of eggs in a Lesser Scaup nest Iowa Ornithologists' Union, field report compiled data, Lesser Scaup, 1980-1983 Brad Bolduan letter to Thomas Kent regarding notable bird sightings including the Snowy Owl, 1994 Tri-City bird checklist compiled by Dennis L. Carter and Peter C. Petersen, November 11, 1956 Iowa summer bird reports, 1995, Babs & Loren Padelford Iowa Birdline update, November 14, 1988 Iowa Birdline update, February 18, 1991 Iowa Birdline update, February 18, 1991 notes Iowa Birdline update, October 26, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, November 21, 1994 Iowa RBA, December 30, 1996 Iowa RBA, June 22, 1998 Bluestem Flyer, Volume 19, Number 5, January 1985 Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 24, Number 8, April 1990
Lesser Scaup
(c) Joanne Redwood, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC); Source: iNaturalist.org; Original: https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/29802687