Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Linn County
Latitude 42.12972
Longitude -91.38155
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Field check list contributed by Peter P. Wickham, spring 1987 Field notes and Peter P. Wickham letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding bird sightings, August 3, 1985 Peter Wickham letter to Carl Bendorf, June 2 1991 Field notes contributed by James O. Durbin, spring 1992 Field notes contributed by James O. Durbin, fall 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, David L. Dankert, summer 1996 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, David L. Dankert, summer 1997 Field report contributed by Michael C. Dooley, summer 2002 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, summer 1995, David Dankert Iowa Birdline update, July 23, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, May 28, 1990
Related Birds Red-headed Woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Double-crested Cormorant Pied-billed Grebe Willow Flycatcher Lapland Longspur Barred Owl House Finch Black-crowned Night Heron Sora Spotted Sandpiper Common Snipe Bufflehead Belted Kingfisher Bonaparte's Gull American Golden Plover Northern Bobwhite American Kestrel Alder Flycatcher Black-and-white Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Great Horned Owl Forster's Tern Acadian Flycatcher Sedge Wren Veery Louisiana Waterthrush Hooded Warbler Hairy Woodpecker Eastern Whip-poor-will Black-capped Chickadee Common Pheasant Marbled Godwit Turkey Vulture Brewer's Blackbird Yellow-breasted Chat Smith's Longspur Red-breasted Merganser Merlin American Woodcock Long-billed Dowitcher Wood Thrush Le Conte's Sparrow Greater Scaup Sanderling Lesser Scaup Short-billed Dowitcher Northern Waterthrush Blue-headed Vireo Eurasian Wigeon Ruby-throated Hummingbird Common Loon Hudsonian Godwit White-rumped Sandpiper Black-billed Cuckoo Olive-sided Flycatcher Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Pine Siskin Greater White-fronted Goose Sandhill Crane American Avocet Bald Eagle Horned Grebe White-eyed Vireo Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Northern Goshawk Virginia Rail Osprey Solitary Sandpiper Swainson's Thrush Bell's Vireo Henslow's Sparrow Yellow-billed Cuckoo Orchard Oriole Lark Sparrow Dickcissel Loggerhead Shrike American White Pelican Ruddy Duck Black Tern Cooper's Hawk Least Bittern Bewick's Wren Eurasian Tree Sparrow Worm-eating Warbler Scarlet Tanager Kentucky Warbler Ruff Eastern Meadowlark Yellow Warbler Ruffed Grouse Snowy Egret Cattle Egret Semipalmated Plover Piping Plover Red Crossbill Northern Shrike Broad-winged Hawk Eared Grebe Summer Tanager Peregrine Falcon Northern Mockingbird
Related People Wickham, Peter P. Dinsmore, James J. Bendorf, Carl J. Carris, Keith Lowder, Ken Durbin, James O. Durbin, Joyce Dankert, David L. Dooley, Michael C. Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L DeVore, Dawn L. Johnson, Ann Laub, Sharon Poggensee, Don Schantz, Tim Fuller, Charles R.
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