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Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Common Name
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Scientific Name
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Species ID #
Related People
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Fuller, James L
Waltz, Tim J.
Thelen, Ed
Cummins, Raymond L.
Hollis, Richard Jule
Bendorf, Carl J.
Halmi, Nicholas S.
Zaletel, Hank
Glasson, Marilyn Smith
Zaletel, Linda
Black, Gladys
Laubach, René
Laubach, Christyna M
Silcock, W. Ross
Hayner, Melanie
Pierson, Debbie
Sansgaard, Eric
Steffens, Sharon
Martsching, Paul
Sinclair, Jim
Cecil, Robert I.
Christiansen, Elizabeth
Christiansen, Dana
Sandrock, James P., 1929-
Huntington, James
Reeves, Doug
Dolan, Bob
Dinsmore, James J.
Wickham, Peter P.
Jones, Jack (John Paul)
Jones, Sherryl
Herman, Doug C.
Moore, Francis L.
Porter, Diane C.
Porter, Michael K.
Hartman, Terry
Madden, Bill
Van Dyk, John, 1936-
Petersen, Marietta
Carter, Dennis L.
Fuller, Charles R.
Johnson, Ann
Fischer, Carolyn J.
Goranson, Rita
Walter, Janice L.
Nelson, Curtis
Clark, Jane
Allen, Pam
Allen, Reid I.
Schlarbaum, Pat
Spieker, Susan J.
Edwards, Chris
Proescholdt, Mark
Proescholdt, Beth
Sommerlot, Ramona R.
Widner, Russ
Braley, Jean B.
Tiemann, Marie E. Spears
Vaughn, Mary Beth
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Walsh, Philip J.
Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Huser, Bill F.
Jungbluth, Karl
Clausen, Paul
Armstrong, Eloise
Armstrong, Eugene
Savage, Betty
Musgrove, Jack W.
Walker, Bob
Gilroy, Fred
Rosene, Walter, 1912-
Bennett, Logan J. (Logan Johnson), 1907-
Hendrickson, George O.
Scott, Thomas G
Engebretsen, Bery
Thompson, Carol A.
King, John
Durbin, James O.
Durbin, Joyce
Kraemer, Dick
Miller, Barb
Brown, Gordon
Rector, Curtis L.
Conrads, David J.
Related Places
Waterman Prairie Wildlife Management Area
Pocahontas County
Little Clear Lake Park
Lizard Lake
Gilmore City
Nations Bridge County Park
Swan Lake
Little Wall Lake
Benton County
Dudgeon Lake State Wildlife Mgt Area
George Wyth Memorial State Park
Hendrickson Marsh Lake
Sweet Marsh
Hickory Grove County Park
Brookside Park
Chichaqua Wildlife Habitat Park
McFarland Lake Park
Elk Rock State Park
Lake Red Rock
Red Rock Dam
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Hickory Hill Park
Iowa City
North Liberty
Jolly Rogers Campground
Des Moines
Lakin Slough State Game Management Area
Springbrook State Park
Camp Wesley Woods
Lake Anita State Park
Big Creek State Park
Marion County
Polk County
Saylorville Lake
Hooper State Game Area
Lacey-Keosauqua State Park
Van Buren County
Monona County
Dolliver Memorial State Park
Cedar Rapids
Coralville Lake
Palisades-Kepler State Park
Shimek State Forest
Squaw Creek Regional Park
Matsell Bridge Public Access
Browns Lake
Sioux City
Gull Point State Park
Bacon Creek Park
Eagle Point
East High School
Southwood Conservation Area
Lake Ahquabi
Big Wall Lake Wildlife Management Area
Ledges State Park
Warren County
Rolling Thunder Prairie
Iowa Falls
Woodland Mounds State Preserve
Runnells Overlook
Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge
Swan Lake Wildlife Management Area
Bays Branch State Wildlife Area
Muskrat Slough State Game Management Area
Plymouth County
Spirit Lake
Loess Hills Wildlife Area
O'Brien County
MidAmerican Energy Ponds
Millers Bay
Jefferson County Park
Sioux Center
Chickasaw County
Cass County
Indian Creek
Little Cedar River
Cardinal Marsh State Wildlife Area
Black Hawk Lake
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Pool 9
Silver Lake
Burr Oak
Lee County
Geode State Park
Shimek State Forest Wildlife Management Area - Croton Unit
Casey Barrow Landing
Green Bay Bottoms
Allamakee County
Yellow River State Forest
Harpers Ferry
Winneshiek County
Lake Meyer
Webster City
Rice Lake
Rathbun Lake
Snake Creek State Game Management Area
Des Moines County
Lake Ahquabi State Park
Badger Creek State Recreation Area
Clear Lake
Lime Creek Nature Center
Mason City
Zirbel Slough
Shell Rock River Greenbelt
Polk City
Cerro Gordo County
Blue Lake
Forneys Lake State Wildlife Management Area
Lake Manawa State Park
Tomahawk Marsh Wildlife Management Area
West Des Moines
Harrier Marsh
Jester Park
Paul Errington Wildlife Management Area
Greenbelt Park
Brown's Woods
Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area
Lake Macbride State Park
Pleasant Creek State Park
South Amana Pond
Mississippi River, Iowa
Stone City
Macbride Nature Recreation Area
Washington County
Walton Lake
Lamson Woods State Preserve
Chautauqua Park
Lake Sugema
Big Marsh Wildlife Area
Grammer Grove County Wildlife Area
Grundy County
Guthrie County
Marshall County
Union Grove State Park
Pine Lake State Park
Colo Bogs Wildlife Management Area
Thunder Woman County Park
Terra Lake
Beaver Valley Wetland Wildlife Refuge
Stephens State Forest - Lucas Unit
Riverton Wildlife Management Area
Hayden Prairie State Wildlife Area
Fort Atkinson
Dickinson County
Emerson Bay State Recreation Area
Marble Beach State Recreation Area
Greenwood Park
Tama County
Engeldinger Marsh
Anderson Prairie State Preserve
Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve
Kettleson Hogsback Wildlife Management Area
Boone County
Woodbury County
New Lake
O'Brien Prairie
McGregor Heights
Bluff Creek
Red Feather Prairie
Iowa State Capitol
Raccoon River Park
Walnut Creek
Margo Frankel Woods State Park
Big Creek Lake
Saylorville Dam
Moeckley Prairie
Trumbull Lake
Ventura Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Council Bluffs
Dale Maffitt Reservoir
Johnson County
Turkey Run Wildlife Area
Black Hawk County
Bremer County
Hancher Auditorium
Cedar Lake
West Branch
Crawford Creek County Recreation Area
Related Documents
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Atlantic, 1992
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Waterman Prairie, 1997
Report from Raymond Cummins
Richard Jule Hollis letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings, June 5, 1978
Field reports
Field notes contributed by Hank Zaletel, spring 1979
Gladys Black letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, July 30, 1980
Field notes contributed by Thomas H. Kent with verifying documentation, fall 1977
Field notes contributed by René Laubach, spring 1982
Sharon Steffens letter to Thomas H. Kent with incorporated field notes, May 29, 1985
Note about September 22
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds
Elizabeth Christiansen letter to Thomas Kent regarding field reports for April and May, May 23, 1986
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James P. Sandrock, spring 1987
Field notes contributed by Doug Reeves, May 30, 1985
Field notes and Peter P. Wickham letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding bird sightings, August 3, 1985
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jack Jones, summer 1987
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jim Sinclair, fall 1987
Field reports of Iowa birds contributed by Thomas H. Kent, May 21, 1988
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jack Jones, summer 1988
Field reports of seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane C. Porter, fall 1988
John Van Dyk letter to Carl J. Bendorf regarding bird sightings, fall 1988
Field notes contributed by Marietta Petersen, summer 1989
Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, December 2, 1991
Field notes contributed by Charles Fuller, fall 1991
Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, November 30, 1992
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James L. Fuller, fall 1992
Field notes contributed by Ann Johnson, fall 1992
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carolyn J. Fischer, fall 1993
Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1994 compiled by Jane Clark
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carolyn Fischer, Spring 1994
Field report, Spring 1994, Thomas Kent
Pam and Reid Allen letter to Thomas Kent regarding fall field reports, December 1, 1994
Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, June 1, 1996
Field notes contributed by Jane Clark, spring 1996
Iowa field report contributed by Chris Edwards, spring 1996
Iowa spring 96 bird report contributed by Diane C. Porter, June 1, 1996
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, spring 1996
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jim Sinclair, spring 1996
Field notes contributed by Marie E. Spears Tiemann and Jean B. Braley, spring 1996
Field reports Iowa, fall 1996, December 10, 1996
Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, December 2, 1996
Iowa, spring 1997 documentations, June 11, 1997
Iowa field reports, spring 1997, June 10, 1997
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jack Jones, spring 1997
Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, May 31, 1997
Field notes contributed by Philip J. Walsh, spring 1997
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Jack Jones, summer 1997
Spring 1998 field report, Jane Clark
Photograph of an unidentified boy holding a young Rosebreasted Grosbeak
Lantern slide and photograph of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak sitting on a nest
Lantern slide and photograph of a young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak eating sunflower seeds
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, June 18, 1941
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 13, 1941
Iowa, fall 1999, Bill Huser
Karl Jungbluth letter to Thomas Kent regarding fall reports, December 2, 1999
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 7, 1941
Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, fall 1999, Beth Proescholdt
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, August 7, 1940
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 30, 1940
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, August 5, 1939
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 7, 1939
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 12, 1938
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, July 5, 1937
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 31, 1937
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 3, 1936
Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 11, 1936
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 19, 1936
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 24, 1936
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, August 11, 1936
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 26, 1935
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, August 1, 1935
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, August 10, 1935
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, June 17, 1934
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 30, 1933
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 21, 1933 Woodcock trip
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 30, 1933
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, June 1, 1933 second trip
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, June 2, 1933
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, June 4, 1933 second trip
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, August 10, 1933
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, September 4, 1932
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 4, 1932
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 13, 1931
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, August 28, 1931
Iowa Ornithologists' Union, field report compiled data, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 1938-1982
Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 2002
Field notes contributed by Jane Clark, fall 1995
Field notes contributed by Bery Engebretsen, summer 2004
Iowa Birdline update, October 2, 1988
Iowa Birdline update, July 2, 1990
Rare bird documentation form for Rose-breasted Grosbeak east of Marshalltown in 1992
Iowa Birdline update, April 27, 1992
Iowa Birdline update, January 4-5, 1993
Iowa RBA, January 15, 1996
Rose-breasted Grosbeak P-0352 Atlantic, Cass Co., IA 28 Nov 1992 T. H. Kent