Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Linn County
Municipality Palo
Latitude 42.06611
Longitude -91.79546
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Eurasian Wigeon northwest of Palo, 1992 Field notes contributed by Thomas H. Kent, November 28, 1991 Field reports contributed by Thomas H. Kent, December 1, 1992 Rare bird documentation form for Turkey Vulture at Palo, 1988 Iowa Birdline update, April 27, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, October 17, 1994 Iowa RBA, April 8, 1996
Related Birds Eurasian Wigeon Brewer's Blackbird Snow Bunting American White Pelican Pacific Loon Black-legged Kittiwake Ruddy Duck Peregrine Falcon Caspian Tern Hermit Thrush Orange-crowned Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Tundra Swan Buff-breasted Sandpiper Great Egret Lewis's Woodpecker Red-throated Loon Pied-billed Grebe Vermilion Flycatcher Townsend's Solitaire Short-eared Owl Cattle Egret Northern Goshawk Greater Yellowlegs Eurasian Tree Sparrow Greater Scaup Lesser Yellowlegs Sanderling Northern Saw-whet Owl Empidonax Flycatchers Turkey Vulture Eared Grebe Rose-breasted Grosbeak Chestnut-collared Longspur Clay-colored Sparrow Cinnamon Teal Black Rail Whimbrel Black-crowned Night Heron Hudsonian Godwit American Avocet Bald Eagle American Bittern Red-necked Grebe Horned Grebe Rusty Blackbird Western Sandpiper Dunlin Long-billed Dowitcher Philadelphia Vireo Sandhill Crane Laughing Gull Smith's Longspur Mute Swan Ross' Goose Osprey Glaucous Gull Snow Goose Greater White-fronted Goose Cassin's Finch
Related People Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Cecil, Robert I. Durbin, James O. Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Fuller, James L Zobac, Aldrich Zobac, Gladys Iowa Ornithologists' Union Durbin, Joyce Kraemer, Dick Miller, Barb Proescholdt, Beth Nelson, Curtis
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