Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Jefferson County
Municipality Fairfield
Latitude 41.00863
Longitude -91.96267
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James P. Sandrock, winter 1982-1983 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds with verifying documentation, Diane C. Porter, spring 1983 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane Porter, fall 1983 Field notes and newspaper clippings contributed by Diane C. Porter, Fairfield, Iowa, winter 1983-1984 Field report of Iowa birds, fall 1984, contributed by Diane C. Porter Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for American Swallow-tailed Kite at Jefferson County in 1913 Field reports of seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane C. Porter, fall 1987 Subspecies, and their place in the list of Iowa Birds Walter Rosene letter to Philip DuMont regarding a single day record for bird sightings, May 15, 1933 Walter Rosene letter to Philip DuMont regarding bird sighting goals, April 27, 1933 Field reports of seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane C. Porter, spring 1988 Field reports of seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane C. Porter, summer 1988 Field reports of Iowa birds fall 1988 (final), December 6, 1988 Field reports of Iowa birds, fall 1988 documentations, December 9, 1988 Field reports of seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Diane C. Porter, fall 1988 Field reports, Diane Porter, fall 1989 Field reports, Diane C. Porter, summer 1990 Field reports, Diane C. Porter, fall 1990 Field reports, Carol Ann Alexander, spring 1991 Field reports, Diane C. Porter, spring 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, summer 1991 Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, August 1, 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, fall 1991 Iowa seasonal report, fall 1991, contributed by Diane C. Porter, December 1, 1991 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, spring 1992 Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, June 1, 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, summer 1992 Iowa seasonal field report, summer 1992, contributed by Diane C. Porter, August 1, 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, fall 1992 Iowa seasonal report, fall 1992, contributed by Diane C. Porter, December 1, 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Alexander, Spring 1993 Iowa seasonal report, Summer 93, Diane Porter Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, summer 1993 Iowa seasonal report, summer 92-93, contributed by Diane C. Porter, August 3, 1993 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Carol Ann Alexander, fall 1993 Iowa seasonal report, fall 1993, contributed by Diane C. Porter, December 2, 1983 Iowa seasonal report, spring 94, Diane Porter Iowa seasonal report, Summer 94, Diane Porter Eldon J. Bryant letters to Thomas H. Kent regarding a possible Western Tanager that had been injured, May 8, 1996 Iowa spring 96 bird report contributed by Diane C. Porter, June 1, 1996 Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, December 2, 1996 Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, May 31, 1997 Iowa seasonal report, fall 1997, contributed by Diane C. Porter, November 30, 1997 Iowa seasonal report spring 98, Diane Porter Rare bird documentation form for Peregrine Falcon at Fairfield, 1991 Rare bird sighting for Prairie Falcon north of Fairfield in 1999 Details for Prairie Falcon and King Rail sightings in spring, 1999 Iowa seasonal report, fall 98, contributed by Diane C. Porter, December 2, 1998 Sighting record listing, David Killman, June 4, 1999 Spring 1999, Diane Porter, June 8, 1999 Summer 1999, Diane Porter Sighting record listing, Iowa, 8/1/1999 - 10/31/1999, Dave Killman Sighting record listing, Iowa, 11/1/1999 - 11/30/1999, Dave Killman Sighting record listing, Iowa, 6/1/1999 - 7/31/1999, Dave Killman Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 9, 1936 Field notes contributed by Diane C. Porter, August 3, 2000 Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 6, 1933 Rare bird documentation form for Bewick's Wren at Fairfield, 1999 Rare bird documentation form for Black-throated Blue Warbler at Fairfield, 1987 Field notes contributed by Carol A. Alexander, winter 1992-1993 Iowa report, spring 1995, Diane Porter Iowa Birdline update, October 2, 1988 Iowa Birdline update, August 18, 1988 Iowa Birdline update, February 6, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, May 22, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, May 30, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, September 28, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, October 9, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, October 23, 1989 Iowa Birdline update, October 30, 1989 Photograph of Iowa Ornithologists' Union presidents Iowa Birdline update, February 19, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, February 12, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, October 15, 1990, notes Iowa Birdline update, October 15, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, November 19, 1991 Iowa Birdline update, October 7, 1991 Iowa Birdline update, August 12, 1991 Iowa Birdline update, July 29, 1991 Iowa Birdline update, January 13, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, January 20, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, May 19, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, December 14, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, November 16, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, March 16, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, July 20, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, August 2, 1993 Iowa Birdline update, March 14 and 16, 1994 Iowa Birdline update, March 13-17, 1995 Iowa RBA, January 4, 1998 Iowa RBA, April 20, 1998 Iowa RBA, March 22, 1999 Iowa RBA, April 26, 1999 Iowa RBA, November 7-12, 1999 Iowa RBA, December 6-12, 1999 Iowa RBA, December 13-17, 1999 Fairfield Bird Club Calendar for 1952-53 Fairfield Bird Club Calendar for 1953-54 A Centennial Year Suggestion Dinner given by the Fairfield Rotary Club to the Iowa Ornithologists' Union at its Eleventh Annual Meeting, May 5, 1933 Program Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Iowa Ornithologists' Union, May 8-9, 1936 Winter Birds Mildrede Williams letter to members of the Fairfield Bird Club regarding her resignation as the club's president, August 27, 1934 Bird Banding Near Fairfield During 1936-1937 Fairfield Bird Club meeting minutes, 1943-1952 The Secretary's Report of the Fairfield Bird Club of Fairfield, Iowa, 1933-1943
Related Birds Bald Eagle Short-eared Owl Long-eared Owl Northern Harrier Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Black-and-white Warbler Indigo Bunting Chimney Swift White-throated Sparrow Brown Thrasher Barred Owl Purple Finch Common Nighthawk Ruby-crowned Kinglet Swainson's Thrush Chipping Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow Pine Siskin Tennessee Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Cape May Warbler Dark-eyed Junco Northern Mockingbird Wild Turkey American Robin Tundra Swan Double-crested Cormorant Eastern Bluebird Palm Warbler Osprey Swallow-tailed Kite Killdeer Rough-legged Hawk Turkey Vulture Purple Martin Eastern Kingbird Greater Yellowlegs American Woodcock Baltimore Oriole House Finch Black-throated Blue Warbler Canada Goose Belted Kingfisher Great Blue Heron Sharp-shinned Hawk Eastern Whip-poor-will Green-backed Heron Bell's Vireo Carolina Wren Yellow-billed Cuckoo Ruby-throated Hummingbird Orchard Oriole Dunlin Wilson's Phalarope Lesser Yellowlegs White-rumped Sandpiper Black-billed Cuckoo Northern Rough-winged Swallow Magnolia Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Bufflehead Willow Flycatcher Cedar Waxwing Yellow-breasted Chat Purple Gallinule Dickcissel Pectoral Sandpiper Great Crested Flycatcher Scarlet Tanager Yellow-throated Vireo Short-billed Dowitcher American Redstart Least Sandpiper Eastern Screech-Owl Red-shouldered Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Pomarine Jaeger Brown-headed Cowbird Barn Owl Red-breasted Merganser Snowy Egret Trumpeter Swan Merlin Western Sandpiper Black-legged Kittiwake Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Common Loon Semipalmated Plover Gray Catbird Orange-crowned Warbler Blue Grosbeak Red-breasted Nuthatch Northern Pintail Nashville Warbler Northern Bobwhite Magnificent Frigatebird Thayer's Gull Parasitic Jaeger Yellow-billed Loon Red-throated Loon Red-necked Grebe Long-tailed Duck Pacific Loon Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Red Knot Red Phalarope Sabine's Gull Greater Scaup Surf Scoter Peregrine Falcon Pied-billed Grebe Rose-breasted Grosbeak Vesper Sparrow Common Yellowthroat Golden-crowned Kinglet American White Pelican White-winged Crossbill American Goldfinch Loggerhead Shrike Cattle Egret Long-billed Dowitcher Black-crowned Night Heron Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Piping Plover Northern Parula Mourning Warbler Buff-breasted Sandpiper Common Tern White-breasted Nuthatch Northern Cardinal Yellow-rumped Warbler Tufted Titmouse Mute Swan Hooded Merganser Horned Lark Spotted Sandpiper Northern Flicker Yellow-headed Blackbird Eastern Wood-Pewee Olive-sided Flycatcher Green Heron Golden-winged Warbler Ruddy Turnstone Sanderling Caspian Tern Northern Waterthrush Hermit Thrush Eared Grebe Bewick's Wren Yellow-throated Warbler Eastern Phoebe Acadian Flycatcher Hooded Warbler House Sparrow Kentucky Warbler King Rail Western Kingbird Lark Sparrow Black Tern Cooper's Hawk Ruffed Grouse Common Grackle Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Yellow Rail Ross' Goose Marsh Wren Le Conte's Sparrow Tree Swallow Sedge Wren Chestnut-sided Warbler Swamp Sparrow Bonaparte's Gull Western Meadowlark Barn Swallow Red-headed Woodpecker Great Egret Common Merganser Summer Tanager Eastern Meadowlark Philadelphia Vireo Black-throated Green Warbler Black-capped Chickadee American Golden Plover Red-tailed Hawk Bobolink Harris' Sparrow Bay-breasted Warbler Western Tanager Blue-headed Vireo Field Sparrow Black-necked Stilt Wood Thrush Greater White-fronted Goose Winter Wren Brown Creeper Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Black-billed Magpie Least Tern Hudsonian Godwit Northern Saw-whet Owl Eurasian Collared Dove House Wren Evening Grosbeak Prairie Falcon Marbled Godwit Pileated Woodpecker Solitary Sandpiper Bank Swallow Cliff Swallow Wood Duck Ruddy Duck Snow Bunting Western Grebe Eurasian Tree Sparrow Least Flycatcher Henslow's Sparrow Eastern Towhee Gray-cheeked Thrush Great Horned Owl Canada Warbler Forster's Tern Willet Horned Grebe Prothonotary Warbler Franklin's Gull Virginia Rail Sora Black-bellied Plover Wilson's Warbler Water Pipit American Avocet Little Blue Heron Upland Sandpiper Varied Thrush Lapland Longspur Common Redpoll Gray Partridge Cinnamon Teal Common Moorhen Stilt Sandpiper Worm-eating Warbler White-crowned Sparrow Sandhill Crane Northern Goshawk Common Snipe Little Gull Black Scoter Lesser Black-backed Gull White-winged Scoter Spotted Towhee Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Glaucous Gull Red Crossbill Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Mew Gull California Gull Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Snowy Owl Groove-billed Ani American Pipit Mississippi Kite Least Bittern Green-winged Teal Great Black-backed Gull Iceland Gull Northern Shrike Pine Warbler White-eyed Vireo Townsend's Solitaire Whimbrel Prairie Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Empidonax Flycatchers Laughing Gull Rusty Blackbird Mountain Bluebird Pine Grosbeak Common Eider Whooping Crane Black-headed Gull White-faced Ibis Brewer's Blackbird Bullock's Oriole Blue Jay Greater Prairie-Chicken American Tree Sparrow Common Pheasant Common Starling American Bittern
Related People Sandrock, James P., 1929- Williams, Todd McQuoid, Greg Porter, Diane C. Porter, Michael K. Fleeson, Jane Fleeson, William P. Klein, Terri McElhinny, B. F. Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996 Hartman, Terry Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941 Hendrickson, George O. Dinsmore, Stephen J. Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Silcock, W. Ross Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, Eugene Barker, Ann M. Bendorf, Carl J. Bray, Tanya Brewer, Marion M. Cecil, Robert I. Conrads, David J. Cummins, Raymond L. Engebretsen, Bery Fix, Andrew S. Fuller, Charles R. Getscher, Ione Grenon, Alan G. Hansen, James L. Harr, Douglas C. Hartogh, Mary Jo Johnson, Ann Kanago, Dixie Kenne, Matthew C. Martsching, Paul Moore, Francis L. Myers, Robert K. Padelford, Babs Padelford, Loren Petersen, Mary Lou Petersen, Peter C. Priebe, Carl Proescholdt, Beth Proescholdt, Mark Rose, Douglas L. Sinclair, Jim Thomas, Michael K. Walter, Janice L. Zaletel, Hank Ballard, Bart M Fuller, James L Dinsmore, James J. Cornett, Dorothy M. Toll, Jerry Van Dyk, John, 1936- Madden, Bill Alexander, Carol Ann Alexander, Richard M. Chapman, Gay Bryant, Eldon J. Cummiskey, Therese Killman, Dave Bennett, Walter W. Palas, Arthur J. Roberts, Francis L. R. Pierce, Fred J. Brown, Beth Huser, Bill F. Nelson, Weir Daniel, John Lowder, Ken Wickham, Peter P. Nelson, Curtis Livermore, Bob Savage, Ed Savage, Betty Schoenewe, Lee A. Crane, Frederick G. Crane, Anne Durbin, James O. Durbin, Joyce Black, Gladys Ernzen, Peter Hertzel, L. Paul Schantz, Tim Scheib, James Scheib, Sharon Thelen, Rob Schoff, Melvin Clark, Jane Havlik, Mike Fye, Dale Fye, Helen Mullen, Douglas M. Allen, Pam Allen, Reid I. Yager, Dave Healy, Kevin Leete, Randy Leete, Rhea Von Ohlen, Floyd W. Taylor, Ben J. Olson, Mary I. Fairfield Bird Club Edwards, Ada Hayward, Viola Dole, J. Wilbur Springer, Lena Baumgartner, Jo Kearns, Chester H. Heaton, Hiram Fairfield Rotary Club (Fairfield, Iowa) LaMar, Kate E. Musgrove, Jack W. Lowell, Margaret Herdliska Williams, Mildrede L. Appleman Bartlett, Wesley H. Ayres, Charles C., Jr. Schreiner, Keith M. Calvert, Grace A. Hoover, Mildred Lawson, Lulu Faye Scheffel, Iva Williamson, Estella M. Roth, Emma Thada, Lillian B. Labagh, Lulu Arrah Cox Ricksher, Jennie Ethel Foote Junkin, Paul Sheridan Gilly, Charles McCleary, Ila May Glotfelty Walker, Ruth Wilson, Flora
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