Historical Notes
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Maintenance Status new
Maintenance Agency Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Maintenance Event
Authored Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Mountain Bluebird west of Squirrel Hollow County Park, 1994 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Western Tanager at Swan Lake, 1997 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Lark Bunting southeast of Scranton, 1999 Field notes contributed by Rob Thelen, spring 1996 Field notes contributed by Rob Thelen, spring 1997 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Rob Thelen, summer 1997 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Falcon east of Wall Lake, 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Falcon in Cerro Gordo County, 1997 Spring report 1999, Rob Thelen Rob Thelen email to Thomas Kent regarding field reports, June 4, 1999 Annotated bird sighting list for summer 1999 compiled by Rob Thelen Documentation for a Lark Bunting sighting, June 6, 1999, Rob Thelen Rob Thelen email to the IA-BIRD mailing list regarding a Common Loon sighting, June 3, 2000 Rare bird documentation form for Red-necked Phalarope north of Lake View, 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Merritt County Park, 1998 Rare bird documentation form for Townsend's Solitaire southwest of Washta, 1997 Rob Thelen letter to Thomas Kent regarding spring report, spring 1995
Contributed Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Laughing Gull at Black Hawk Lake, 1997 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Ed Thelen, Spring 1994 Rare bird documentation form for Peregrine Falcon at Tomahawk Marsh, 1994 Rare bird documentation form for Thayer's Gull at Black Hawk Lake, 1996 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Warbler northwest of Carroll, 1995 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, spring 1995, Marty Thelen Iowa Birdline update, March 14 and 16, 1994 Iowa Birdline update, March 7, 1994 Iowa RBA, May 1, 1995 Iowa RBA, March 23-31, 1997 Iowa RBA, April 7, 1997 Iowa RBA, July 12, 1999
Related Documents
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