Continent |
North America |
Water Body |
Island Group |
Island |
Country |
United States |
Country Code |
US |
State Province |
Iowa |
County |
Carroll County |
Municipality |
Latitude |
42.03624 |
Longitude |
-94.86056 |
Location According To |
Geonames |
Geodetic Datum |
WGS 84 |
Related Documents |
Field notes contributed by Dale Stone, spring 1992 Field notes contributed by Rob Thelen, spring 1996 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Rob Thelen, summer 1997 Spring report 1999, Rob Thelen Annotated bird sighting list for summer 1999 compiled by Rob Thelen Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 2000 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Ed Thelen, fall 1995 Iowa Birdline update, July 30, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, December 26, 1994 Iowa Birdline update, December 19, 1994 Iowa RBA, May 1, 1995 Iowa Birdline update, April 10-12, 1995 |
Related Birds |
Upland Sandpiper Eared Grebe American White Pelican Orchard Oriole Dunlin Dickcissel Baltimore Oriole Common Loon Hooded Merganser Osprey Willet Hermit Thrush Chestnut-sided Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Bald Eagle Little Blue Heron Prairie Falcon Semipalmated Sandpiper Carolina Wren Common Moorhen Snowy Egret American Woodcock Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Black-crowned Night Heron Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Piping Plover Solitary Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope Glaucous Gull Long-eared Owl Kentucky Warbler Cape May Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Broad-winged Hawk Mississippi Kite Bell's Vireo Western Tanager Ruby-throated Hummingbird Yellow-throated Warbler Snowy Plover Western Sandpiper Sanderling Olive-sided Flycatcher Blue Grosbeak Short-billed Dowitcher Buff-breasted Sandpiper Laughing Gull American Golden Plover Red-tailed Hawk Green-backed Heron Eastern Meadowlark Peregrine Falcon Gray Partridge Baird's Sandpiper Great Blue Heron Summer Tanager Eastern Wood-Pewee Pileated Woodpecker Prothonotary Warbler American Black Duck Common Tern Swainson's Hawk Yellow-breasted Chat Henslow's Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow White-winged Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Barn Owl Wood Thrush Lark Sparrow Blue-winged Warbler American Coot Snowy Owl Western Grebe Purple Finch White-winged Scoter Black-bellied Plover Yellow-rumped Warbler Sharp-shinned Hawk Eastern Screech-Owl White-eyed Vireo Cattle Egret Wilson's Phalarope Least Tern Ringed Turtle-Dove House Finch Stilt Sandpiper Red Crossbill Great Egret Say's Phoebe Short-eared Owl Brown Thrasher Long-tailed Duck Trumpeter Swan Northern Goshawk Merlin Mew Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Common Yellowthroat Surf Scoter Golden Eagle Sandhill Crane Northern Shrike Northern Harrier Thayer's Gull Great Black-backed Gull Turkey Vulture Snow Bunting Vesper Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Black-legged Kittiwake Bohemian Waxwing Winter Wren Fish Crow Bewick's Wren Yellow Rail Long-billed Dowitcher Sora Prairie Warbler Horned Grebe Chestnut-collared Longspur Smith's Longspur Cinnamon Teal Ross' Goose |
Related People |
Stone, Dale Thelen, Rob Ernzen, Peter Dinsmore, James J. Bartelt, Paul Bernstein, Neil Cordts, Steve Snyder, J. E. (John Evan), 1955- Bartelt, Ron Fankhauser, Brian Chafa, Doug Thelen, Ed Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L Schirck, Shirley Cummins, Raymond L. Schantz, Tim Fuller, Charles R. Hochstetler, Bruce |
Admin Notes |