Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Pottawattamie County
Municipality Council Bluffs
Latitude 41.26194
Longitude -95.86083
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Little Gull south of Council Bluffs, 1992 Field notes, Amaqua Township and Council Bluffs, fall 1974 Melba Wigg letter and report to Vernon M. Kleen regarding spring migration bird sightings near Council Bluffs, June 6, 1974 Winter report for Council Bluffs, Iowa and surrounding area, 1974 Council Bluffs, Iowa spring 1975 migration report Iowa Ornithologists' Union, Quarterly field report, and Council Bluffs field notes, winter 1974-1975 Melba Wigg letter and report to Vernon M. Kleen regarding 1975 fall migration around Council Bluffs Iowa, December 1, 1975 Melba Wigg letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding winter bird observations for the Council Bluffs area, April 3, 1976 Bird sighting list from Melba Wigg Sight records, fall 1978 Field notes contributed by Janet G. Greer, winter 1978-1979 Field notes contributed by Janet G. Greer, fall 1979 Barbara L. Wilson letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, December 1, 1979. Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, winter 1979-1980 Field notes contributed by Barbara L. Wilson, spring 1980 Annotated bird sighting list for winter 1980 and 1981 compiled by Sam Blanchard Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, fall 1981 Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, winter 1981-1982 Babs Padelford letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding field notes, June 3, 1982 James Delehant letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding unusual birds sighted during nesting season, August 22, 1972 Spring migration report, Middlewestern Prairie Region, Council Bluffs, Iowa, area (Part of the Omaha Metropolitan Area), 1972 Babs Padelford letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding fall bird sightings, November 30, 1972 Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, fall 1982 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Conrad F. Schlemmer, winter 1982-1983 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Conrad F. Schlemmer, spring 1983 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds Field notes contributed by Tanya Bray, winter 1983-1984 Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, Council Bluffs, Iowa, winter 1983-1984 Field notes contributed by Conrad F. Schlemmer, fall 1984 Field notes contributed by Tanya Bray, fall 1984 J. Donald Gillaspey letter to Michael C. Newlon regarding birds seen during fall 1984 Annotated bird sighting list for Winter compiled by Conrad F. Schlemmer Field notes contributed by Barbara L. Wilson, July 28, 1986 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Conrad F. Schlemmer, fall 1986 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Red-throated Loon at Council Bluffs, 1972 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Council Bluffs in 1819 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for American Swallow-tailed Kite near Council Bluffs in 1843 Barbara L. Wilson letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, August 4, 1987 Field notes contributed by Tanya Bray, fall 1987 Field notes and Tanya Bray letter to Carl J. Bendorf, fall 1988 Field notes and Barbara L. Wilson letter to Carl J. Bendorf, November 28, 1988 Field notes contributed by multiple observers, summer 1993 Rare bird documentation form for Greater Scaup south of Council Bluffs, 1982 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Ed Thelen, summer 1997 Rare bird sighting for Peregrine Falcon at Council Bluffs in 1986 Special weather alert, fall 1998 Rare bird documentation form for Marbled Godwit at Council Bluffs, 1982 Daily field checking list by Walter Rosene, May 11, 1941 Heard on the Birdline, June 15-September 15, 1995 Iowa Birdline update, July 9, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, July 2, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, April 20, 1990 Iowa Birdline update, October 29, 1990 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow-headed Blackbird at Council Bluffs, 1978 Details for rare bird sighting, Jim Fuller, 1992 Rare bird documentation form for Great-tailed Grackle south of Council Bluffs, 1992 Iowa RBA, December 25, 1995 Iowa RBA, December 18, 1995 Iowa RBA, December 29, 1997
Related Birds Little Gull Black-billed Magpie Cattle Egret Red-throated Loon Snowy Egret Snowy Plover Worm-eating Warbler American Golden Plover Grasshopper Sparrow Red-breasted Merganser Greater White-fronted Goose Tundra Swan Sandhill Crane Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Long-tailed Duck Northern Goshawk Northern Parula Double-crested Cormorant Turkey Vulture Field Sparrow Short-eared Owl Blue-winged Teal Snowy Owl Iceland Gull Purple Finch Pine Siskin Snow Goose Sprague's Pipit American Woodcock Willet Cinnamon Teal Evening Grosbeak Common Redpoll Baird's Sparrow Dunlin Common Tern American Kestrel Stilt Sandpiper Long-eared Owl Common Nighthawk Ruby-crowned Kinglet Orange-crowned Warbler Magnolia Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Great Blue Heron American Black Duck Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Great Black-backed Gull Rusty Blackbird Glaucous Gull Common Merganser Bald Eagle Little Blue Heron Ruby-throated Hummingbird Chuck-will's-widow Marsh Wren Dickcissel Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Olive-sided Flycatcher Goldeneye Canada Goose American Robin American Goldfinch Mallard Horned Grebe Eared Grebe Willow Flycatcher Alder Flycatcher Eastern Bluebird Canvasback American White Pelican Ross' Goose Common Loon Wood Duck Piping Plover Red-necked Phalarope Hermit Thrush Blue Grosbeak Black-capped Chickadee Green Heron Northern Bobwhite Cedar Waxwing Lesser Scaup Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Hairy Woodpecker Red-winged Blackbird Downy Woodpecker Swainson's Hawk Lark Sparrow Hudsonian Godwit White-faced Ibis Herring Gull Least Tern Franklin's Gull Hooded Merganser Lesser Yellowlegs Common Snipe Bonaparte's Gull Chimney Swift Northern Waterthrush Northern Flicker Killdeer Common Grackle Harris' Sparrow House Sparrow Redhead American Tree Sparrow Bufflehead Dark-eyed Junco Common Starling Great Horned Owl Ruddy Duck Philadelphia Vireo American Coot Northern Shoveler Blackburnian Warbler Bell's Vireo Loggerhead Shrike Northern Mockingbird Louisiana Waterthrush Great-tailed Grackle Gyrfalcon Greater Prairie-Chicken Greater Scaup Peregrine Falcon Gray Partridge Cooper's Hawk Pied-billed Grebe Surf Scoter White-winged Scoter Chestnut-sided Warbler Green-backed Heron Greater Yellowlegs Spotted Towhee Red-tailed Hawk Brewer's Blackbird Pine Grosbeak Broad-winged Hawk Ring-billed Gull Upland Sandpiper Savannah Sparrow Scarlet Tanager Purple Martin Yellow-rumped Warbler Horned Lark Brown Pelican Swallow-tailed Kite Sedge Wren Summer Tanager Eastern Kingbird Orchard Oriole Black-bellied Plover Semipalmated Plover Ruddy Turnstone Green-winged Teal Eastern Screech-Owl American Avocet Pacific Loon Merlin Rock Wren Great Egret American Bittern Barn Owl Black-crowned Night Heron Sanderling Belted Kingfisher Nashville Warbler Osprey Caspian Tern Prothonotary Warbler Black-headed Gull Marbled Godwit Sora Mississippi Kite Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Bewick's Wren White Ibis Red Knot Black-throated Blue Warbler Prairie Warbler Western Kingbird Long-billed Curlew Solitary Sandpiper Least Sandpiper Rose-breasted Grosbeak Henslow's Sparrow Green-tailed Towhee Brown Thrasher Pectoral Sandpiper Blue-winged Warbler Hooded Warbler Smith's Longspur Carolina Wren Long-billed Dowitcher Le Conte's Sparrow Prairie Falcon Red-necked Grebe Western Grebe Black Scoter California Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull American Pipit Red Crossbill Yellow-headed Blackbird Thayer's Gull Townsend's Solitaire Barrow's Goldeneye Black-legged Kittiwake Hoary Redpoll Golden Eagle Ross's Gull White-winged Crossbill Trumpeter Swan Northern Saw-whet Owl Northern Shrike
Related People Rose, B.J. Padelford, Babs Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Powers, Janice Wigg, Melba Kleen, Vernon M. Green, Ruth Greer, Janet Kain, Teta Neaderhiser, Wanda Nelson, Catherine Pederson, Tacey Meier, Marian Bray, Tanya Delehant, James Wood, Gertrude Iowa Ornithologists' Union Petersen, Peter C. Loth, Edward W. Stuart, Caroline Conrad, Evelyn Courtelyou, Rusty G. Saunders, Andrew Anderson, Rose Newlon, Michael C. Silcock, W. Ross Gochenour, Ruth A. Kovanda, James, Jr. Kovanda, Sandra Padelford, Loren Wilson, Barbara L. Graf, Marge Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Schlemmer, Conrad F. Blanchard, Samuel A., Jr. Blanchard, Patricia Kiper, Carolyn Moore, Francis L. Myers, Robert K. Bray, Don Gillaspey, J. Donald Livingston, Jeffrey R. Breshears, Joe Leonard, Robert R. Dinsmore, James J. Say, Thomas, 1787-1834 James, Edwin DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996 Anderson, Rudolph Martin, 1876-1961 Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 O'Gara, Lois Bendorf, Carl J. Rose, Douglas L. Wright, Rick DeGarmo, Kevin Rosenbaum, Mindy Petersen, Marietta Abma, Jerry Bernasek, Doris Johns, Patti Ouren, Jeannine Andrews, Ron Norris, William R. Thelen, Ed Toll, Jerry Atlantic Bird Club Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941 Fuller, James L Huntington, James Thompson, Carol A. Armstrong, Eugene Nelson, Curtis Harms, Ronald Pinkston, Randall, 1956- Huser, Bill F. Schoenewe, Lee A. Stone, Larry Williams, Randall D. Kenne, Matthew C. King, John Fuller, Charles R. Clark, Jane Jungbluth, Karl Havlik, Mike
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