Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Franklin County
Latitude 42.73255
Longitude -93.26247
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Carl Priebe letter to Richard Bishop regarding bird sightings, July 27, 1979 Bird sightings checklist, fall 1977 Field notes contributed by Joe Schaufenbuel, May 30, 1982 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, Spring 1986 additional Field notes contributed by Barbara L. Wilson, July 28, 1986 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Red-throated Loon in Franklin County circa 1893 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Robert I. Cecil, fall 1991 Bruce Ehresman letter to Thomas Kent regarding Burrowing Owl sightings, June 2, 1993 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark & Beth Proescholdt, summer 1998 Iowa Birdline update, November 9, 1992 Iowa Birdline update, November 2, 1992 Iowa RBA, December 11, 1995
Related Birds Black-crowned Night Heron Upland Sandpiper White-eyed Vireo Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Black-and-white Warbler Short-eared Owl American White Pelican Cattle Egret Acadian Flycatcher Green-winged Teal Rough-legged Hawk Swainson's Hawk Cooper's Hawk Double-crested Cormorant Eared Grebe Snow Bunting Merlin White-winged Scoter Tundra Swan Willow Flycatcher Bell's Vireo Common Loon Olive-sided Flycatcher Broad-winged Hawk Ring-billed Gull Pied-billed Grebe Cedar Waxwing Savannah Sparrow Great Horned Owl Greater Yellowlegs Least Tern Marsh Wren Piping Plover Louisiana Waterthrush Scarlet Tanager Blue Grosbeak Green Heron Red-throated Loon Prairie Falcon Canvasback Chimney Swift Red Phalarope Golden Eagle Common Nighthawk Pileated Woodpecker Bufflehead Bonaparte's Gull Dark-eyed Junco Bald Eagle Field Sparrow Barn Owl Chipping Sparrow Burrowing Owl Least Bittern Lapland Longspur Pacific Loon Ross' Goose Black-bellied Plover Nashville Warbler Mallard Horned Grebe Vermilion Flycatcher Common Redpoll American Pipit Surf Scoter American Robin Red Crossbill Black-billed Magpie Evening Grosbeak Black-legged Kittiwake Glaucous Gull Long-eared Owl Yellow-rumped Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Northern Shrike
Related People Priebe, Carl Bishop, Richard Schaufenbuel, Joseph P. Proescholdt, Mark Dinsmore, Stephen J. Martsching, Paul Proescholdt, Beth Sommerlot, Ramona R. Wilson, Barbara L. Dinsmore, James J. Bray, Tanya Shoemaker, Frank H. DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996 Anderson, Rudolph Martin, 1876-1961 Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Cecil, Robert I. Ehresman, Bruce Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L Armstrong, Eloise Armstrong, Eugene Huser, Bill F. Lowder, Ken Stone, Larry Williams, Randall D.
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