Continent North America
Water Body
Island Group
Country United States
Country Code US
State Province Iowa
County Scott County
Latitude 41.51225
Longitude -90.63736
Location According To Geonames
Geodetic Datum WGS 84
Related Documents Peter C. Peterson letter to Thomas Kent regarding Vireo and Warbler accounts and Fall birds sighted, November 30, 1980 Field reports, winter 1980-1981 contributed by Michael Newlon Field notes contributed by James P. Sandrock, winter 1981-1982 Field notes contributed by Michael C. Newlon, winter 1981-1982 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Peter C. Petersen, fall 1983 Winter report, Quad Cities area, Iowa, from Peter C. Petersen, 1983-1984 Field notes contributed by Gerald White, winter 1983-1984 Spring migration, March 1-May 24, 1984, contributed by Peter C. Petersen Field notes and Peter C. Petersen letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding the fall report and bird sightings, summer 1985 Field report contributed by Thomas H. Kent, December 9, 1997 Field report, fall 1999, Thomas Kent Rare bird documentation form for Varied Thrush at Fairmont Cemetery in Davenport, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for Varied Thrush at Fairmont Cemetery in Davenport, 1983 Iowa Birdline update, December 19, 1988 Iowa RBA, January 26, 1998 Iowa RBA, November 29-December 4, 1999 Iowa RBA, December 6-12, 1999 Iowa RBA, December 13-17, 1999
Related Birds Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Cooper's Hawk Double-crested Cormorant White-winged Crossbill Snowy Owl Herring Gull Curve-billed Thrasher Gray Catbird Red-breasted Nuthatch Ring-billed Gull Rusty Blackbird Pine Grosbeak Greater Scaup Glaucous Gull Golden-crowned Kinglet Common Merganser Northern Shrike Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Hawk Owl Hooded Merganser Bald Eagle Common Grackle Common Redpoll Pileated Woodpecker Red Crossbill Varied Thrush Short-eared Owl White-throated Sparrow Evening Grosbeak White-crowned Sparrow Golden Eagle Red-throated Loon Pine Siskin Broad-winged Hawk Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Orchard Oriole Purple Finch Semipalmated Plover Baird's Sandpiper Caspian Tern Acadian Flycatcher Northern Mockingbird Prothonotary Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Black Tern Least Bittern Marbled Godwit Indigo Bunting Eurasian Collared Dove Canvasback Common Moorhen Franklin's Gull Roseate Spoonbill Cattle Egret Wilson's Phalarope Lesser Black-backed Gull Sabine's Gull Common Loon White-rumped Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Black-billed Cuckoo Olive-sided Flycatcher Hermit Thrush Short-billed Dowitcher Cape May Warbler Little Blue Heron Brewer's Blackbird Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Brown Pelican Arctic Tern Dunlin Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Sandhill Crane Laughing Gull American Golden Plover Great Black-backed Gull Turkey Vulture American White Pelican Northern Saw-whet Owl Canada Goose Great Blue Heron Ferruginous Hawk Thayer's Gull Ruffed Grouse Pomarine Jaeger Yellow-billed Loon Pacific Loon Common Yellowthroat Surf Scoter Prairie Falcon Black Scoter Northern Goshawk Snow Bunting Bullock's Oriole Long-tailed Duck
Related People Petersen, Peter C. Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Newlon, Michael C. Sandrock, James P., 1929- Staudt, Thomas J. Sandrock, Johanna Kay Blevins, Corey T. Linden, Larry Petersen, Mary Lou Robinson, John C., 1959- White, Gerald Dinsmore, James J. Lafrenz, Bill Lafrenz, Kathy Hahn, Allan C. Linder, Larry Iowa Ornithologists' Union Fuller, James L Efta, Rita E. Erickson, Sally Allen, Pam Allen, Reid I. Healy, Kevin Kenne, Matthew C. Yager, Dave Cecil, Robert I. Moore, Francis L. Leete, Randy Leete, Rhea
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