Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 8, 1932 copy
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 8, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County between 6:40 and 12:10. This checklist is virtually the same as another checklist with this date but with different notes and one additional bird marked.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Cooper's Hawk Gray-cheeked Thrush Eastern Bluebird White-throated Sparrow Scarlet Tanager American Redstart Black-capped Chickadee Western Meadowlark Cliff Swallow
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 7, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 7, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around North Bridge with Bob Walker between 6:30 and 9:30.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Broad-winged Hawk Cooper's Hawk Bobolink Black-and-white Warbler Indigo Bunting Grasshopper Sparrow Wood Thrush Common Yellowthroat Tennessee Warbler
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
James J. Zohrer email to James J. Dinsmore regarding a juvenile Loon sighting, June 20, 2001
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Gaviiformes | Loons
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by James J. Zohrer in an email to James J. Dinsmore. The field notes include his sighting of a juvenile Loon over a period of three weeks. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 2001.
Zohrer, James J. (James Joseph), 1945-
Snow Goose
Raccoon River Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 6, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 6, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around North Bridge with Lloyd and Violet between 7:00 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Cooper's Hawk Least Flycatcher Golden-winged Warbler Dickcissel Red-eyed Vireo Gray Catbird Chestnut-sided Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Nashville Warbler
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Documentation form for extraordinary bird sightings in Iowa, Michael C. Dooley, June 18 to July 5, 2001
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Documentation of a Pacific Loon sighting contributed by Michael C. Dooley, June 18, 2001. The bird was first sighted on June 18, 2001 and last sighted on July 5, 2001. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 2001.
Dooley, Michael C.
Pacific Loon
Terry Trueblood Recreation Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 4, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 4, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County between 5:30 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Warbling Vireo Black-and-white Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Palm Warbler White-crowned Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Sedge Wren Wilson's Warbler Least Sandpiper
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 3, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 3, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County with Bob Walker between 6:00 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Red-headed Woodpecker Cooper's Hawk Eastern Bluebird Clay-colored Sparrow Eastern Kingbird Great Crested Flycatcher Swainson's Thrush Northern Bobwhite
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, May 1, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests Photography of birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 1, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County with Bob Walker between 8:00 and 12:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Red-tailed Hawk Cooper's Hawk Turkey Vulture Purple Martin Loggerhead Shrike Lark Sparrow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Chipping Sparrow Black-capped Chickadee
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 30, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 30, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Adix Ponds and North Bridge with Bob Walker between 6:00 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Tree Swallow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Snow Goose Northern Shoveler Belted Kingfisher Barn Swallow Horned Lark American Golden Plover
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 29, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Birds--Infancy
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 29, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around North Bridge and Gilroy Woods with Bob Walker between 6:40 and 9:40.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Red-tailed Hawk American Kestrel Great Horned Owl Spotted Sandpiper Northern Rough-winged Swallow Ovenbird Swamp Sparrow Eastern Whip-poor-will
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 28, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Identification
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 28, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Schall Pond and Beaver Bayou with Bob Walker between 6:30 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
American Kestrel Horned Grebe Osprey Solitary Sandpiper Ruby-crowned Kinglet Yellow-rumped Warbler Wilson's Warbler Chipping Sparrow
Boone County Beaver
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 27, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 27, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Adix Pond and North Bridge with Bob Walker between 6:30 and 9:30.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Cooper's Hawk Yellow-headed Blackbird Greater Yellowlegs Wilson's Phalarope White-crowned Sparrow Purple Finch Northern Rough-winged Swallow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Green-winged Teal
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 26, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 26, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around North Bridge with Bob Walker between 6:40 and 9:10.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Purple Martin Harris' Sparrow Lark Sparrow Osprey Ruby-crowned Kinglet Yellow-rumped Warbler Belted Kingfisher Brown Creeper Green Heron
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 23, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 23, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Adix Pond and North Bridge with Bob Walker between 6:30 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Cooper's Hawk Chimney Swift White-throated Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Brown Thrasher Louisiana Waterthrush Lincoln's Sparrow Red-bellied Woodpecker Northern Bobwhite
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 19, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 19, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted enroute from Ogden to Rockwell City.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Northern Flicker Blue-winged Teal Ring-necked Duck American Wigeon Northern Shoveler Mourning Dove Horned Lark Common Pheasant Mallard
Ogden Twin Lakes Rockwell City Boxholm
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 15, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 15, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County between 7:00 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Killdeer Rough-legged Hawk Upland Sandpiper Pied-billed Grebe Fox Sparrow American Coot Dark-eyed Junco Wilson's Snipe Northern Bobwhite
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 14, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 14, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Adix Pond and North Bridge between 7:00 and 9:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Carolina Wren Ring-necked Duck Pectoral Sandpiper Hermit Thrush Swamp Sparrow Hairy Woodpecker Northern Shoveler Red-bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 10, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 10, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Long Pond with Bob Walker and Walter Jr. between 7:00 and 4:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
American Kestrel Short-eared Owl Blue-winged Teal Cinnamon Teal Franklin's Gull American Wigeon Ruddy Duck Green-winged Teal Northern Harrier
Long Pond
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 10, 1932 copy
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 10, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Long Pond between 7:00 and 4:00. This checklist is virtually the same as another checklist with this date but with different notes.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
American Bittern Purple Martin Loggerhead Shrike Cinnamon Teal Ring-necked Duck Swamp Sparrow Northern Shoveler Mallard Northern Bobwhite
Long Pond
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 8, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 8, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Boone County between 7:00 and 10:30.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Vesper Sparrow Field Sparrow Eastern Phoebe Hairy Woodpecker Black-capped Chickadee Dark-eyed Junco Downy Woodpecker Eastern Screech-Owl
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 3, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 3, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted near Jewell with a group of people including Bob Walker and Walter Jr. between 7:00 and 5:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Rough-legged Hawk Ring-billed Gull Canvasback Goldeneye American Wigeon Redhead Northern Pintail Gadwall Northern Harrier
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 3, 1932 copy
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 3, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted near Jewell between 7:00 and 5:00. This checklist is virtually the same as another checklist with this date but with different notes.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Killdeer Pied-billed Grebe Rusty Blackbird Blue-winged Teal Ring-necked Duck Snow Goose Northern Shoveler Green-winged Teal Mallard
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, February 28, 1932
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated February 28, 1932. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Beaver Creek and the Ledges.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Killdeer Rough-legged Hawk White-breasted Nuthatch Ring-necked Duck American Tree Sparrow Hairy Woodpecker Horned Lark Downy Woodpecker Mallard
Beaver Creek Ledges State Park Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 12, 1931
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Identification Birds--Nests Photography of birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 12, 1931. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around North Bridge with Bob Walker.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Red-tailed Hawk White-breasted Nuthatch Vesper Sparrow Loggerhead Shrike Great Horned Owl Ruby-crowned Kinglet Belted Kingfisher Northern Harrier Mallard
Boone County
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589
Daily field checking list, Walter Rosene, April 17, 1931
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated April 17, 1931. This checklist was used by Walter Rosene to record birds sighted around Beaver Bayou and Schall Pond with Bob Walker.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Rough-legged Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Pied-billed Grebe Rusty Blackbird Blue-winged Teal Savannah Sparrow Hermit Thrush Swamp Sparrow Wilson's Snipe
Boone County Beaver
Walter M. Rosene, Sr. Papers | MS 589