Historical Notes
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Authored Rich DeCoster letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding fall 1975 bird sightings around Iowa City, Iowa, December 1, 1975 Richard DeCoster letter to Vernon Kleen regarding Iowa bird observations for winter 1975/1976, April 2, 1976 Letter from Richard DeCoster to Iowa Ornithologists' Union regarding bird sightings from June 1 to July 31, 1976 Report for Iowa Bird Life, Birds Seen in Iowa City Area August 19-August 20, 1976 Report for "American Birds" Midwestern Prarie Region: 1 August - 30 November 1976 Iowa Bird Life report for September 1 to November 30, 1976 Bird sightings contributed by Rich DeCoster, February 15, 1977 Report for American Birds and Iowa Bird Life for the period 1 March, 1977 to 25 May, 1977 American Birds and Iowa Bird Life report, July 31, 1977 Rich DeCoster letter to Nicholas S. Halmi, regarding bird sightings, March 1, 1978 and report for Iowa bird life Rich DeCoster letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings, June 5, 1978 Birding report for "American Birds" and "Iowa Bird Life" 1 August 1978 through October 1978. Rich DeCoster letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, May 29, 1980 Field notes contributed by Rich DeCoster, summer 1980 Report for American Birds and Iowa Bird Life for the period August 1, 1977 to November 30, 1977 Fall season, 1985 Iowa bird reports Rich DeCoster letter to Thomas Kent regarding shorebirds at Cone Marsh, July 25, 1994 Rare bird documentation form for Golden Eagle at Johnson County, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Black-legged Kittiwake at Coralville Reservoir, 1976 Rare bird documentation form for Northern Shrike at Hickory Hill Park in Iowa City, 1976 Rare bird documentation form for Hermit Thrush near Tiffin, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Bohemian Waxwing at MacLean Hall at University of Iowa, 1976 Rare bird documentation form for Field Sparrow near Tiffin, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Pine Grosbeak at Hickory Hill Park in Iowa City, 1978
Contributed Bird Observations of Mike and Carol Newlon Bird Sighting List Bird sightings from Mike and Carol Newlon, fall 1976 Field notes contributed by Carl J. Bendorf, winter 1978-1979 Field notes contributed by Michael C. Newlon, spring 1979 Field notes contributed by Thomas H. Kent, fall 1979 Rare bird documentation form for Little Blue Heron at Cone Marsh, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Golden Eagle at the Dupont Bridge in Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Conesville Marsh, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Yellow Rail at Cone Marsh, 1978 Rare bird documentation form for Glaucous Gull at Lock and Dam 14 near Davenport in 1981 Rare bird documentation form for Black-legged Kittiwake in Coralville Reservoir in unknown year
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