Historical Notes
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Maintenance Agency Iowa State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
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Authored Jane Fuller letter to the Field Reports editor regarding field notes, January 27, 1982
Contributed Records Committee Review for rare bird sighting of Pacific Loon at Pleasant Creek Lake, 1995 Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Mississippi Kite at suburban Des Moines, 1991 James L. Fuller notes to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings and accompanying field notes, June 3, 1985 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, James L. Fuller, summer 1986 Field reports of Iowa birds, December 6, 1986 Field reports form, contributed by Charles Fuller, fall 1986 Field notes and Pam Allen and Reid I. Allen letter to Thomas H. Kent, December 2, 1991 Rare bird documentation form for Surf Scoter at DeSoto Bend National Wildlife Refuge, 1986 Documentation of rare bird, Laughing Gull, James L. Fuller, June 14, 2001 Rare bird documentation form for Lesser Black-backed Gull at Mississippi River between Bettendorf, IA and Moline, IL, 1992 Details for rare bird sighting, Jim Fuller, 1992 Details for Glaucous Gull at Lock and Dam 14 in Davenport in 1992 Rare bird documentation form for Great Black-backed Gull at Mississippi River between Moline, IL and Bettendorf, IA, 1992 Details for unusual bird sighting, 1991 Rare bird documentation form for Nashville Warbler north of Iowa City, 1991 Rare bird documentation form for Prairie Warbler at Croton Unit in Shimek State Forest in 1985 Breeding Evidence Observations, Bob Cecil, 1985 Rare bird documentation form for Vesper Sparrow in Des Moines County, 1989 Rare bird documentation form for Henslow's Sparrow near Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, 1988 Rare bird documentation form for Pine Grosbeak at Glendale Cemetery in Des Moines, 1985
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