Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant at Polk County in 1927
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Behavior Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for twenty-four Brants at Polk County on April 23, 1927. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Birds of Polk County Iowa in Des Moines Audubon Society by Philip A. DuMont seen by Watson and Nelson.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Polk County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant at Powesheik County before 1907
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Behavior Birds--Identification Birds--Migration Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a number of Brants at Powesheik County, IA before 1907. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Birds of Poweshiek County Iowa in Ornithologist and Oologist 16:131-134 by C. Kelsey, and referenced by two other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Poweshiek County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant at Sac County in 1911
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for five Brants at Sac County, IA in the spring of 1911. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Annotated list of the water birds, gamebirds and birds of prey of Sac County Iowa in Wilson Bull 29:141-160 by J.A. Spurrell seen by Beulah H. May.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Sac County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant at Swan Lake in 1996
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brant at Swan Lake in Carroll County, IA on November 26, 1996. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the letter from Russ Behrens to Bob describing the bird, and referenced by a publication.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Swan Lake State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brant in Iowa before 1870
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brant in Iowa before 1870. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication A Catalogue of the Birds of Iowa by J.A. Allen.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Boone in 1900
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes Reports
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brown Pelican near Boone in Boone County, IA in July 1900. Includes a record review document with votes, a letter from David A Newhouse to IOU Records Committee, the original sighting record found in the publication A Southern bird in central Iowa by C.F. Henning seen by Fritcher brothers, and referenced in three other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown Pelican
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Brenton Slough in 1959
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds Water birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brown Pelican at Brenton Slough in Polk County, IA on April 26, 1959. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Brown Pelican record near Des Moines in Iowa Bird Life 30:47 seen by Helen and Harold Peasley.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown Pelican
Brenton Slough
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Council Bluffs in 1819
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds Trapping
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brown Pelican at Council Bluffs in Pottawattamie County, IA in 1819. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication The Birds of Iowa in the Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Sciences 11:125-417 by Rudolph Martin Anderson, and referenced in two other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown Pelican
Council Bluffs
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Montpelier, 1969
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs
Birds--Identification Photography of birds Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brown Pelican at Montpelier in Muscatine County, IA on May 10, 1969. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Brown Pelican in Muscatine County in Iowa Bird Life 42:51 by Peter C. Petersen photographed by Elmer Deters.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown Pelican
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown Pelican at Twin Lake, 1963
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Brown Pelican at Twin Lake in Calhoun County, IA on September 14, 1963. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Iowa Bird Life 33:86 seen by Mrs. George Wright.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown Pelican
Twin Lakes
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Brown-headed Nuthatch at Keokuk in 1893
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds Birds--Collection and preservation
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for several Brown-headed Nuthatches at Keokuk in Lee County, IA on May 9 to 13, 1893. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication An Old Record of the Brown-headed Nuthatch in Iowa and Illinois in Wilson Bulletin 47:240 by Philip A. DuMont seen by Ed. S. Currier, and referenced in another publication.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Bullock's Oriole at Lake Red Rock, 1995
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird watching Ornithology Ornithology--Societies, etc
Rare birds documentation form
Records Committee review for a Bullock's Oriole at Lake Red Rock in Marion County, IA on September 3, 1995. Includes a record review document with votes, an article in Iowa Bird Life, and a documentation form submitted to the committee.
Dinsmore, Stephen J.
Bullock's Oriole
Lake Red Rock
Red Rock Res., Marion Co.
forest along lake
The documentation form by Stephen J. Dinsmore is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Another observer include Jim Sinclair. | Elimination of similar species: See above. Baltimore Oriole has a solid black hood and dark wings. | The original documentation form event lasted from 08:35:00/08:36:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Cape May Warbler at Indianola in 1996
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes Photographs
Bird feeders Birds--Food Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Cape May Warbler at Indianola in Warren County, IA from November 14 to December 18, 1997. Includes a record review document with votes, a photograph by Stephen Dinsmore, and the original sighting record found in the publication A Record Late Cape May Warbler in Iowa in Iowa Bird Life 67(4):132-33 by Jim Sinclair also seen by Taylor Sinclair.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Cape May Warbler
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee at Iowa in 1975
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird banding Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for six Carolina Chickadees at Iowa in 1975. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Annotated List of Foray Birds in Iowa Bird Life 47:123-132 by W.Ross Silcock.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee at Iowa in 1976
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird banding Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for five Carolina Chickadees at Iowa in 1976. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Annotated List of Foray Birds in Iowa Bird Life 47:123-132 by W. Ross Silcock.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee at Iowa in 1977
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird banding Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for two Carolina Chickadees at Iowa in 1977. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Iowa Bird Banding Summary for 1977 by Keith and Irene Layton.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee at Sidney in 1962
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird feeders Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for several Carolina Chickadees at Sidney in Fremont County, IA on January 22, 1962. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Carolina Chickadee in Southwest Iowa in Iowa Bird Life 32:19-20 by Woodward H. Brown and seen by Jane Getscher.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee in Buchanan County in 1929
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Carolina Chickadee in Buchanan County on October 7, 1929. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Revised List of Birds of Iowa by Philip A. DuMont seen by Fred J. Pierce and Charles J. Spiker, and a letter from Fred J. Pierce to Thomas Kent describing the bird sighting on October 29, 1981.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Buchanan County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee in Keokuk in 1888
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Correspondence Field notes Photographs
Birds--Identification Rare birds Zoological specimens
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for a Carolina Chickadee in Keokuk in Lee County, IA on May 4, 1888. Includes a record review document with votes, a letter about the specimens, notes and details about the specimens, photographs of the specimens, the original sighting record found in the publication the Birds of Iowa by Rudolph Martin Anderson seen by George H. Berry, and referenced by two other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Chickadee south of Hamburg in 1974
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Bird banding Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for three Carolina Chickadees south of Hamburg in Fremont County, IA in 1974. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Specials in our 1974 Banding Activity in Iowa Bird Life 45(3):86-88 by Hazel Diggs and Fitzhugh Diggs, and referenced by two other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Chickadee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Parakeet at Engineer's Cantonment in 1819
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Extinct birds Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for Carolina Parakeets at Engineer's Cantonment, IA around 1819. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains Performed in the Years 1819 and 1820 by Edwin James as seen by Thomas Say, and referenced by another publication.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Parakeet
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Parakeet at Spirit Lake before 1895
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Extinct birds Rare birds Zoological specimens
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for Carolina Parakeets at Spirit Lake in Dickinson County, IA before 1895. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Birds Extinct in Iowa and Those Becoming So in Iowa Ornithologist 2(1):1-3 by Paul Bartsch mounted by Robert Ridgway, and referenced by four other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Parakeet
Spirit Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Parakeet at Webster County in 1850
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Geographical distribution Birds--Identification Extinct birds Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for Carolina Parakeets at Webster County, IA during the late 1850s or early 1860s. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Carolina Parakeet in the Northwest in Auk 82:221-222 by Daniel McKinley as reported by Ira N. Gabrielson from his grandfather John Gabrielson.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Parakeet
Webster County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Parakeet below Weeping Water Creek, NE in 1834
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for Carolina Parakeets below Weeping Water Creek, NE on May 14, 1834. Includes a record review document with votes and the original sighting record found in the publication Birds of Iowa by Rudolph Martin Anderson seen by Prince Maximillian.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Parakeet
Weeping Water Creek
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting for Carolina Parakeet in southern Decatur County in 1873
Administrative records Clippings (information artifacts) Field notes
Birds--Identification Extinct birds Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Records Committee review for Carolina Parakeets in southern Decatur County, IA before 1873. Includes a record review document with votes, the original sighting record found in the publication Notes on the birds of southern Iowa in the Proceedings of the Boston Natural History Society 15:229-242 by T .Martin Trippe, and referenced by seven other publications.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee
Carolina Parakeet
Decatur County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166