S.O.S. bulletin for our old friend Bob White, February 1, 1927
Business records
Birds--Conservation Birds--Extinction Ornithology--Societies, etc Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter urging members of the Iowa Ornithologists' Union to support a bill in the house known as the House File, by Blythe- (No. 23). This bill asks for a permanent closed hunting season on Quail. The end of the letter states 'It will indeed be a satisfaction to know that we have done our bit toward saving the Bob White's life, the most valuable bird to the farmers of Iowa.' Signed by W. M. Rosen (Walter Rosene).
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Rosene, Walter, 1880-1941
Northern Bobwhite
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Ames Audubon Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 6, January 9, 1969
Birds--Conservation Birds--Counting Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Environmental policy Ornithology--Societies, etc Hunting--Moral and ethical aspects
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Ames Audubon Society, Volume 1, Number 6, January 9, 1969. Highlights of the newsletter include details about a public forum featuring a discussion on dove hunting with moderator Dr. Robert J. Muncy, a report on a successful Christmas Bird Count, and a review of the Rachel Carson Memorial Lecture.
Ames Audubon Society
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Man and birds
Lecture notes
Birds--Behavior Birds--Conservation Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation Citizen science
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Lecture notes. Presentation by Oscar Allert read before the Monona Garden Club, Monona, Iowa, on February 20, 1934. Allert talks about birds and the need for their conservation.
Allert, Oscar P.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Kathy Andersen forwarded email from Pat Schlarbaum to James J. Dinsmore regarding an Osprey release, July 13, 2000
Birds--Conservation Wildlife reintroduction
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Email from Pat Schlarbaum forwarded by Kathy Andersen to James J. Dinsmore regarding the release of nine Osprey in Iowa, July 13, 2000. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 2000.
Schlarbaum, Pat Andersen, Kathy
Hartman Reserve Nature Center Saylorville Lake Macbride Nature Recreation Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Edwin G. Crocker letter to Mike Newlon regarding the sighting of a Virginia Rail, November 28, 1984
Field notes
Birds--Conservation Birds--Identification Rare birds Wildlife rehabilitation
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Ed Crocker to Mike Newlon, dated November 28, 1984, detailing the sighting of an immature Virginia Rail in Washington Township, Buena Vista County, IA, on November 26, 1984.
Crocker, Edwin G.
Virginia Rail
Washington Township
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Neil Bernstein letter to Jim Dinsmore regarding bird sightings for IOU quarterly field report for summer 1990, July 3, 1990
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Behavior Birds--Conservation Birds--Identification Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird sightings reported to IOU by Neil Bernstein in a letter to Jim Dinsmore on July 3, 1990. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1990.
Bernstein, Neil
Upland Sandpiper Dickcissel Great Crested Flycatcher Cerulean Warbler
Fort Defiance State Park Cayler Prairie State Preserve Stinson Prairie State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Bill Gombold letter to Frederic Leopold regarding duck conservation, April 2, 1988
Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation Hunting--Moral and ethical aspects Duck populations
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Bill Gombold to Frederic Leopold regarding duck conservation, April 2, 1988. The letter calls on Leopold's knowledge and insight of waterfowl conservation to help in the fight to end the decrease in the duck population.
Gombold, Bill
Frederic Leopold Papers | MS 113
A plan to save our ducks
Reports Essays
Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation Waterfowl management Duck populations
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A report written by Frederic Leopold to address the issue of the continuing decline in waterfowl populations. Leopold voices concerns about the overly optimistic report from Ducks Unlimited regarding waterfowl population and the fact that the effects of over-hunting have been down played. F. Leopold references his brother Aldo Leopold and his book "Game Management" and the philosophy of limiting factors. F. Leopold believes that excessive hunting is the main limiting factor in the declining duck population and not loss of habitat.
Leopold, Frederic, 1895-1989
Wood Duck
Frederic Leopold Papers | MS 113
Frederic Leopold letter to A.S. Hawkins regarding hunting and the effect on duck populations, January 13, 1988
Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat Hunting--Moral and ethical aspects Wildlife habitat improvement Waterfowl management Duck populations
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Frederic Leopold to A.S. Hawkins regarding hunting and the effect on duck populations, January 13, 1988. The letter voices reasons why Leopold disagrees with the theory of unsuitable habitats as a cause for the declining duck population. F. Leopold references his brother, Aldo Leopold, and his book "Game Management" as well as the philosophy of limiting factors. F. Leopold expresses his belief that spending more money on habitat improvement will not produce more ducks and the best solution would be to have less hunting of ducks.
Leopold, Frederic, 1895-1989
Wood Duck
Frederic Leopold Papers | MS 113
Frederic Leopold letter to the editor of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch regarding hunting and the effect on duck populations, April 27, 1988
Birds--Conservation Hunting--Moral and ethical aspects Wildlife habitat improvement Waterfowl management Duck populations
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Frederic Leopold to the editor of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch regarding hunting and the effect on duck populations, April 27, 1988. The letter voices concerns about the laws governing the hunting of migratory waterfowl. F. Leopold references his brother, Aldo Leopold, and his book "Game Management" as well as the philosophy of limiting factors. F. Leopold expresses his belief that the limiting factor in the declining duck population is a lack of living, breeding ducks due to excessive hunting and not a shortage of suitable nesting areas.
Leopold, Frederic, 1895-1989
Wood Duck
Frederic Leopold Papers | MS 113
Field notes contributed by Bob Sheets, November 22, 1982
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes were contributed by Bob Sheets. The notes were submitted with the Iowa Natural Areas Inventory form about a farm near Lost Nation, Iowa.This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1982.
Sheets, Bob
Short-eared Owl
Lost Nation
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Gary Nelson, October 14, 1982
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Conservation
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes were contributed by Gary Nelson.The field notes were submitted on the Reporting Form for Endangered/Threatened or Uncommon Species. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1982.
Double-crested Cormorant
Saylorville Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Charlotte Scott letter to Nicholas S. Scott regarding blue-listed birds, June 7, 1977
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Annotated letter from Charlotte Scott to Nicholas S. Halmi reporting blue-listed birds in the Seymour, Iowa area, June 7, 1977. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of spring 1977.
Scott, Charlotte
American Kestrel Upland Sandpiper Double-crested Cormorant Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Cattle Egret Piping Plover
Appanoose County Rathbun Lake Seymour
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Press release for Breeding Bird Atlas Project
Press releases
Bird populations Bird surveys Birds--Conservation Environmental monitoring
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Press release seeking volunteers to assist with the Breeding Bird Atlas Project, March 1, 1987.
Iowa. Department of Natural Resources Iowa Ornithologists' Union Breeding Bird Atlas Committee
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Letter to members of the Iowa Ornithologists' Union regarding resolutions adopted at the annual meeting, December 9, 1930
Birds--Conservation Birds--Extinction Ornithology--Societies, etc Meetings
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter to members of the Iowa Ornithologists' Union regarding resolutions adopted at the annual meeting held May 16, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska. Includes a list of the resolutions adopted at the annual meeting. Letter is submitted by A. J. Palas, T.C. Stephens and W. A. Kinnaird, and signed by Mary L. Bailey.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union Bailey, Mary L.
Bald Eagle
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Tomma Lou Maas, spring 1980
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Birds--Nests Birdsongs
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Tomma Lou Maas with observer Randy Maas. The field notes include detailed observations. This item was submitted past the deadline for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly Report of spring 1980.
Maas, Tomma Lou Maas, Randy
Red-shouldered Hawk Great Horned Owl
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Second supplementary breeding bird census of Big Sand Mound Nature Preserve, Louisa County, Iowa, 1984
Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat Birds--Nests Environmental monitoring
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Second supplementary breeding bird census of Big Sand Mound Nature Preserve, Louisa County, Iowa, 1984, was written by Peter C. Petersen. It was submitted to Environmental Services Division, Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company, Davenport, Iowa, July 1984. Three visits were made in 1984 and compared with 1983 to re-evaluate the breeding population of the preserve, with dozens of species listed along with their breeding status. On the title page of the report was a note from Peter C. Petersen to James J. Dinsmore that he had included the most significant records in a separate report. That report listed six species at BSMNP. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of summer 1984.
Petersen, Peter C.
Red-shouldered Hawk Double-crested Cormorant Yellow-breasted Chat Lark Sparrow Hooded Merganser Northern Mockingbird
Big Sand Mound Nature Preserve
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 25, Number 2, October 1990
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Local government and environmental policy Ornithology--Societies, etc
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa), Volume 25, Number 2, October 1990. Highlights of the newsletter include a report of a field trip to Marietta Sand Prairie, a call for society members who maintain bluebird boxes to provide input on nesting success for a directory that is being compiled by Jacquelyn Hill, a request for society members to write letters to the DNR in support of protecting Lizard Lake, and news from the Iowa Audubon Council. The completed Iowa Bluebird Directory, 1990 found at: https://avian.lib.iastate.edu/documents/10132/view
Edwards, David C. Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa)
Eastern Bluebird
Ames Lizard Lake Marietta Sand Prairie State Preserve
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 25, Number 3, November 1990
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Ornithology--Societies, etc
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa), Volume 25, Number 3, November 1990. Highlights of the newsletter include details on an upcoming field trip to DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, information on the Bluebird Recovery Project directory being complied by Jacquelyn Hill, and a report on a Hawk watch field trip. The completed Iowa Bluebird Directory, 1990, found at: https://avian.lib.iastate.edu/documents/10132/view
Edwards, David C. Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa)
Red-tailed Hawk Cooper's Hawk Eastern Bluebird Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk
Ames Des Moines River DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge Boone County Wilson Island State Park
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Iowa Bluebird Directory 1990, Bluebird Recovery Program
Maps (documents) Reports Charts (graphic documents)
Bird populations Bird watchers Birds--Conservation Birds--Nests Birdhouses--Design and construction Predatory animals Wildlife reintroduction Insect pests--Control
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
A directory of birders in Iowa who were instrumental in the recovery of Eastern Bluebirds in the state in 1990. Includes Bluebird nest box data, information on Bluebird clutches and nests as well as the names and locations of participants with their observations on number of houses, number of eggs, number hatched, and the number fledged. The directory also contains a list of predators and problems that may be encountered on the Bluebird trail with possible solutions, design plans for a Sparrow trap and a Bluebird slot box and a blank 1991 Nest Box Record form to return the next year.
Iowa. Department of Natural Resources Hill, Jaclyn
Eastern Bluebird
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 30, Number 8, May 1995
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Ornithology--Societies, etc Societies--History, organization, etc International Migratory Bird Day
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa), Volume 30, Number 8, May 1995. Highlights of the newsletter include the announcement of John Flicker as the next President and C.E.O. of the National Audubon Society, a reminder of International Migratory Bird Day which promotes the conservation of many species of neotropical birds that are at risk due to habitat loss, a nominating committee report with the slate of society officer candidates to be voted on at the official annual meeting in May, and the proposed 1995-1996 budget for the society.
Dragula, Sherry Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa)
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 32, Number 3, January/February 1997
Forms (documents) Newsletters
Bird feeders Bird populations Bird surveys Bird watching Birds--Conservation Birds--Counting Ornithology--Societies, etc Books--Reviews
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa), Volume 32, Number 3, January/February 1997. Highlights of the newsletter include a Birder of the Month column profiling past society president Mike Meetz, details on a book "Birds of Iowa" authored by Thomas H. Kent and James J. Dinsmore, the results of the 1996 Ames, Saylorville Reservoir, and Boone County Christmas Birds Counts, and the 1996 Watch List of approximately 90 species of birds with declining populations. Also included is the 1997 Winter Bird Feeder Survey with instructions and a documentation form to complete.
Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa) Shivvers, Rebecca A.
Red-headed Woodpecker Sandhill Crane
Ames Saylorville Lake Boone County
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Big Bluestem Flyer, Volume 37, Number 5, May/June 2002
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Ornithology--Societies, etc Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Wildlife conservation Societies--History, organization, etc
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The newsletter of the Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa), Volume 37, Number 5, May/June 2002. Highlights of the newsletter include details on the acquisition of proposed Harrier Marsh Shorebird Management and Observation Area for the purpose of managing and hosting migrating shorebirds, a column "From the Wolf's Den" by Wolf Oesterrich reporting observations of many species of waterfowl and new early extreme spring dates for Story County, information on an upcoming Iowa Wetlands Workshop, and details on Audubon membership for both national and chapter members. Also included is brochure, "Audubon Guide for a Healthy Yard and Beyond".
Big Bluestem Audubon Society (Ames, Iowa) Shivvers, Rebecca A.
Ames Harrier Marsh Ada Hayden Heritage Park
Big Bluestem Audubon Society | MS 592
Invitation to Fall Birding Festival in Lansing, Iowa, November 7-9, 2003
Printed ephemera Fliers (printed matter)
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Wildlife-related recreation
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Invitation to the second annual Rivers and Bluffs Fall Birding Festival held November 7, 8 & 9 2003. Headquarters for the festival is in Lansing, Iowa. Includes field trips, live Bald Eagle program and other social activities.
Iowa Lansing
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Criteria for Iowa Important Bird Area (IBA) site selection
Administrative records
Birds--Conservation Birds--Habitat Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Document by the Iowa Ornithologist's Union stating various categories that can be used to designate a site as an Important Bird Area (IBA). Item includes lists of birds covered by each category, as well as "habitats nominated for IBA status" by Iowa county.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166