Field notes contributed by Beth Proescholdt, fall 1982
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Migration Fringillidae | Finches Parulidae | Warblers Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes were contributed by Beth Proescholdt and other observers. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of fall 1982.
Proescholdt, Beth
Bald Eagle Red-necked Grebe Eared Grebe Merlin Osprey Gray Partridge Pileated Woodpecker Hermit Thrush
Grammer Grove County Wildlife Area Marshall County Pine Lake Hardin County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Lesser Scaup X Ring-necked Duck hybrid at New Lake, undated
Field notes
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for a Lesser Scaup X Ring-necked Duck hybrid at New Lake in Woodbury County, IA on June 26 in unknown year.
Schaufenbuel, Joseph P.
Diving Ducks
New Lake
New Lake, Woodbury Co., IA
Ox bow lake surrounded by cattails.
The documentation form by Joseph P. Schaufenbuel is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. | Elimination of similar species: NA. | The original documentation form event lasted from 11:45:00/12:05:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form for Turkey Vulture at Burlington, unknown
Field notes Forms (documents)
Birds--Identification Ornithology Rare birds
Rare birds documentation form
Rare bird documentation form for two Turkey Vultures at Burlington in Des Moines County, IA on December 17, unknown.
Kaufman, Sharon
Turkey Vulture
1 mi. N. 1 mi. W of Burlington
Open field with scattered trees, birds soaring
The documentation form by Sharon Kaufman is the only one submitted and forms the basis of this record. Other observers include Jerry Rigdon and Lois Rigdon. | Elimination of similar species: Wing profile eliminated immature bald and golden eagles as well as dark phase red-tailed hawk. Pattern on underside of wing also used to eliminate above. | The original documentation form event occurred around 11:00:00.
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Lanny Haldy letter to Stephen Dinsmore regarding Trumpeter and Tundra Swans at Amana Lake
Correspondence Field notes
Bird banding Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Lanny Haldy to Stephen Dinsmore regarding Trumpeter Swans at Amana Lake on November 5 in an unknown year. Sightings of a Tundra Swan is also mentioned.
Haldy, Lanny
Trumpeter Swan Tundra Swan
Lily Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Rare bird documentation form by Tom Stone Jr. for Yellow-crowned Night Heron sightings at Forneys Lake and Riverton, 1979
Field notes Forms (documents)
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Rare bird documentation form for four Yellow-crowned Night Heron by Tom Stone Jr. at Forneys Lake in Fremont County, IA on July 19 and at Riverton in Fremont County, IA on July 20, 1979.
Stone, Tom, Jr.
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Forneys Lake Riverton Wildlife Management Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Documentation of Snowy Egret and Pine Warbler sightings by Erik Munson
Field notes
Birds--Identification Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Documentation details of two bird sightings by Erik Munson. Notable sighting includes a Snowy Egret Sighting in Fremont County on August 26 in an unknown year. A sighting of a Pine Warbler is also documented.
Munson, Erik
Snowy Egret Pine Warbler
Fremont County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
General notes on Starlings by Charles Spiker
Field notes Reports Drafts (documents)
Bird watching Introduced birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Undated report. Charles Spiker compiles a list of Starlings sighted by himself and others between April 8, 1929 and May 22, 1932. This information was included in the article "Increase of the Starling in Northeast Iowa" published in Iowa Bird Life, vol. 2, no. 3.
Spiker, Charles J.
Common Starling
Marquette Clayton County Giard Janesville Chickasaw Durango Winthrop Edgewood Quasqueton
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, September 30
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Cuculiformes | Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated September 30. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont on September 28 and 30, in Polk County, Ames and Little Wall Lake.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Little Wall Lake Ames Polk County
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, May 27-30
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 27-30. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont in Des Moines on May 27, in Des Moines and Ames on May 29, at Little Wall Lake, Jewell and Des Moines on May 30, annotated with number sighted.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Little Wall Lake Ames Des Moines Jewell
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, May 2-11
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Columbiformes | Doves and Pigeons Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Apodiformes | Swifts and Hummingbirds Cuculiformes | Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated May 2-11. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont on an outing from Des Moines to the Ledges May 2-3, and then on a trip from Des Moines to Omaha May 10-11, annotated with whether the bird was common, occasional or rare.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Des Moines Ledges State Park Omaha Camp Mitigwa
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Daily field checking list, Philip DuMont, June 12
Checklists Field notes
Bird watching Gruiformes | Cranes, Rails, and Coots Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Podicipediformes | Grebes Falconiformes | Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures Passeriformes | Perching-birds and songbirds Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Galliformes | Quails, Pheasants, Turkeys, and Grouse Piciformes | Woodpeckers and allies Strigiformes | Owls Caprimulgiformes | Nighthawks and Nightjars Coraciiformes | Kingfishers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird checklist dated June 12. A checklist of birds sighted by Philip DuMont, Kenneth Nelson, Walter Rosene and Bob Walker at Little Wall Lake, Jewell, Ogden, Paton and Long Pond, annotated with number sighted.
DuMont, Philip A. (Philip Atkinson), 1903-1996
Little Wall Lake Ogden Jewell Paton Long Pond
Philip A. Dumont Papers | MS 153
Field reports form, contributed by Mark Proescholdt, spring 1985
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Identification
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The field notes lists various bird sightings in central Iowa. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of spring 1985.
Brewer's Blackbird Franklin's Gull Gray Partridge Short-billed Dowitcher
Big Creek State Park Marshalltown Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge Union Grove State Park Pine Lake State Park Hubbard Prairie
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field reports of Iowa birds, June 6, 1985
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of bird sightings from across the state compiled by Thomas H. Kent. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly Report of spring 1985.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934-
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black's notes on Red Rock Lake and Refuge and Pleasantville winter bird sightings
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Notes on species observed at Red Rock Lake, Red Rock Refuge, and Pleasantville. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of winter 1975/1976.
Black, Gladys
Lake Red Rock Pleasantville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field report
Field notes
Bird watching Migratory birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Annotated report of bird sightings submitted by Dean F. Stauffer. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of spring 1977.
Stauffer, Dean F. , 1953-
Osprey Connecticut Warbler
Guthrie County Iowa Panora
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field report, Cedar Rapids area
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Reports of bird sightings near Cedar Rapids submitted by Lillian Serbousek. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of spring 1977.
Serbousek, Lillian
Red-shouldered Hawk Upland Sandpiper Sprague's Pipit Connecticut Warbler Cliff Swallow
Cedar Rapids Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area Ryan Palisades-Kepler State Park Toddville Alburnett
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Darwin Koenig letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Darwin Koenig to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of spring 1977.
Koenig, Darwin
Townsend's Solitaire American Woodcock Golden Eagle
Cardinal Marsh State Wildlife Area Brush Creek Canyon State Park Highlandville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
James J. Dinsmore letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Migration
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter and field notes from James J. Dinsmore to Nicholas S. Halmi, reporting bird sightings by type. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly Report of spring 1977.
Dinsmore, James J.
Red-shouldered Hawk Cooper's Hawk Yellow-breasted Chat Loggerhead Shrike Carolina Wren American White Pelican Yellow-throated Warbler Cattle Egret Osprey Hudsonian Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Louisiana Waterthrush
Allamakee County Ames Big Wall Lake Wildlife Management Area Forest City Le Grand Ledges State Park Mason City Yellow River State Forest Boone County Anderson Goose Lake Ingham Lake McFarland Lake Park Burr Oak Lake Wildlife Management Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
W. Ross Silcock letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding highlights of the Christmas bird count, January 30, 1977
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology Fringillidae | Finches
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Report contributed by W. Ross Silcock in a letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding highlights of the Christmas bird count. The Spotted Sandpiper, Townsend's Solitaire, Northern Shrikes, Rough-legged Hawk, and Bald Eagle are among the species mentioned. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists’ Union Quarterly field report of winter 1976-1977.
Silcock, W. Ross
Bald Eagle Rough-legged Hawk Townsend's Solitaire Spotted Sandpiper Northern Shrike
Decorah Dubuque Omaha
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Letter from J. Donald Gillaspey to Nicholas Halmi regarding bird sightings
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird sighting list and locations contributed J. Donald Gillaspey. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report for Summer 1976.
Upland Sandpiper Bobolink Loggerhead Shrike Sedge Wren Yellow Warbler
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Bird Sighting List
Field notes
Bird watching Water birds Water levels
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Bird sightings and locations list compiled by Mike and Carol Newlon.
Newlon, Michael C. Newlon, Carol S.
American Kestrel Upland Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper
Coralville Lake Iowa West Liberty F W Kent County Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Cedar Rapids Area Field Notes
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Cedar Rapids area field notes complied by Lillian Serbousek.
Serbousek, Lillian
Upland Sandpiper Yellow-breasted Chat Orchard Oriole Snowy Egret American Woodcock Prothonotary Warbler
Coralville Lake Toddville Paris
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Bird Observations of Mike and Carol Newlon
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Mike and Carol Newlon. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report.
Newlon, Michael C. Newlon, Carol S.
American Kestrel Upland Sandpiper Yellow-headed Blackbird Pileated Woodpecker Sedge Wren
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area Coralville Lake West Liberty F W Kent County Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
W. Ross Silcock letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding bird observations for winter 1975/1976, undated
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Ross Silcock's notes on birds observed near Malvern, Iowa for the winter of 1975/1976. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of winter 1975/1976.
Red-headed Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Loggerhead Shrike Barn Owl Canvasback Northern Mockingbird Yellow-rumped Warbler Snow Goose Hairy Woodpecker Northern Harrier
Fremont County Malvern
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Michael C. Newlon letter to Vernon Kleen regarding winter 1975-1976 observations
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Turdidae | Thrushes Water birds Bombycillidae | Waxwings
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Michael C. Newlon to Vernon Kleen for winter observations in the Iowa City area. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of winter 1975/1976.
Newlon, Michael C.
Cone Marsh Wildlife Management Area Coralville Lake Iowa City Princeton State Wildlife Management Area Palisades-Kepler State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166