Continent |
North America |
Water Body |
Island Group |
Island |
Country |
United States |
Country Code |
US |
State Province |
Iowa |
County |
Cherokee County |
Municipality |
Latitude |
42.73562 |
Longitude |
-95.62381 |
Location According To |
Geonames |
Geodetic Datum |
WGS 84 |
Related Documents |
Records Committee review for rare bird sighting of Ferruginous Hawk in Cherokee County, 1985 Field notes, February 1, 1978 Summer report, June 1 - July 30 Fall report, 1978 Dick Bierman letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding winter bird sightings, February 6, 1979 Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, winter 1978-1979 Dick Bierman letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding spring bird sightings, May 28, 1979 Field notes contributed by Marion M. Brewer, June 1, 1979 Dick Bierman letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings in northwest, Iowa, February 5, 1980 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, spring 1980 Dick Bierman letter to Thomas Kent regarding fall field report for 1980, December 3, 1980 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1981 Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins with verifying documentation, fall 1981 Dick Bierman letter to Nicholas S. Halmi regarding bird sightings, November 29, 1977 Iowa Ornithologists' Union, Quarterly field report, fall 1977 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, spring 1982 Field report contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1982 Field report contributed by Dick Bierman, fall 1982 Field notes contributed by Marion M. Brewer, spring 1983 Annotated bird sighting list for fall 1983 compiled by Dick Bierman Annotated bird sighting list for fall 1983 compiled by Marion Brewer Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, Cherokee, Iowa, fall 1984 Field reports of Iowa birds, June 22, 1985 Report form for selected species in spring, contributed by Marion M. Brewer, spring 1985 Annotated bird sighting list for Fall 1985 compiled by Dick Bierman Fall 1985 Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1986 compiled by Dick Bierman Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, fall 1986 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, spring 1987 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Marion M. Brewer, spring 1987 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1985 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, fall 1987 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Marion M. Brewer, fall 1987 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1989 Field reports, Dick Bierman, fall 1989 Field reports, Dick Bierman, fall 1990 Field reports, Dick Bierman, spring 1991 Dick Bierman letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding Swainson's Hawk sightings, April 20, 1992 Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, fall 1992 Peter C. Petersen letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding fall bird sightings, December 2, 1992 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, fall 1992 Annotated bird sighting list for Spring 1993 compiled by Dick Bierman Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1993 Peter Ernzen letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, summer 1997 Field notes contributed by Peter Ernzen, summer 1997 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Dick Bierman, spring 1998 Bruce Ehresman email to James J. Dinsmore regarding Bald Eagle nest locations, August 4, 2000 Iowa Ornithologists' Union, field report compiled data, Bobolink, 1977-1983 Iowa Ornithologists' Union, field report compiled data, Eastern Screech Owl, 1982-1983 Rare bird documentation form for Carolina Wren in Cherokee County, 1983 Rare bird documentation form for Carolina Wren in Cherokee County, 1983 Darwin Koenig letter to James J. Dinsmore regarding summer bird sightings, July 31, 2002 Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, spring 1995, Dick Bierman Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, fall 1995 Darwin Koenig letter to Lee A. Schoenewe regarding bird sightings, November 27, 1995 |
Related Birds |
Ferruginous Hawk Pine Grosbeak Short-eared Owl Killdeer Red-tailed Hawk Swainson's Hawk Least Bittern American Kestrel Eastern Bluebird Loggerhead Shrike Great Horned Owl Barred Owl Common Yellowthroat Lesser Yellowlegs Common Nighthawk Tree Swallow Gray Catbird Canada Goose Green-winged Teal Yellow Warbler Cooper's Hawk Double-crested Cormorant American White Pelican Cedar Waxwing Snow Bunting Common Redpoll Bohemian Waxwing Purple Finch Pileated Woodpecker Belted Kingfisher Horned Lark Rough-legged Hawk Song Sparrow Harris' Sparrow American Tree Sparrow Marbled Godwit Purple Sandpiper Eared Grebe Black-crowned Night Heron Ruby-crowned Kinglet American Avocet Osprey Semipalmated Plover American Golden Plover Red-breasted Nuthatch Northern Shrike Yellow-headed Blackbird Eastern Kingbird Golden-winged Warbler Greater White-fronted Goose Red-headed Woodpecker Horned Grebe Chimney Swift Brown Thrasher Merlin Stilt Sandpiper Golden-crowned Kinglet Cliff Swallow Ruby-throated Hummingbird Blue Grosbeak Yellow-throated Vireo Evening Grosbeak Tufted Titmouse Least Sandpiper Bald Eagle Lapland Longspur White-throated Sparrow Yellow-throated Warbler White-winged Crossbill Western Grebe Yellow-rumped Warbler Pine Siskin Eastern Whip-poor-will Ruffed Grouse Red-shouldered Hawk White-eyed Vireo Ross' Goose Cattle Egret Forster's Tern Common Loon Golden Eagle Peregrine Falcon Long-eared Owl Magnolia Warbler Tundra Swan Sharp-shinned Hawk Yellow-bellied Sapsucker American Woodcock Willet Caspian Tern Red Crossbill Great Egret Bobolink Red-necked Phalarope Turkey Vulture Brewer's Blackbird Le Conte's Sparrow Brown Creeper Carolina Wren Black-headed Grosbeak White-rumped Sandpiper White-winged Scoter Sanderling Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Black-throated Green Warbler Curlew Sandpiper Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Chestnut-collared Longspur Smith's Longspur Eurasian Wigeon Snowy Egret Lesser Black-backed Gull House Finch Varied Thrush Rusty Blackbird Little Blue Heron Upland Sandpiper Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Hudsonian Godwit Water Pipit Wood Duck Winter Wren Ross's Gull Red-breasted Merganser Western Kingbird Virginia Rail Semipalmated Sandpiper Burrowing Owl Yellow Rail Swamp Sparrow Northern Bobwhite Northern Saw-whet Owl Prairie Falcon Lewis's Woodpecker Pectoral Sandpiper Franklin's Gull Eurasian Tree Sparrow Buff-breasted Sandpiper Red-throated Loon Clay-colored Sparrow Least Tern Marsh Wren Wood Thrush Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Northern Waterthrush Laughing Gull Northern Mockingbird Blue-winged Warbler Cape May Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Sora Olive-sided Flycatcher Common Pheasant Black-bellied Plover Veery Cerulean Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Tennessee Warbler Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Eastern Towhee Common Moorhen Snowy Plover Greater Yellowlegs Hooded Merganser Gray Partridge Solitary Sandpiper Ovenbird Louisiana Waterthrush Scarlet Tanager Short-billed Dowitcher American Redstart Great Blue Heron Eastern Screech-Owl Eastern Phoebe Chestnut-sided Warbler Snow Goose Long-tailed Duck Nashville Warbler |
Related People |
Brewer, Marion M. Iowa Ornithologists' Union Records Committee Bierman, Dick Halmi, Nicholas S. Cummins, Raymond L. Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Harms, Ronald Jardine, Wallace E. Reese, Ronald Iowa Ornithologists' Union Huber, James E. Bierman, Vernon Dinsmore, Stephen J. Foote, LaVonne Martsching, Paul Moore, Francis L. Staudt, Thomas J. Zaletel, Hank Fuller, James L Thompson, Carol A. Petersen, Peter C. Blevins, Corey T. Petersen, Mary Lou Proescholdt, Mark Huff, Marlys Johnson, Ann Porter, Diane C. Proescholdt, Beth Sinclair, Jim Widner, Russ Savage, Betty Ernzen, Peter Dinsmore, James J. Ehresman, Bruce Schaufenbuel, Joseph P. Robinson, John C., 1959- Hendrickson, D Krekow, Charles Krekow, Lois Koenig, Darwin Schoenewe, Lee A. |
Admin Notes |