Field notes contributed by Tom Stone, Jr., summer 1980
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birds--Infancy
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Tom Stone, Jr. with observers Russell Hays, Eldon J. Bryant, Robert K. Myers and Francis L. Moore. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Stone, Tom, Jr.
Broad-winged Hawk Little Blue Heron Say's Phoebe Yellow-breasted Chat Common Moorhen Yellow-throated Warbler Virginia Rail Lark Bunting Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Acadian Flycatcher Louisiana Waterthrush Blue Grosbeak
Big Marsh Wildlife Area Forneys Lake Riverton Wildlife Management Area Thurman Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge Sweet Marsh White Pine Hollow State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Dean Mosman letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings, July 29, 1981
Correspondence Field notes
Bird declines Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Dean Mosman to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings, July 29, 1981. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Mosman, Dean
Purple Martin Eastern Bluebird Yellow-billed Cuckoo Ruby-throated Hummingbird Wood Thrush Black-billed Cuckoo
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Francis L. Moore with verifying documentation, summer 1981
Field notes Forms (documents) Reports
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birds--Research Tyrannidae | Flycatchers Ornithology--Methodology Rare birds Parulidae | Warblers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Summer report of birds contributed by Francis L. Moore. Verifying documentation of an extraordinary sighting of a Least Flycatcher is included. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Moore, Francis L.
Least Flycatcher Savannah Sparrow Ruddy Duck Spotted Sandpiper Louisiana Waterthrush Belted Kingfisher Black Tern
Dudgeon Lake State Wildlife Mgt Area Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Riverton Wildlife Management Area Volga Lake Waubonsie State Park Sweet Marsh Shimek State Forest Lylahs Marsh County Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Darwin Koenig letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings, July 31, 1981
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Darwin Koenig to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings, July 31, 1981. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Koenig, Darwin
Willow Flycatcher Yellow-breasted Chat Northern Mockingbird Blue-winged Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush American Redstart Eastern Whip-poor-will
Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Marquette Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge Poweshiek County Yellow River State Forest Montezuma White Pine Hollow State Park Shimek State Forest
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Douglas C. Harr letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings, July 23, 1981
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Douglas C. Harr to Thomas H. Kent regarding summer bird sightings in northwest Iowa, July 23, 1981. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Harr, Douglas C.
Least Bittern Upland Sandpiper Eastern Bluebird Canvasback Western Grebe Black-crowned Night Heron Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Larchwood Rush Lake Trumbull Lake West Hottes Lake Mill Creek State Park Garlock Slough Wildlife Management Area Inwood
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1981
Field notes Reports
Bird watching Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Summer report of birds contributed by James J. Dinsmore. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Dinsmore, James J.
Swainson's Hawk Least Bittern American Bittern Ring-billed Gull Eared Grebe Franklin's Gull Virginia Rail Forster's Tern Black-crowned Night Heron Canada Goose Lesser Scaup Green-winged Teal Yellow Warbler King Rail Black Tern Great Egret
Dan Green Slough Wildlife Management Area Deweys Pasture State Game Management Area Dickinson County Emmet County Jemmerson Slough Wildlife Management Area Trumbull Lake Eagle Lake Pocahontas County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Dick Bierman, summer 1981
Field notes Reports
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Summer report of birds found in and around Cherokee County contributed by Dick Bierman. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1981.
Bierman, Dick
Red-tailed Hawk Swainson's Hawk Cedar Waxwing Eastern Bluebird Ruby-throated Hummingbird Blue Grosbeak Yellow-throated Vireo
Cherokee County Osceola County Cherokee Little Sioux River Hospers
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Iowa Ornithologists' Union, Quarterly field report, summer 1981
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birds--Research Ornithology--Methodology Rare birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Quarterly field report for the summer of 1981 titled "Field Reports, summer 1981" contributed by Thomas H. Kent.
Kent, Thomas H. (Thomas Hugh), 1934- Iowa Ornithologists' Union
Eared Grebe Black-and-white Warbler Clay-colored Sparrow Yellow-throated Warbler Western Grebe Ringed Turtle-Dove
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Fred Lesher letter to Thomas Kent regarding Saw-whet Owl calls, March 15, 1981
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birding sites Birds--Nests Birdsongs Accipitridae | Hawks and Eagles
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
The letter reports a Saw-whet Owl sighting and mentions nesting Eagles in north-east Iowa. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of spring 1981.
Lesher, Fred
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Pool Slough Fish Farms Mounds Wildlife Management Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Jim Dinsmore letter to Thomas Kent regarding spring field reports, May 26, 1981
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Ornithology--Study and teaching Parulidae | Warblers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Included with the letter is a list of birds sighted by Jim Dinsmore and others in areas mainly around central Iowa. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of spring 1981.
Dinsmore, James J.
Smith's Longspur Eurasian Wigeon Brown Pelican
Little Wall Lake Ames Boone Deweys Pasture State Game Management Area Hendrickson Marsh Lake Nevada Ruthven
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Clarice Watson letter to Vernon M. Kleen regarding bird sightings, July 12, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birdsongs Birds--Infancy Birds--Feeding and feeds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by Clarice Watson in a letter to Vernon M. Kleen, July 12, 1980. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Watson, Clarice
Red-headed Woodpecker Warbling Vireo Indigo Bunting Field Sparrow Song Sparrow Yellow-billed Cuckoo Chimney Swift Brown Thrasher Western Kingbird Baltimore Oriole Great Crested Flycatcher House Wren Downy Woodpecker
Sioux City Moville
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Barbara L. Wilson, summer 1980
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird kills Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birdsongs Anseriformes | Ducks, Geese, and Swans Weather Birds--Infancy
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Barbara L. Wilson with observer W. Ross Silcock. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Wilson, Barbara L.
Eared Grebe Eastern Bluebird Franklin's Gull Wood Thrush Dickcissel Ruddy Duck Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Sedge Wren Blue Grosbeak Belted Kingfisher American Redstart Black Tern
Mills County Willow Slough State Game Management Area MidAmerican Energy Ponds
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
John Van Dyk letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, August 24, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by John Van Dyk in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, August 24, 1980. This item was submitted past the deadline for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Van Dyk, John, 1936-
Northern Flicker Least Bittern Purple Martin Yellow-breasted Chat Grasshopper Sparrow Yellow-billed Cuckoo Solitary Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Tree Swallow Great Blue Heron Northern Bobwhite
Rush Lake Sioux Center Sioux County Oak Grove State Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Gladys Black letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, July 30, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Fringillidae | Finches Troglodytidae | Wrens Songbirds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by Gladys Black in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, July 30, 1980. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Black, Gladys
Red-headed Woodpecker Turkey Vulture Bobolink Summer Tanager Yellow-breasted Chat Rose-breasted Grosbeak Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird Eastern Kingbird Brown Thrasher Baltimore Oriole Scarlet Tanager Belted Kingfisher Great Blue Heron Northern Bobwhite
Elk Rock State Park Lake Red Rock Pleasantville Red Rock Dam
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
W. Ross Silcock letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, August 2, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birdsongs
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by W. Ross Silcock in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, August 2, 1980. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Silcock, W. Ross
Northern Flicker Double-crested Cormorant Alder Flycatcher Yellow-breasted Chat Eastern Towhee American White Pelican Chuck-will's-widow Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Olive-sided Flycatcher Northern Parula Scarlet Tanager Tufted Titmouse Great Blue Heron
Forneys Lake Fremont County Iowa Lyon County Sioux County Waubonsie State Park Willow Slough State Game Management Area Gitchie Manitou State Preserve Big Sioux River Wildlife Area - Kroger Tract
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Charlotte Scott letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, September 12, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Ciconiiformes | Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks Charadriiformes | Shore-birds, Gulls, and Auks Songbirds Birds--Feeding and feeds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by Charlotte Scott in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, September 12, 1980. This item was submitted past the deadline for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Scott, Charlotte
Little Blue Heron Upland Sandpiper Cedar Waxwing Bell's Vireo Black-billed Cuckoo American Robin Great Egret
Rathbun Lake Seymour
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
David A. Newhouse letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, August 11, 1980
Correspondence Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by David A. Newhouse in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, August 11, 1980. The field notes include a sighting of a Leucistic Red-Tailed Hawk. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Newhouse, David A.
Killdeer Red-tailed Hawk American Kestrel Upland Sandpiper Turkey Vulture Brown-headed Cowbird Eastern Bluebird Song Sparrow Yellow-billed Cuckoo Dickcissel Hooded Merganser Burrowing Owl Northern Bobwhite
Dallas County Hamilton County Iowa Ledges State Park Boone County Maxwell Adair County
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Dean Mosman letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, July 29, 1980
Correspondence Field notes
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Nests Birdsongs Weather
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by Dean Mosman in a letter to Thomas H. Kent, July 29, 1980. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Mosman, Dean
Purple Martin Eastern Bluebird Ruby-throated Hummingbird Orchard Oriole Wood Thrush Great Crested Flycatcher Tufted Titmouse
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Francis L. Moore letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding bird sightings, July 31, 1980
Correspondence Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird populations Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birdsongs Songbirds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Field notes contributed by Francis L. Moore in a letter to Thomas H. Kent July 31, 1980 with observer Robert K. Myers. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980
Moore, Francis L.
Red-shouldered Hawk Yellow-headed Blackbird Chuck-will's-widow Marsh Wren Sanderling Northern Mockingbird Prothonotary Warbler Canada Warbler Swamp Sparrow Tennessee Warbler Greater White-fronted Goose Common Tern Black Tern
Dudgeon Lake State Wildlife Mgt Area Forneys Lake Iowa Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Riverton Wildlife Management Area Waterloo Waubonsie State Park Sweet Marsh Willow Slough State Game Management Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Tomma Lou Maas, spring 1980
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Conservation Birds--Nests Birdsongs
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Tomma Lou Maas with observer Randy Maas. The field notes include detailed observations. This item was submitted past the deadline for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly Report of spring 1980.
Maas, Tomma Lou Maas, Randy
Red-shouldered Hawk Great Horned Owl
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Richard Jule Hollis letter to Thomas H. Kent regarding Cliff Swallows, August 14, 1980
Correspondence Reports
Birds--Counting Birds--Eggs Birds--Nests
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
Letter from Richard Jule Hollis regarding the accompanying report on Cliff Swallows in Iowa City. The report consists of a study of breeding habits of Cliff Swallows. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Hollis, Richard Jule
House Sparrow Cliff Swallow
Iowa City
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Ione Getscher, summer 1980
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Vireonidae | Vireos Birds--Feeding and feeds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Ione Getscher. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Getscher, Ione
Red-headed Woodpecker Bell's Vireo Eastern Towhee Yellow-billed Cuckoo Ruby-throated Hummingbird Harris' Sparrow Western Kingbird Black-billed Cuckoo Belted Kingfisher
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by James J. Dinsmore, summer 1980
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Nests Birdsongs Cavity-nesting birds
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by James J. Dinsmore. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Dinsmore, James J.
Broad-winged Hawk Cooper's Hawk American Bittern Willow Flycatcher Least Flycatcher Western Grebe Cattle Egret Wilson's Phalarope Forster's Tern Black-crowned Night Heron Tree Swallow American Coot American Black Duck Green Heron
Dan Green Slough Wildlife Management Area Deweys Pasture State Game Management Area Hendrickson Marsh Lake Iowa Lake Wapello Trumbull Lake West Hottes Lake Silver Lake Round Lake
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by Raymond L. Cummins, summer 1980
Field notes Forms (documents)
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Tyrannidae | Flycatchers
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by Raymond L. Cummins. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Cummins, Raymond L.
Least Bittern Eared Grebe Willow Flycatcher Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Black-crowned Night Heron Olive-sided Flycatcher Veery Wilson's Warbler Canada Warbler Northern Waterthrush Nashville Warbler Green Heron
Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge Little Clear Lake Park Sunken Grove State Game Management Area Lizard Lake Briggs Woods County Park Pilot Creek Wildlife Area
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166
Field notes contributed by George E. Crossley, summer 1980
Field notes
Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Nests Birdsongs
Manuscript, graphic, and printed material
List of birds and locations contributed by George E. Crossley including observations from Robert Walton and the Youth Conservation Corps. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists Union Quarterly field report of summer 1980.
Crossley, George E.
Ruffed Grouse Yellow-headed Blackbird Bobolink Bell's Vireo Orchard Oriole Great Horned Owl American Woodcock Pileated Woodpecker Acadian Flycatcher Sedge Wren Ovenbird Louisiana Waterthrush Scarlet Tanager Great Blue Heron
Dubuque Swiss Valley Nature Center Finleys Landing Park
Iowa Ornithologists' Union | MS 166